Beex, Yo.
Bits and Bobs 33
The highest degree in Masonry
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a crude penis! I know this because that's the result I got when I drew a crude penis!
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Call me cynical, but I had an email from Facebook this morning telling me someone had logged into my account from somewhere they didn't recognize. Admittedly, my first reaction was not to care, but I thought I'd better see if any damage had been done.
I logged in, it told me someone had tried to log in from New Mexico (or somewhere) and to confirm if it was me or not. I said it wasn't, so they got me to change my password. So far, so good. Now at this point, I'd have expected some sort of "here's what you did when you were logged in from New Mexico", or "don't panic, they didn't do anything", but instead Facebook just went into full on "you might know these people. Add them. Aaaaaadddd them..." mode.
So unless anyone can see that I've joined a group about fucking horses or anything recently, I'm wondering if was just a newly-phrased and slightly over-dramatic "Facebook is missing you" email.
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MaliA wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Advantage of working late: being right on time to see the early shift lapdancers, hastily clothed, nip out of the club to grab a kebab. Very amusing.

Yes, I am waiting for a bus in the city centre.

I was turned down for a job in a lap dancing club for 'lack of bar experience'.

I think that was just a polite way of them telling you "We think you're too ugly to be a stripper". Sorry MaliA.
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Apple is now worth more than Poland.
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I spent the evening last night taking a PS3 apart to try and fix it.

I may post pictures later and whilst it wasn't a perfect success, it was interesting.
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TheVision wrote:
whilst it wasn't a perfect success

... you now have a shiny new doorstop. :D
User avatar
TheVision wrote:
I spent the evening last night taking a PS3 apart to try and fix it.

I may post pictures later and whilst it wasn't a perfect success, it was interesting.

"Tis a fine barn, sure, but tis no PS3, english"
User avatar
Not quite as bad as that but we started with a PS3 that didn't work. Anything we did with it would have been an improvement surely?

It ended up working after we'd tinkered with it but it looks like it's in a safe start up mode. It's looking for an update on the hard drive which isn't there and it won't find it on a USB memory stick.
User avatar
Put it on the hard drive.
User avatar
TheVision wrote:
Not quite as bad as that but we started with a PS3 that didn't work. Anything we did with it would have been an improvement surely?

It ended up working after we'd tinkered with it but it looks like it's in a safe start up mode. It's looking for an update on the hard drive which isn't there and it won't find it on a USB memory stick.

Also depending on the version of PS3 you can get into a debug mode by holding down the power and eject buttons at different points on startup (the debug menu is about 7 items and includes a flash from usb stick) ... 74#2252774

How to Access Playstation Recovery Menu

1. Turn off Playstation®3.
2. Hold The power button down; The system will turn on and turn off once again.
3. Once the System has been shutdown, re-press you finger until you hear 2 consecutive beeps
4. When you hear the 2 beeps take finger off power button.
5. You will be promted to plug in your controller via usb and then hit the PS button
6. The Recovery menu will pop up.
User avatar
Would flashing from a USB stick wipe the hard drive completely? My friend is trying to save his game saves.
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TheVision wrote:
Would flashing from a USB stick wipe the hard drive completely? My friend is trying to save his game saves.

You can just re-flash the current firmware which will leave the drive exactly as it is and not touch his save files (however some of the other options in there *will* wipe the drive so make sure your careful)
User avatar
Excellent! Sounds like the way to go. I shall let you know how we get on.
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Quiet on here today.
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A bit.
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You know that Cthulhu mask you made?

Can you make me an all in one suit please.

Zip up front.
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Can I make little button holes for your nipples to stick out from?
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Thinking about it, velcro would probably be better than a zip.
User avatar
Most important question you will hear today.

Why does the winky dimlie have its tongue sticking out? Wouldn't that be ;p ?
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Trooper wrote:
Most important question you will hear today.

Why does the winky dimlie have its tongue sticking out? Wouldn't that be ;p ?

It doesn't.
That's a tooth.

That's a tongue.
User avatar
Rolling the database over means something tos ome people, but to me it is "sit and read the news all day".
User avatar
Grim... wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Most important question you will hear today.

Why does the winky dimlie have its tongue sticking out? Wouldn't that be ;p ?

It doesn't.
That's a tooth.

That's a tooth?
User avatar
It's clearly a tooth.
User avatar
Obviously not that clear...
User avatar
Trooper wrote:
Obviously not that clear...

User avatar
If your tongue is white, you may have something of an issue.
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Since last friday, I have done over 30 hours of overtime :P
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DavPaz wrote:
Since last friday, I have done over 30 hours of overtime :P

Testing Aliens Blu-rays doesn't count as overtime.
User avatar
Paperclips from floor to ceiling. God bless Friday. Is it home time yet?
User avatar
I've hame a pretty graph showing improvement in forecast accuracy. And narrowed the x axis, so the best fit line is sharper.
User avatar
Grim... wrote:
It's clearly a tooth.

User avatar
Grim... wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Most important question you will hear today.

Why does the winky dimlie have its tongue sticking out? Wouldn't that be ;p ?

It doesn't.
That's a tooth.

That's a tongue.

I used to quite like Trooper, I'd think to myself "I hope Trooper comes to a beexmeet soon, I would like to meet him." And now...well. After this Dimlie incident, I shall never think of you the same way.
User avatar
Trooper! Come to Liverpool!
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Move Liverpool closer to me!
User avatar
It's definitely a tooth. Anyone can see that.
User avatar
Trooper wrote:
Move Liverpool closer to me!

Pssht. You live up north as it is.
User avatar
Craster will pick you up! He practically offered, right there!

User avatar
Where is Liverpool, anyway? I don't have to takevmy extreme measures to get there or anything, do I? Like, it's just down the road, yeah?
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flis wrote:
Where is Liverpool, anyway? I don't have to takevmy extreme measures to get there or anything, do I? Like, it's just down the road, yeah?

It's downhill from everywhere. Just let your brakes off.
Jesus. The British women's beach volleyball team should be reported to trading standards.
User avatar
ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
Jesus. The British women's beach volleyball team should be reported to trading standards.

No beaches?
One of them makes Grim... look skinny and effeminate.
User avatar
Trooper wrote:
Move Liverpool closer to me!

Come with me on the Sunday.
User avatar
Mingers, clearly...

User avatar
Grim... wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Move Liverpool closer to me!

Come with me on the Sunday.

I could give some long convoluted reason as to why I couldn't make, but the real reason behind it would be that it's a long way and I really can't be arsed :D
I missed the charity conversations the other day.

I'm about to cancel my regular donation to a charity (was £6 a month for a couple of years, upped it to £15 a month a year or so ago) after they tried to call me 10 times in three days to talk to me about the wonderful work they do. I picked the final call up by mistake (I'd googled the incoming number as I didn't recognise it, and knew it was a charity phone mugger operation) and the bloke on the end would not take no for an answer, replying that he wasn't looking for more funds, he just wanted to share some stories. Had to hang up eventually.
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Dragged myself out of bed at 6am after four hours’ sleep to do my car theory test, only for their system to throw a fit at my profile, and only mine. Annoying. So I didn’t get to sit the test, and now have to ring up and reschedule it either in the week if I can get any short-notice time off work, or two weeks away because the test centre only opens up every other Saturday. Fucksake.
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Been to Bicester and back. 2hours 45 minutes each way. New record! Got the bikes up here now, hurrah!
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