Google Android Apps and Games
Tracking your last 50 posts
markg wrote:
In app purchases? Bleurgh, bleurgh and thrice...bleurgh!


All it does is remove the ads, that's a pretty extreme reaction for something so innocuous.
Used Google Navigation this morning, and it offered me a faster route half way through my journey. Good work, Gaywood.
Joans wrote:
Used Google Navigation this morning, and it offered me a faster route half way through my journey. Good work, Gaywood.

Pff, so did my TomTom.

You suck, Gaywood!
Threes is now out officially on Android for anyone wanting to know what all the fuss from our iOS brethren has been about. Although searching for that on Google Play to post it turned up about five clones so chances are you already know what it's all about.
I've got Fives (which I assume is practically the same thing), and find it most enjoyable.
Grim... wrote:
I've got Fives (which I assume is practically the same thing), and find it most enjoyable.

Yeah, that was the clone I played as well. It's not my cup of tea but I can understand why other people like it.

In other Android game news, Shadow Blade is fucking brilliant. Tough ninja platform game with various different targets (time and collectibles) for each level. I've been playing it on and off for the last couple of weeks and it's excellent stuff. It does take a while to ramp up the difficulty and that can be variable (a couple of the time targets are brutal in the early level packs whereas some of the Hardcore levels can be knocked off in a single attempt) but it's generally a smooth progression.
I bought Threes. Got 23xx points in my first game. Felt completely random. The jury is out.
lasermink wrote:
I bought Threes. Got 23xx points in my first game. Felt completely random. The jury is out.

Whoop! Just scored 22983 points on this. I am getting better and better, so it can't be that random, although there is certainly luck involved.

Regardless, the game is an incredibly clever piece of game design, beautifully crafted and impossible to put down. Would be well worth it at ten times the price.
Season 1 of The Walking Dead (plus the DLC) has finally made it over from Amazon's nonsense to proper Google Play for anyone who's interested. The first chapter is free and the rest is unlockable via IAP. I've got the whole thing waiting to be played on the PC but I've installed it on my Nexus 10 just to see how it plays, and because I've got a half an hour train journey after work tonight that it'll be perfect for it.
Cross-posting from the bargains thread: with the new Humble Android Bundle you pay what you want for Bag It!, R-Type II and Aralon: Sword and Shadow and beat the average to get The Cave, The Room 2 and Carcassonne. It's the 'beat the average' games that are the real winners there of course but the current min price for all six is only $4.21.
Grrr! I'm currently playing Rayman Fiesta Run and was really enjoying it but I forgot from the first game how much I fucking despise the 'float' mechanic when it starts popping up.

The game's at it's best when you hit the zone of fluid progress; chaining jumps, punches and wall-runs effortlessly together. Or fucking a section up entirely and instantly restarting with a vow not to make the same mistake again. Then the float mechanic comes in and suddenly the flow of entire levels goes to shit, with the satisfying and dynamic bouncing around mixed jarringly with sections of treacle-slow bumbling.

It's not helped by the fact that the float mechanic easily allows you to deviate from the 'racing line' of the courses such that it brings element of almost randomness to proceedings. With the digital timing of jumps/punches/wall-runs you either nail it exactly and are rewarded with progress, or you fuck it up and are punished with death/missed lums. Conversely, with the float, there's an analogue nature to the things which just muddies the waters of what the level design is expecting from you and means that sections you've blasted through in one attempt can equally as easily be failed on subsequent tries. All of which I feel ruins the 'little bit further every time' compulsiveness of the series at it's best and flat out ruins the pure fun of it.

I'm still going to carry on with the game but while, with levels with no float, I'll happily play them and their invaded versions over and over until I max them; the float based courses I'll simply sprint to the end and then pass over. Fucking float. >:(
I kept meaning to mention Google Opinion Rewards as I haven't heard much chat about it. It's an official Google app that will pop-up now and again to let you know about a survey you can fill in, via the app, for which you can earn money to spend in the Google Play store. The surveys never take more than about ten seconds to fill in and although the rewards are pretty random (I think the lowest I got was 6p and the highest about 30p) when apps and games are so cheap for Android it's actually worthwhile. So far I've only earned £1.26, and I'm a little bit unsure how to spend it but just keep forgetting to look into it, but that's decent money for near-zero effort in the world of mobile apps.
Grim... wrote:

The Google juggernaut rolls over another industry
Grim... wrote:

It's only a problem when it affects you personally isn't it?

I'm just a true champion of the people.
Where the hell does android download files to on Nexus 7?? It isn't the "download" folder, and there doesn't appear to be any way of telling it to download to a specific place, so ...?
Bobbyaro wrote:
Where the hell does android download files to on Nexus 7?? It isn't the "download" folder, and there doesn't appear to be any way of telling it to download to a specific place, so ...?

Just like with Windows different apps might do different things, so when you say 'Android'what app do you actually mean you're downloading with?
Chrome, i can seee the files I d/l in the "downloads" app, but can't navigate to that place on either the device or from a PC.
Bobbyaro wrote:
Chrome, i can seee the files I d/l in the "downloads" app, but can't navigate to that place on either the device or from a PC.

You should definitely be able to see that folder. What app are your using to browse your folders on the device? ES Explorer or something?
I am, as usual, failing to explain things!
I have d/l some items using chrome on my android, I can see them/access them from the downloads app. There is a folder on the android called "download", which I can navigate to from both PC and using android app File Manager HD. However, that folder is (apparently) empty using both navigation methods. So I am trying to figure out where on the device these files are.
Bobbyaro wrote:
I am, as usual, failing to explain things!
I have d/l some items using chrome on my android, I can see them/access them from the downloads app. There is a folder on the android called "download", which I can navigate to from both PC and using android app File Manager HD. However, that folder is (apparently) empty using both navigation methods. So I am trying to figure out where on the device these files are.

Yeah, that's what I thought you were saying. I'm at a bit of a loss there to be honest, Chrome definitely downloads to the folder Download and you can't even configure that anywhere so it's not like you could have it doing something else. If I look at my Download folder I can see all the stuff I've downloaded via Chrome just sitting there, and that's always been the case across all my Android devices.

The only thing to note is that the Downloads app will show you pretty much everything you've downloaded even if you've subsequently deleted it from the file system using a file manager app but that's not what's going on here because you can still open these files from your Downloads app which obviously you wouldn't be able to do if they were somehow deleted.

As you've got a Nexus device it's not even as if you could be looking at a folder on an external SD card or anything, you've only got one file store to worry about. Let me install that File Manager HD app and see if I can replicate what you're seeing somehow...
That File Manager HD's a pretty horrible file manager in terms of how it displays folders but it still did the job, I could see my Downloads folder and the files in it. All I can suggest is to install ES File Explorer and see if that makes any difference as I've no idea why you wouldn't be able to see your files here I'm afraid.
Bamba wrote:

The only thing to note is that the Downloads app will show you pretty much everything you've downloaded even if you've subsequently deleted it from the file system using a file manager app but that's not what's going on here because you can still open these files from your Downloads app which obviously you wouldn't be able to do if they were somehow deleted.


Well, WTF? I think this might be it. The reason I wanted to access the folder is because the items are ebooks and they keep crashing the apps when i try to load them. It never occurred to me that it is maybe because they aren't there!
What a strange design! Is there any way to clear the list?
Bobbyaro wrote:
Bamba wrote:

The only thing to note is that the Downloads app will show you pretty much everything you've downloaded even if you've subsequently deleted it from the file system using a file manager app but that's not what's going on here because you can still open these files from your Downloads app which obviously you wouldn't be able to do if they were somehow deleted.


Well, WTF? I think this might be it. The reason I wanted to access the folder is because the items are ebooks and they keep crashing the apps when i try to load them. It never occurred to me that it is maybe because they aren't there!
What a strange design! Is there any way to clear the list?

There's no way to mass clear it but you can select multiple items using the checkboxes against each item and you'll then get a trash can button you can tap to delete them and/or clear them from the list.

Bear in mind though that unless you've manually deleted anything you've downloaded, or moved the files to a different folder, things shouldn't be disappearing from there.

My general advice would be to just ignore that Downloads app and manage your files using a file manager, then what you see is what you get. I honestly never use it for anything.
Tiny Dice Dungeon is fun and simple and clever, but you it has a "stamina bar" and IAPs so you'll all hate it. ...
Grim... wrote:
Tiny Dice Dungeon is fun and simple and clever, but you it has a "stamina bar" and IAPs so you'll all hate it. ...

I've got it installed and haven't played it yet so thanks for the warning, I can now just uninstall it.
But it's fun and simple and clever!
It is fun, I like it.
It's not just fun, it's actually quite brilliant really, at least it is in the early stages, I haven't got the grind yet.

If you like gambling based, pokemon-a-like, dice rpg collect-em-ups then give it a go.
All the same people who play Marvel Wallet Quest are recommending this, so no.
It's being recommended by people who like games. You do like games don't you? Or are you some kind of game hater?
Trooper wrote:
It's being recommended by people who like games. You do like games don't you? Or are you some kind of game hater?

It seems to be turning that way.
I started playing Ramble Planet the other day, a self-described "scavenger hunt RPG", and am thoroughly enjoying it thus far. It's an odd-looking game as the screenshots there attest but there's a real clarity to it's visual design that helps you in your exploration of the planet you find yourself on. And exploration is what it's all about; you do defeat monsters as you level-up but there's no combat to speak of and the entire game is focussed on the discovery of arcane machines and exotic beasts that help you piece together the objectives the game's design hints at. It's one of those games that starts off almost completely opaque and has you wandering around with only the briefest of explanations but the context and requirements come into focus as you explore in a way that compels you forward. The wonderfully pulpy sci-fi flavour text that appears whenever you interact with anything in the game world adds to the surprising richness of the whole thing. With any such game there's obviously a risk it hits a brick wall of incomprehensibility at some point and I can't promise it won't as I'm not all that far in, but so far the way exploration naturally translates into progress and enlightenment is enthralling in the way the best Zelda/Metroidvania games also manage.

Which is all just so much wanky chat from me--and pretty much guarantees you'll all hate it of course--but it's free and excellent so give it a shot. It's also out on Windows and OUYA.
There's A Where's My Water 2, fuckers!
Grim... wrote:
There's A Where's My Water 2, fuckers!

It's been out for ages, it's utterly infested with countdown timers and fucking Facebook linking bullshit.
So it is. That makes sense, as it was the constant ads and hassling you to connect it to Facebook which made the first one so popular.

Well, try Bonza instead. Is a bit like a crossword, but easier.
Trooper wrote:
It's not just fun, it's actually quite brilliant really, at least it is in the early stages, I haven't got the grind yet.

If you like gambling based, pokemon-a-like, dice rpg collect-em-ups then give it a go.

I'm a few hours into this now and can indeed confirm that it is highly enjoyable.

I can see the IAPs but haven't felt the inclination or need to spend any real money yet, so it doesn't appear to be a total gouge-fest.
New Halloween themed "X, Please" game called Candy, Please! has been quietly released. This was a public service announcement exclusively for Grim.
Grim... is pleased.
80 Days is currently free on the Amazon app store for Android.
And, interestingly, one of the permissions it asks for is the Google Play license check. Odd.
Cobracure wrote:
Currently playing Light Shadow Racing.

As with all the best games, a simple concept extremely well done.

It's drag racing, with 6 tiers of cars, upgrading them and its 1v1 against computer or other players.

Features Quests, Career, Tasks and 2 hour, 6 hour and 24 hour races (races only take 8-20 seconds then when the timer is up, the winners get $ and gold to upgrade some more or buy another car.)

Anyway, check it out its very addictive (and possible to play completely free) ... l&hl=en_GB

Seems alright, but the mute option doesn't mute all the sounds, so it'll have to be deleted.
Bamba wrote:
And, interestingly, one of the permissions it asks for is the Google Play license check. Odd.

I find it very limiting that you either have to accept all permissions for an app, or none at all.
Future Warrior wrote:
Bamba wrote:
And, interestingly, one of the permissions it asks for is the Google Play license check. Odd.

I find it very limiting that you either have to accept all permissions for an app, or none at all.

The QA process were that the case... *shudder*
Mr Dave wrote:
Future Warrior wrote:
Bamba wrote:
And, interestingly, one of the permissions it asks for is the Google Play license check. Odd.

I find it very limiting that you either have to accept all permissions for an app, or none at all.

The QA process were that the case... *shudder*

What? When you go to install an app pm Android it says, "this is what's going to happen." It's very much a 'like it or lump it' approach.
Future Warrior wrote:
Bamba wrote:
And, interestingly, one of the permissions it asks for is the Google Play license check. Odd.

I find it very limiting that you either have to accept all permissions for an app, or none at all.

How would the alternative make any sense? The app's asking for whatever permissions it requires to function, if you grant some but not others there's no way to guarantee it'll even work. You'd get all sorts of weird failures and nonsense when it tried to do shit and hit a permission error. That's just madness.
Future Warrior wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
Future Warrior wrote:
Bamba wrote:
And, interestingly, one of the permissions it asks for is the Google Play license check. Odd.

I find it very limiting that you either have to accept all permissions for an app, or none at all.

The QA process were that the case... *shudder*

What? When you go to install an app pm Android it says, "this is what's going to happen." It's very much a 'like it or lump it' approach.

With each permission, you're adding both a testing requirement and also a development need to code for the missing permission, which may or may not be met due to budget requirements. And with each permission, the number of permission combinations increases on something like an exponential curve.

It's just asking for bugs to be introduced.
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