Celebrity Death List 2023
Another 100k coming everyday..
Warhead wrote:
Rhino Neil .... I'm sorry, I'll read that again. Ryan O'Neal.

I mainly remember him from Peyton Place. Didn't like it very much.

Cause this is Angus Prune and this is my tune.
Bobbyaro wrote:
Warhead wrote:
Rhino Neil .... I'm sorry, I'll read that again. Ryan O'Neal.

I mainly remember him from Peyton Place. Didn't like it very much.

Cause this is Angus Prune and this is my tune.


Now THAT was entertainment.
Aw shit, this one made me feel bad:

Andre Braugher (Captain Holt from the brilliant [except the last season] Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
Ian Gibson, 2000ad artist of Halo Jones and Robo-Hunter died yesterday.

That's two people who brought me a lot of joy. I loved Ian Gibson's work in 2000AD and Halo Jones has probably my favourite art of any 2000AD thing ever. Lots of character, humour and I just loved his future-tech designs.

Andre Braugher I loved in Homicide: Life on the Street. He burned the screen up. It was my favourite show in the 90s and was one of the few things I felt cool being in on as it was bounced about its various graveyard slots on Channel 4. His character of Frank Pembleton had this buttoned-down ice-cold intelligence with a sharp quiet wit, split apart completely by one of his periodic rages at both equally injustice and other times simply him not getting his own way. He was just bloody superb. I'll miss him.
His son has been posting Ian's recent sketches in the last couple of weeks to the 2000ad Facebook group, so he was drawing right up to the end.
Man it's horrible to grow older and see your idols die off one by one. I think we need to form a protective barrier around Simon Bisley.
Gaston Glock inventor of popular handgun.
One of the original 80s nerd heroes Bryan Ansell has passed away.
Ah shite…
John Pilger on location at his final destination.
DavPaz wrote:
If anyone can better Dimrill's 2022 total of 4 notable black borders, I'll be surprised!

Ha! HAHAHAHhHAhHa! ha... those poor people. Except for Kissinger, of course.
Congrats Mr Rill. Your prize is a creeping sense of dread and a tingle on the back of your neck when you enter an empty room.
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