The Movie topic there is none
KovacsC wrote:
round the twist?

Nah mate, you just get confused sometimes
I thought 1917 was very good. Really, genuinely tense in sections - I think I held my breath for the entire No Man's Land section - and really beautiful in others, like the fire scene. To be honest, it comes across as more of a horror than a "war film". The "single cut" thing is cool, but to be honest i don't think it really mattered, and I'm not sure it would be too different if it were a regular edit. There were a few plot head scratches such as

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
How did Mark Strong and his lorries get to the farm house? They'd just spent 30 mins clambering through barbed wire and shell holes to get there

but I didn't twig them until after, so I don't suppose it matters, and the film manages to force in a fair bunch of the standard WWI tropes.

But, overall, tense and thrilling and great looking.

I give it 13 thumbs up.

P.S. He's Tommen Baratheon if, like me, you spend a decent chunk of the film trying to work out where you've seen Lance Corporal Blake
Film review! Allita Battle Angel is an amazing film with a strong female lead who is also a robot who fights other robots in the future who work for a robot dictator. Who lives in the sky. It has Jennifer Connelly in it as well.
1917 was spectacular.

Gripping, horrifying, beautiful and yet other worldly.

The set designs were fantastic, the one continuous shot was just so ambitious and the entire thing was a marvel to look at. Each frame was packed with detail, I was just blown away.

Sometimes I could forget about the WW1 background and imagine the world being set in a post-apocalyptic future against aliens.

I’m utterly unaware how long the film was because I just sat there on edge throughout the run time. I felt exhausted after it had finished, just like the main character perhaps. If that was what they were going for then they nailed it.

What didn’t I like?

The running sequence they showed in the fucking trailer. When you get to that point in the film you immediately know what’s going to happen which sucked out ‘some’ of the tension. Just a bit. Not much, mind, it was still great.

I wanted to see whether the conversation with the french woman would have been better without the subtitles.

There’s one shot of a tree towards the end. I’m sure the tree is CG: it just looked so alien and out of place. It needed a “normal” tree in my mind.

Weirdly, despite the film initially being about the camaraderie between these guys, there’s not a lot of character development going on because you don’t stay with any of the characters more than a few minutes each. The people you do meet however each make an impact on screen; they’re instant formed. None of this: he’s mad, he’s sad, he’s grumpy, he’s that etc.

I didn’t cry. I thought I might, but I just felt sad... but I didn’t cry. Point deducted because it clearly failed somewhere emotionally.

9/10, utterly essential. It’ll probably end up being the best film of 2020.
Also, I’d like to point out that 1917 is Crank but set in WW1. It’s that good.
John Wick 3, I gave up after an hour in, what a load of shite.
I liked 1, thought 2 was ok, but 3 gave up any semblance of trying for a plot.

I made it through the whole thing, but only by taking a break in the middle. ... 8#p1028488
The 3 wise men of wrongness :)
John Wick 3 is great, buffoons.
I still enjoyed it but definitely a downward trajectory that series of films.
Grim... wrote:
John Wick 3 is great, buffoons.

So much, this. I thought it genuinely managed to expand on what went before.

And thanks for the reminder to check out 1917's trailer (now I've seen the film - I knew it was arguably spoilerific thanks to Kermode and Mayo). Great shot, great giveaway. Watch the film, avoid the trailer.
This will be a shock, but I agree with Trooper.
Shazam was quite good in a lightweight, throwaway style. A solid 73 percent-er.
Satsuma wrote:

Not having much of a plot is one thing, but literally having no reason whatsoever to care about anything that happens to anyone in the entire thing for any reason is a big problem.

Even the dumbest of films need to get you invested in the protagonist, the world, and the story.

The original John Wick did it. The guy lost his wife, his dog was all he had living to remind him of her, they kill his dog, game on - it's simple but it works.

I mean fucking hell, Hardcore Henry spent a few minutes establishing character and motivation.

Or Crank, even fucking Crank did it.
Sir Taxalot wrote:
Shazam was quite good in a lightweight, throwaway style. A solid 73 percent-er.

I found it sagged a bit in the middle. Still a pretty good movie though, although Aquaman is still my favourite of the DCEU so far.
Hearthly wrote:
Satsuma wrote:

Not having much of a plot is one thing, but literally having no reason whatsoever to care about anything that happens to anyone in the entire thing for any reason is a big problem.

The original John Wick did it. The guy lost his wife, his dog was all he had living to remind him of her, they kill his dog, game on - it's simple but it works.

At the start of the film he’s kicked out the assassins guild and has a bounty on his head. Everyone wants to kill Wick. He must survive and get the bounty off his head - game on. It’s simple but it works.

I mean, you want to watch a drama put on Eastenders - you want to see Reeves shoot people in the face watch Jay Dub 3. It’s for the gun nuts.

Even the dumbest of films need to get you invested in the protagonist, the world, and the story.

You’ve had 2 full length films to do all that shit. These are the worst bits of the third film. I simply don’t care the expand the universe and the lore because that’s time when he could be having a knife fight.
Satsuma wrote:
You’ve had 2 full length films to do all that shit. These are the worst bits of the third film. I simply don’t care the expand the universe and the lore because that’s time when he could be having a knife fight.

I like The Adjudicator, though. Asia Dillon is perfect for that role.
I stand corrected. She was ace.

At the time I wrote that I was thinking of the lengthy segments with the Russian woman and the head of the table. I could have done without either of those.
Satsuma wrote:
I stand corrected. They were ace.


(Fixed that for you if you were talking about the actor)
I’m unsure what boo-boo I’ve made here. She’s not a she? She’s a genderless entity?
John Witcher 3 has no light and shade, no nuance, no subtlety. If everything is a high, then nothing is a high.
Satsuma wrote:
I’m unsure what boo-boo I’ve made here. She’s not a she? She’s a genderless entity?

That's right - Asia identifies as nonbinary. I think the character is referred to as a "she", but now I think about it maybe not.
I’d never know that without someone telling me.
Satsuma wrote:
I’d never know that without someone telling me.

That's true of most things, I find.
Satsuma wrote:
I’d never know that without someone telling me.

I hear you, it's tricky. I think that best practise is to not assume anything (hopefully @Mr Chonks will be along to join in soon) but that's really hard, especially if someone is obviously male / female presenting.

Also if they have different pronouns (ze, sie and all that) I don't know how you'd know without them telling you, so maybe it's okay to get it wrong?


I think the important thing is to get it right after you've been told (which, irritatingly, I'm really bad at. I have enough trouble remembering people's names).
Grim... wrote:

I think the important thing is to get it right after you've been told

I think you’ve pretty much covered it. Also if you’re not sure how someone is presenting it’s absolutely cool to ask them what their preferred pronouns are - don’t be embarrassed. It’s much worse misgendering someone inadvertently.
I’ve got a preferred pronoun for you.
Satsuma wrote:
I’ve got a preferred pronoun for you.

Which is?
Satsuma wrote:

That’s either a regular noun or a proper noun, depending on if it’s a name or not.

Nice of you to try though, I can never say you don’t put effort in
Also a verb in the vernacular.
Cras wrote:
Also a verb in the vernacular.

Yes, but I thought it best to just keep to nouns as to not baffle the poor chap
Mr Chonks wrote:
Also if you’re not sure how someone is presenting it’s absolutely cool to ask them what their preferred pronouns are - don’t be embarrassed.

I'll be sure to ask all the pregnant-looking ladies I see when they're due, too!

To be more serious, I can see that question causing offence.
I just watched GOOD TIME (again) since it's currently on Netflix and first time around I arranged a 'private special showing'.

Cracking good film, if UNCUT GEMS shows up at the cinema here I'll see if any of the chaps from work want to go and watch it with me.

If you haven't seen GOOD TIME, watch it on Netflix.
Pundabaya wrote:
Sir Taxalot wrote:
Shazam was quite good in a lightweight, throwaway style. A solid 73 percent-er.

I found it sagged a bit in the middle. Still a pretty good movie though, although Aquaman is still my favourite of the DCEU so far.

I watched it across two evenings, for some reason, so I didn't notice that as much. I stopped just after the 'bus' bit.

I liked Aquaman too, and thought most of the DCEU films that I've seen have been alright, sure they weren't great but they felt reasonably competently done to me, pretty good throwaway fun.

The end credits for Shazam were incredibly cool and stylishly done, fun too. I've really enjoyed some of the artistic flair that's gone into a lot of end credits over the past few years. Thor Ragnarok, the original Lego Movie and Spiderman (PS4) are some other ones that I've seen recently which come to mind as being cool.
Lego Movie 2's credits were mesmerising.
As I was watching 6 Underground I found it to be both fun, unpleasant, a bit shit, exciting, and also boring. A rollercoaster of emotions indeed.

I hated the stupid jumping-around in time (6 months ago, wait, 4 weeks ago, hold on, some other time in the past not sure when, wait, the present again) style of presenting how the team got together. The car chase around Florence was fantastic in parts.

Maybe it was trying too hard to be cool, and that's not cool.
Sir Taxalot wrote:
Maybe it was trying too hard to be cool, and that's not cool.

That's Malicool
Still trying to process '1917'. Definitely an amazing technical achievement and worth seeing on the big screen. Initial thoughts behind the veil:

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Initially I felt disappointed by the ending, as other than the nice bookend with the tree it just kind of stopped. Yet the more I thought about it, the more I thought that the anticlimax is probably more realistic - he might have gone through all that shit, but nobody else would have cared.

They could have cut about half the dialogue and not lost anything of note. The most effective parts throughout were those with no words just the men/man moving through the environment. Much of the script was clunky or expositional and we didn't really need the stillness of no man's land broken by "here's the exit" and such like.

The single take approach was very clever, but resulted in me feeling that I was watching a cinematic version of a modern video game. Here's your player moving through the landscape having short interactions with NPC and cutscenes. Whilst I can't deny that there were moments of extreme tension in the film, most of the time I found myself watching where the camera was swooping, picking out details in the landscape and enjoying the ride rather than caring about the characters. It's almost as if the film was too much in love with the technical stuff and wanted to keep reminding us of that rather than using it to advance the story.

The scene in the woods with the singer was sublime. Really haunting, and came at just the right point in the film.

So, I'm glad I went and it's definitely an experience you need to have, but once you strip it down it's pretty humdrum.

My above views might change over time, however. Just an initial response 11 hours or so later.
I watched BAD BOYS last night because it's on Netflix and I was in the mood for something at the less taxing end of the watching experience.

Haven't seen it since the VHS days and...... it still holds up as a decent buddy action cop flick. (In fact, we had the actual shop-bought VHS of it up until a few years ago when I fired all our VHS tapes off to the tip.)

Obviously it's very Bay-esque, the story is paper thin and the whole thing is fairly preposterous, but Smith and Lawrence have great on-screen chemistry and Tea Leoni is lovely. Oh yes and Joe Pantaloonio is always watchable too.

I love these mid 90s era films for the tech as well, our heroes have PAGERS but the baddies have MOBILE PHONES.

Anyway, if you want a noisy two hours that doesn't demand much, with some great action setpieces, loads of swearing and some decent laughs, still a good watch.

Kingsman 2: laugh out loud funny, and a super great way to spend two hours.
Bad Day For The Cut

Fucking brilliant. Donal is such a loveable character and the world needs more of him. Lots of twists to the plot.

Hearthly wrote:
Yes I gave it 925/1000 - bloody good film. ... 28#p998028

I must have missed that.

Agree though, fantastic movie.

Really reminded me of my time in Ireland on a farm.
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