iOS gaming thread
Game Center names in 1st post
Well it's got your actual name and I couldn't be sure that was you.

Oh and do be advised: I WILL SMASH YOU. Eventually. You've got me on Tier 1 at present.
Saturnalian wrote:
Well it's got your actual name and I couldn't be sure that was you.

Oh and do be advised: I WILL SMASH YOU. Eventually. You've got me on Tier 1 at present.

I don't think my new Tier 3 score will be easy either.

In other news, everyone should be playing Alto's Adventure. It's a surprisingly deep 2D side-scrolling snowboarding game, with graphics and music akin to Monument Valley.
No, I can't do it. Myp has me beat here. I can't get above 30,000 now even on tier 1.

Awesome little game though.
Saturnalian wrote:
No, I can't do it. Myp has me beat here. I can't get above 30,000 now even on tier 1.

Awesome little game though.

I managed over 32000 on teir 1' as I got 3 challenges to beat 32k, which was a fucker.
Saturnalian wrote:
No, I can't do it. Myp has me beat here. I can't get above 30,000 now even on tier 1.

Awesome little game though.

Those sound like the words of a yellow-bellied quitter.
Quetzalcoatl is a fun puzzle game. I recommend it.
Future Warrior wrote:
Saturnalian wrote:
No, I can't do it. Myp has me beat here. I can't get above 30,000 now even on tier 1.

Awesome little game though.

Those sound like the words of a yellow-bellied quitter.


*waits for the leaderboards to update to post picture*
Nice work. What about Tiers 2-5?
Doing some Tier 2 stuff now and just unlocked 3.

Tier 2 is surprisingly difficult for some reason.
Curiosity wrote:
Quetzalcoatl is a fun puzzle game. I recommend it.

Bump for this game. It's really ace.

Basically like a tile sliding puzzle, but instead of tiles it is snakes, and instead of a picture you just need to get certain segments on certain colours.

It's better than I have made it sound.
Do you like those endless running and jumping games? Then you're mental. But if you must play one of those games then play the best one Alto's Adventure.

Here's a list of reasons why: I SAID SO, it's beautiful - the most beautiful endless running crap that you've seen in your life, it's got lovely musical sounds, its sound effects are super nice, it's both relaxing and exhilarating and I SAID SO. And when have I ever told BeeX that a game was good when it wasn't good? Never. When? Shut you mouth.

Feast your eyeballs on images from the game:
Future Warrior wrote:
Saturnalian wrote:
Well it's got your actual name and I couldn't be sure that was you.

Oh and do be advised: I WILL SMASH YOU. Eventually. You've got me on Tier 1 at present.

I don't think my new Tier 3 score will be easy either.

In other news, everyone should be playing Alto's Adventure. It's a surprisingly deep 2D side-scrolling snowboarding game, with graphics and music akin to Monument Valley.

From March. You even replied to this post.
well he's just agreeing with you.
Here anyone got any recommendations for good arcadey iPad games, with no virtual buttons or microtransactions. ... 1735215701

Why So Many Games Are Disappearing From The App Store
Patrick Klepek

Ever year, Apple updates the operating system for iPhones and iPads. Every year, it breaks compatibility with a bunch of games. Every year, a few companies let their games die. It’s far worse with iOS 9, however, with Apple straight up removing your ability to download some of those games ever again.

Right now, the list of games you can’t play on iOS 9 has some heavy hitters:

Ghost Trick
Sam & Max
Poker Night
Back to the Future
Jurassic Park
Puzzle Agent
Strong Bad
Tales of Monkey Island

Fortunately, all of those games are returning in the near future, with the companies involved—Capcom, 2K Games, Telltale—promising fixes and full compatibility with iOS 9. For some, like BioShock and Telltale’s games, players can, theoretically, stay on the previous version of iOS (8.4) and they’ll work just fine, but that’s not the world we live in. Thanks to new features, security updates, and a general propulsion towards “new,” the idea of purposely lagging behind to continue playing a handful of games seems absolutely ridiculous.

Not every game is so lucky, though. Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, which costs a hefty $14.99 on the App Store, is not making the transition to iOS9—period.

“This application is not compatible with iOS 9 (including the Beta),” reads the game’s App Store page. “There are currently no plans to update this application in the future. Please keep this in mind when updating your OS.”

By “please keep this in mind,” Capcom is saying “sorry, you’re fucked.”

It’s not as though Monster Hunter Freedom Unite was a failed experiment, either. There are hundreds and hundreds of glowing reviews game prior to the iOS 9 update, which prompted users to flood the App Store with loud complaints.

Can you blame them?

It’s complicated, though. Given the way iOS games break, year over year, this presents publishers with a problem not present on other platforms. I don’t know how much money Monster Hunter Freedom Unite is (or isn’t) making for Capcom. It’s possible the game isn’t doing well, so they’re cutting their losses and moving on. A cynic might say they have a sequel planned and iOS 9 breaking compatibility is a convenient way to shuffle people to the next game.

The only thing we know is that players get screwed over. The only thing we know is that, if you update to iOS 9 like a reasonable person, the game breaks.

That, undeniably, sucks.

Another wrinkle is how Apple handles games broken by iOS 9. If a publisher (reasonably) chooses to pull a game from the App Store while it’s being fixed or if they’re unable to continue providing support for the game, that software is permanently removed from your purchase history.

This is having some unfortunate consequences. When Electronic Arts decided to pull more 10 games from the App Store, including Mass Effect: Infiltrator, it told players they’d be able to continue playing the games. If they’ve deleted those games from their devices, however, that’s no longer the case. They’re gone.

Apple has not yet responded to my request for comment, but one hopes this is an oversight or something the company can tweak, in response to complaints.

In the meantime, one developer has a creative solution. You Must Build A Boat developer Luca Redwood has publicly released an encrypted copy of his game and entrusted Touch Arcade with the decryption key, should the game be removed from the App Store and players require a guaranteed way to play it.

“Recently a number of big-name-games were removed from sale from the iOS App Store,” said Redwood over email. “It’s not great, but not uncommon, [that] developers don’t want the support headache, which is OK. The twist now though is that Apple have said you will no longer be able to download games that have been removed that you previously purchased. It sucks because premium games have a hard time, and will have an even harder time if the player hasn’t got any guarantee they’ll be able to play the game they just dropped 10 bucks [on] in the future.”

This isn’t just impacting games, either. Touch Arcade noted how when Twitter client Tweetbot removed Tweetbot 3 from the App Store while launching Tweetbot 4, the previous version was removed from people’s purchasing history. This wasn’t intended by Tweetbot, and they “solved” the problem by having Tweetbot 3 available for sale in a single region, Burkina Faso. What?!

We’ve gotten used to old games not working on new hardware, but it’s a twist for old games to stop working on old hardware and have the company who made the hardware come over and snap the disc in half. What an age we live in now!
Blaming the publisher for this seems somewhat backward to me.
I gave up when it said, "Lots of games have been removed!!!!! but they are fixing it so they work again."
Oh, okay. What a pointless start to the article.
The only part of it that does seem a bit crap (aside from Monster Hunter Freedom Unite for which you are permanently screwed) is that while people are making updates the games need to be pulled completely from the store so if you remained on an old and compatible version of iOS you still couldn't potentially download and play a game that would work perfectly well on your device. However, that probably impacts a relatively small set of people as it's only the set who:

- Have remained on an older version of iOS (generally a relatively small number of people I'm led to believe)
- Bought the game before iOS9 came out
- Deleted the game and now want to reinstall and play it again a second time

Apple could come up with a way for developers to deny anyone new from buying the game while still allowing existing users to download it but, even then, there will be the case of existing users who have upgraded re-downloading the game and complaining it doesn't work so that's not ideal either. You'd really need more granular controls that let you to block/allow for individual OS versions and that's pretty messy as well. I don't think there is an easy solution to the problem.
What's daft is that if you use the apple device management platform to provide your own app store in an enterprise, it's simplicity itself to say 'offer this version to iOS8 users and this version to iOS9 users'. So a little bizarre that Apple can't/won't do it on their own store.
This looks good. HMU for some multiplayer shenanigans. ... res-how-it
LewieP wrote:

I'm not enjoying Frutorious. I can get my throwing stuff kicks with Ball King (also free).

I like Bug Princess though. It looks like smeared dogshit on my iPhone 6S+ and doesn't use the full screen but least I get a nice area to drag my finger at the bottom. Plus I love bullethell games and you only really need to look at 2 pixels around your hit box.
Bug Princess is Da Bomb. I'm surprised that a Bullrt hell shooter has translated as well as it has. Now I want to play Radius/Gradius V on the big telly.

Original: clocked.

Maniac Mode: on it.
This is an iOS game.
What. Is. Happening.
They just dropped Bug Princess 2 to 79p, too.
LewieP wrote:
They just dropped Bug Princess 2 to 79p, too.

These games are originally over £10!? Bargain.
Would be better if there was more going on at any given time
I just unlocked maniac mode, which adds a combo system and a lot more bullets. It's fun.
I've just clocked maniac mode on normal. I had to drop it down from 'hell difficulty' due to overwhelming bullets in face.

Maniac unlocks Ultra Mode which is so insanely fucked that I didn't make it past the second level.
Those who enjoyed Badland's beautiful flappiness will be pleased to note the sequel is oot noo in the App Store
Findus Fop wrote:
Those who enjoyed Badland's beautiful flappiness will be pleased to note the sequel is oot noo in the App Store

You sexy man, I'mma treat you to a good virtual bottom massage. I'll PM you pictures.

Oh, and I might have some this Badlands jazz.
I like Kung Fury.

It was a nice endless brawler game that I could whittle away a couple of minutes and I reckon I'm pretty ace at it.

[40150 score, cause I'm the best]

Not only that but, today, it's been upgraded from an endless wave puncher to have a story mode and different playable characters (characters for less than a quid. The rest is free). I reckon it's a decent package. But that's what you mum said to me. Before I had sex with her. With my penis.
Y'know what is disposable fun for a short time with a Futurama theme, Futurama jokes and Futurama peeps in it?

World of Magic: Futurama Edition!

No, actually it's Futurama: Game of Drones. But what do you do? Match 4 or more colours!

That's it.

Actually, you get Super Street Fighter style vs. Matches every now and again which are alright, I guess. But different from the usual tosh.

I'm giving Sat's "Good distraction for about an hour" award to, in a surprise twist, Di Caprio. Futurama: Game of Drones came second. Shove your phone over to to download it for free.
Grim... wrote:
Android version is here, Google fans: ... a&hl=en_GB

Get out of our lovely thread.
That robot's Canadian, isn't he?
These type of 'match X' games should be made illegal to develop. The punishment should be double if you slap a TV, film or comics license on it.
Nice. Amiga power classic tennis camps.nouw on iOS, just in time for Wimbledon!
Does it have Jules and Vincent?
I have seen jules. Vincent I'm not sure of

Jules is on the icon
Super Mario iPhone releases 15 December. Free to play with some "elements" behind a paywall that requires a one time payment of TEN FUCKING POUNDS.

Fuck that. Fuck Mario.

Probably a load of shit anyway.
Wonder what those elements are though.
Mr Russell wrote:
Wonder what those elements are though.

I thought it was fairly clear from Ians post - Having sex with Mario.
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