The 'Yay!' thread
post about good things
zaphod79 wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
throughsilver wrote:
I just got back from my first in-person American football match, and an enjoyable day it was too. Saw lots of other fans, there was no trouble, and we all cheered the Cowboys getting mullered.

And it was my first trip to Wembley; second most impressive stadium I've been to.

I also went to this. It was most excellent (Particulary after the intensely annoying and clueless Broncos fan behind me had his smugness turned into a foot stomping rage quit near the end - and that was only when they were tied.)

I was at the game as well and the people in the row next to us sound very like the ones Mr Dave is describing , you wernt in section 217 were you ?

I also had haggis for dinner tonight which is a definite yah !

Nah. Section 551.

Went to Chinatown after the game for munchings. T'was also good.
This certainly made me grin. Sign on the airblades in SOAS blokes' loos.

Please refrain from teabagging the airblades
The last two mockups I've sent to people for work have come back with absolutely no complaints or wishes for things to be changed. This is most excellent compared to the usual.
We had an excellent Halloween party at the weekend and it looks like we are on for the same thing this weekend for the fireworks! :)
YaY for awesome law stuff I've done of late and YaY for MrsA.
We have a cat! (on loan)
It's a huge side-by-side, but only 63cm deep. All the others are at least 73cm deep, too tall, lacking in volume, have an ice-maker, or don't have boxes in the freezer or enough shelves in the fridge and/or freezer.

It's better to have many containers which are safe to use in the refrigerator. It is not just that but also it will help for racking the food inside it. Imagine if you just put the food inside and it looks like a junk as it seem.
Good lord. We appear to have a refrigerator correspondent!

Welcome, icecathy. If that is your real name!
With a sideline in search engine services. How do you know if your search engine is actually due for a service?
If it's making a "bing" noise you need to adjust the points.
icecathy wrote:
Imagine if you just put the food inside and it looks like a junk as it seem.

I heartily concur!
It just doesn't bear thinking about.
The food in my freezer looks more like a Dhow than a Junk.
My junk looks like food.

That is what your mom said anyway.
My "Yay" for the day is the abatement of the Zardoz Death Lurgy. While I still can't breathe or swallow overly easily, I'm not in pain with even the mildest of quick movements.

Bloody Zardoz.
That was in February!

I thought you had Bobbyachoo disease.
Zardoz wrote:
That was in February!

I thought you had Bobbyachoo disease.

I had the Mr Russ Lurgy. Which was mild and then got better, and then I got something about as vile as the licking lurgy you gave everyone back in February shortly after playing Gears with you.

Fortunately, I didn't get Bobbys arse disease. My self, and everyone in the same room, are very pleased about this.
Yay, purchased my first smartphone, an LG GT540. Good times.
My kettlebell arrived today! My very own! I'm gonna go nuts and break myself.

My tax rebate cheque also arrived. New trainers, winter coat and TV (and still a good wodge to go into savings), here we come!
throughsilver wrote:
(and still a good wodge to go into savings), here we come!

Get a 360
I avoided the usual frustrations of street-based salespeople in the town centre today by walking alongside three people who were constantly speaking German! Yay!
I got some "yay" news yesterday that totally negates the "boo" news I got on Halo Night. I won't go into details because of its personal nature (they found my rapist), but suffice to say, "yay"!

Also, I've quit smoking, six days strong, cold turkey. Difference is, I actually want to quit smoking this time and genuinely don't think I'll smoke again.
Fabulous stuff sir!
Wogan'sTrouserBulge wrote:
Also, I've quit smoking, six days strong, cold turkey. Difference is, I actually want to quit smoking this time and genuinely don't think I'll smoke again.

Order some Snus, it'll help you quit, but you'll still have the snusy goodness.
Balls to that! I've heard mouth-melting horror stories!
Huzzah! I just passed my driving theory test! 100% on the multiple choice, about 70% on the hazard perception. I'm blaming my lower score in the HP section the poor quality of the videos. Chinny would have been gnashing his teeth and tearing at his clothes at the poor exposure, somewhat washed out colours ans occasional blurry-ness. But anyway, Yay!
Wogan'sTrouserBulge wrote:
Balls to that! I've heard mouth-melting horror stories!

Ha, it's not that bad :D
Huzzah indeed, Mr. Squirt. My personal belief is that the HP test, at least in it's existing form, is bullshit. Specifically money-making bullshit, since lots of people fail it and then have to pay to take the test all over again.

My 'Yay' today is that I've just made the annual order from ThinkGeek that I allow myself (I like to order a load of stuff at once seeing as the shipping is so much).

This time I've gone for an 8-bit style wrist watch, a t-shirt of an aeroplane dropping Tetris bricks from the sky, a Rubiks Magic (I've been after one of these for ages, couldn't believe it when I saw TG had them) and a Star Trek Pizza Cutter for a friend's birthday.

This pleases me.
There's a trick you need to know for the HP test. *don't click too soon*. The timing window opens too late for people with video game reactions.

The hazard needs to be suitably obvious before you "spot" it. Stupid, but there you go.

Anyway, well done, it's in the bag now :)
kalmar wrote:
The hazard needs to be suitably obvious before you "spot" it. Stupid, but there you go.

Exactly, it's bollocks. It's a test to judge your alertness to potential danger whilst out driving that punishes you for spotting potential danger too soon. Bah!

Anyway, this is the yay thread, so 'Yay!'.
So, Yay! I have a new job!I get to leave current law firm hellhole and go back in house and enjoy my job again, without worring about targets, marketing, schmoozing and business development. The only downer is I can't hand my notice in until I've had all the paperwork from the new employer, and that may be a week or two as they have to run everything through head office in An Other Country.
Well done everyone.
Jens mum gets out of hospital today after two weeks :) when I finish today I am driving home to get Jen and Willow and we are going through to Fife 'til Monday. Yay :)
Lots of yays today. Awesome stuff :metul:
Huzzah for jobs! Huzzah for mums getting better!

I'm pretty certain I "pre-perceived" a few of the hazards ( as well as utterly bodging one ).

I'd like to see the research they did that proves the correlation between a pass on the HP part and safer driving and hazard spotting on the road.
Sunday looks clear enough on the weather forecast for me to paint my new gates. Yay.
superdupergill wrote:
Jens mum gets out of hospital today after two weeks :) when I finish today I am driving home to get Jen and Willow and we are going through to Fife 'til Monday. Yay :)

Good stuff Gilly! Have a "yay" from me!
Yays all round then :)
I've just eaten a cinnamon whirl!
I got a free bacon barmcake this morning.
DavPaz wrote:
I've just eaten a cinnamon whirl!

Obese bastard!

I am on a diet and I'm jealous of your cinnamon whirl :( I have lost 4lbs though so "yay" for me too!
Zio wrote:
My 'Yay' today is that I've just made the annual order from ThinkGeek that I allow myself (I like to order a load of stuff at once seeing as the shipping is so much).

This time I've gone for an 8-bit style wrist watch, a t-shirt of an aeroplane dropping Tetris bricks from the sky, a Rubiks Magic (I've been after one of these for ages, couldn't believe it when I saw TG had them) and a Star Trek Pizza Cutter for a friend's birthday.

There's always loads of stuff on there that I want, but I've never placed an order thanks to their shipping costs putting me off. Have you not been caught out by import duty in the past?
The whirl is cursed.
devilman wrote:
Zio wrote:
My 'Yay' today is that I've just made the annual order from ThinkGeek that I allow myself (I like to order a load of stuff at once seeing as the shipping is so much).

This time I've gone for an 8-bit style wrist watch, a t-shirt of an aeroplane dropping Tetris bricks from the sky, a Rubiks Magic (I've been after one of these for ages, couldn't believe it when I saw TG had them) and a Star Trek Pizza Cutter for a friend's birthday.

There's always loads of stuff on there that I want, but I've never placed an order thanks to their shipping costs putting me off. Have you not been caught out by import duty in the past?

Erm... last year DHL stung me with a bill for import duty after my orders and... eh... I've not quite got round to paying it yet.

I've had my delivery sent by UPS this time!
The whirl had icing.
The icing contains mono sodium glutamate.
I read an awesome dinosaur story in Bits and Bobs! And there's going to be an Alien sex predator film set in the highlands of Scotland starring Scarlett Johansson as the Alien sex predator!!!11111 And it's Friday afternoon! An di am drinking a can of red bull!

things can only get worse from here on
Yay! That sounds like Species!

Oh, wait...
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