The Movie topic there is none
Last night I watched Alejandro Jodorowsky's "El Topo" for the third time, I still don't get it but I was in the mood for something weird.
That looks fantastic.
The Rev Owen wrote:
Ratatouille - Generally regarded as the runt of Pixar litter, I enjoyed this a lot more than I expected. It's good.

I would consider Cars to be the weakest Pixar offering. Saved by some utterly heart-breakingly beautiful visuals.
The Rev Owen wrote:
Ratatouille - Generally regarded as the runt of Pixar litter, I enjoyed this a lot more than I expected. It's good.

Curious, I thought that it had been very well rated, and that Cars was the runt. Anyway, I think Ratatouille is probably my fave Pixar film, and Anton Ego is one of the most wonderful characters I've seen in animated films.
I saw 'The Hangover' at the cinema on Saturday.

Excellently funny film.

It also sets the bar for my coming Stag Do in October.
Ratatouille is great. Still not watched Wall-E yet, must fix this.
Zardoz wrote:
Still not watched Wall-E yet, must fix this.

You must. It's fantastic.
Zardoz wrote:
Still not watched Wall-E yet, must fix this.

Me neither. I'm purchasing it now.
myp wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
Still not watched Wall-E yet, must fix this.

You must. It's fantastic.

Wall-E made this prematurely middle-aged cynic all warm and fuzzy. It made me feel like a kid. Really.

I struggle to name a top 10 of movies generally cos I like so many, but Wall-E would be in the top 3, no doubt.
Trading Places was on the other night. I love Trading Places :)

I especially love certain bits with Jamie Lee Curtis in.
Grim... wrote:
Trading Places was on the other night. I love Trading Places :)

I especially love certain bits with Jamie Lee Curtis in.

She's a man, dude.

Did Snopes do that urban myth about her being born as a hermaphordite and her parents having to choose what sex she should be? *googles*
Snopes says they can't prove it either way.
There was something in the Times a while ago about there being some big thing her dad woudln't talk about with the journalist - he raised teh "something" in the interview and was all odd.

She's definitely had both sets of undercarriage.

Totally would, though.
She has way too good boobs for a man though.
She really hasn't.
Hormone treatment.

Also - you haven't seen Craster's, Ruysan. Phwoooar.
Craster wrote:
She really hasn't.

well, last time i saw them in a movie i still was a kid, so maybe the fact that they were boobs were enough. I have to check them again, just to be sure.
Mr Chris wrote:
Also - you haven't seen Craster's, Ruysan. Phwoooar.

Yeah, but they're ginger.
Last nights weird film was "Freaks", for the millionth time.

I love Freaks, it's like a twisted Disney story or a Tim Burton film. It also has a fascinating background, what with it being banned for years & its use of an all star cast of genuine freaks. The best example being the Hilton Sister's (siamese twins) gruesome end.
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
The Hiltons' last public appearance was at a drive-in movie theater in Charlotte, North Carolina. Their tour manager abandoned them there, and with no means of transportation or income, they were forced to take a job in a nearby grocery store.

On January 4, 1969, after they failed to report to work, their boss called the police. The twins were found dead in their home due to the Hong Kong Flu. According to forensics, Daisy died first, with Violet dying perhaps 2-4 days later.
You need to tell us about stuff like this before the event, Wullie.
Anyone who doesn't have Freaks on DVD is a big old silly.
Grim... wrote:
You need to tell us about stuff like this before the event, Wullie.
I watched the DVD though & am just recommending people watch it :)
It's on TCM on a regular basis though, or you could just borrow it off the Internets.
The Rev Owen wrote:
Anyone who doesn't have Freaks on DVD is a big old silly.
Strongly agree.
Mr Chris wrote:
There was something in the Times a while ago about there being some big thing her dad woudln't talk about with the journalist - he raised teh "something" in the interview and was all odd.

She's definitely had both sets of undercarriage.

Totally would, though.

She's a Lady :D
Just watched Public Enemies. It is a typically slick Michael Mann effort, with pretty visuals and an excellent bang shoot out. Johnny Depp is effortlessly cool and Christian Bale is his usual gruff self. Good, witty fun and a gillion times better than Miami Vice. 8/10.
Christ, 'The Departed' is a bit good. Forgive my tardiness, I've just borrowed the blu-ray off my brother.

A 150 minute film that buzzes past so quickly, you'd swear it was only 90 minutes. Lots of blood, nice convoluted plot and Ray Winstone's worst attempt at an accent yet! Loved it.
MrDavPaz wrote:
Christ, 'The Departed' is a bit good. Forgive my tardiness, I've just borrowed the blu-ray off my brother.

A 150 minute film that buzzes past so quickly, you'd swear it was only 90 minutes. Lots of blood, nice convoluted plot and Ray Winstone's worst attempt at an accent yet! Loved it.

It was indeed brilliant, and one of the recent films that shows DiCaprio can actually act (another notable one being Blood Diamond - although his South African "hey broo" had me giggling to start with).

Ray Winstone can't even do a convincing English accent, so his effort here wasn't a surprise.
Mr Chris wrote:
It was indeed brilliant,

Yep, I'd have to say (whisper probably) that I enjoyed it more than Goodfellas.

That means a lot coming from me.
MrDavPaz wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
It was indeed brilliant,

Yep, I'd have to say (whisper probably) that I enjoyed it more than Goodfellas.

Hmm, I'd have to rewatch both to decide, as it's been that long since I saw either, but I'd be minded to agree.

That means a lot coming from me.

You really flatter yourself, chap.
MrDavPaz wrote:
Christ, 'The Departed' is a bit good. Forgive my tardiness, I've just borrowed the blu-ray off my brother.
Yes, I really enjoyed it, having had it on DVD for ages but only recently sat down to watch it. You have to concentrate, though! The bit early on where it does a fairly rapidly cut montage that skips over a year or so had me thinking for a minute I must have dozed off and missed something.
Mr Chris wrote:
MrDavPaz wrote:
That means a lot coming from me.

You really flatter yourself, chap.

Well, *someone* needs to be doing it!

I meant, Goodfellas is one of my bestest all time faves, so putting a new film (with fucking DiCaprio at the that) ahead of it, is a big deal.
MrDavPaz wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
MrDavPaz wrote:
That means a lot coming from me.

You really flatter yourself, chap.

Well, *someone* needs to be doing it!

You need to have a stern talk with Mrs DavPaz, matey. "Worship" was in the marriage vows last I checked. She's obliged, like. Mind you, so are you.

I meant, Goodfellas is one of my bestest all time faves, so putting a new film (with fucking DiCaprio at the that) ahead of it, is a big deal.

Yes, I know chap.

Where do you stand on Scarface?
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
MrDavPaz wrote:
Christ, 'The Departed' is a bit good. Forgive my tardiness, I've just borrowed the blu-ray off my brother.
Yes, I really enjoyed it, having had it on DVD for ages but only recently sat down to watch it. You have to concentrate, though! The bit early on where it does a fairly rapidly cut montage that skips over a year or so had me thinking for a minute I must have dozed off and missed something.

That's why I felt it was shorter than it really was. The scenes are generally very short. Some of Leo's intro to the gang world is literally, 'wham, bang, next', and Damon's love interest goes from nowhere to moving in in few minutes it seems
Mr Chris wrote:
You need to have a stern talk with Mrs DavPaz, matey. "Worship" was int eh marriage vows las tI checked. She's obliged, like. Mind you, so are you.

We're more of the 'treat em mean' type of couple.

Where do you stand on Scarface?

Now, Scarface, that's a bit of a blind spot for me. Only seen it once, was a bit drunk and kind of missed the middle. So opinion paused until I've seen it all.
MrDavPaz wrote:
That's why I felt it was shorter than it really was. The scenes are generally very short. Some of Leo's intro to the gang world is literally, 'wham, bang, next', and Damon's love interest goes from nowhere to moving in in few minutes it seems
It didn't feel too truncated to me, though; that's a tricky thing to balance and I think Scorsese judged it perfectly.
Woah. Hang on.

Donnie Darko 2?

MJ is ARRRGH<dies>

Anyway, yes. Straight to DVD, too.
Grim... wrote:
Anyway, yes. Straight to DVD, too.

All the best films are: Aladdin 2; Starship Troopers 2; Cruel Intentions 2.
Grim... wrote:
MJ is ARRRGH<dies>

Anyway, yes. Straight to DVD, too.

*chuckles* It's going on my ("Lovefilm" - Ed) list as we speak
Lovefilm are sending me Repo! The Genetic Opera this weekend. I'll let you know what it's like.
MrDavPaz wrote:
Christ, 'The Departed' is a bit good. Forgive my tardiness, I've just borrowed the blu-ray off my brother.
Yeah, I liked The Departed even though I wasn't too sure about it when I first heard about it. It's worth looking for the original, 'Infernal Affairs', I wouldn't say either is better but I preferred Hong Kong's version.
The Rev Owen wrote:
Lovefilm are sending me Repo! The Genetic Opera this weekend. I'll let you know what it's like.

That's sat on my Media Center waiting to be watched. I made the mistake of telling MrsDavPaz what it was instead of just playing it.
MrDavPaz wrote:
The Rev Owen wrote:
Lovefilm are sending me Repo! The Genetic Opera this weekend. I'll let you know what it's like.

That's sat on my Media Center waiting to be watched. I made the mistake of telling MrsDavPaz what it was instead of just playing it.

It's my wife's choice, this one. It features Bill Mosely, Anthony Head, Sarah Brightman and Paris Hilton, who would all be on her "favourite people" list if she had one, so she's been dying to see it.
The Hangover is great :DD
Grim... wrote:
The Hangover is great :DD

Woo! You got to see it!
I guess I am going to be watching the watchmen again soon.
MaliA wrote:
Grim... wrote:
The Hangover is great :DD

Woo! You got to see it!

It cost £50, but I saw it!
Grim... wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Grim... wrote:
The Hangover is great :DD

Woo! You got to see it!

It cost £50, but I saw it!

Crikey. I knew there was a reason i avoid that London.
Grim... wrote:
The Hangover is great :DD

I loved it too!

I finally got round to watching "Anvil" last night. I can heartily recommend it to anyone who likes a) Spinal Tap b) music c) documentaries or d) very silly uber metal. While the lads themselves aren't the sharpest tools in the box, their enthusiasm and optimism (although bordering on the pathalogical) is very endearing indeed and you find yourself cheering them on although you know in heart of hearts that it's going to end badly and probably for their own emotional and financial sake they should just give it all up.

Anyone who is not moved by the concert in Japan has a rock for a heart (and not a good one made of purest METAL).
MrDavPaz wrote:
Woah. Hang on.

Donnie Darko 2?


It's crap. Massive fan of the original and watched a dvd-rip of the sequel a couple of months back.
Let's just say I'm not in the slightest bit surprised it went straight to dvd......

Reagrding "Anvil" though (as mentioned above), brilliant, funny & moving documentary (despite the fact I HATE the old-skool metal produced by the band of the title - or any type of metal in general - this film is about the characters, not the music).

Edit - If you like ANVIL, check out the Metallica documentary "Some Kind Of Monster" - Again, a band who's music I have no interest in, but an utterly fascinating documentary regardless.
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