Trials Evolution
It's evolved!
MrC wrote:
Trooper wrote:
His first level time is pretty damn good, I'm within a tenth but can't get the end bit right.

Good job the rest of his times are rubbish ;)

While I'm here, that instant restart button makes it hard to switch the bloody game off. I feel like one of those pigeons constantly pecking the reward button, so much so that I keep pressing it even when the one I wanted was the "restart from last checkpoint" button.

I do that all the time by accident :D
Plus, don't get the first few jumps absolutely perfect? Restart.
Assuming BE get their act together, I should be online from 8pm-ish tonight, if anyone wants to multiplayer it up?
Grrrr, want but have no points.

Going to have to buy some. Gah!
Trooper wrote:
Assuming BE get their act together, I should be online from 8pm-ish tonight, if anyone wants to multiplayer it up?

If I'm around tonight it will be LATE.
My lack of experience with the first game is definitely showing - that 'Sewage Plant' level is kicking my arse. :DD ... la-record/

Highest grossing first day sales on live arcade, apparently.
You call those scores? I'm top of the leaderboard for every stage I've just played. Started about halfway down the Medium stage list. One of them was a right cunt to get a gold on! The one with the cars stacked up near the start. It's set up so you'll over-jump vital ramps. Took a few goes to get a perfect run on that one. I'll go back to the easier ones later. :p

And how cool is the Shadow of the Colossus inspired stage? Dimrill had a very respectable time on that one up until two minutes ago.
Ah, so you skipped over the tracks that people have been perfecting, and went straight to the ones that had only had one attempt. Interesting... ;)
Haha! Good one!
Ramsea is a bit bloody good...
I'm settling in to my mid-table rightful spot now though, as more people start playing properly :D
I'll be getting this tomorrow. I really enjoyed the first game until it became hateful and impossible halfway in, and I expect I'll find much the same with this too, still it's fun while it lasts.
Man, some of the Medium stages are sadistic. The Extreme ones are going to be crazy! I've got gold on every track now down to Tree Hugger. Not looking forward to that fucking Gigatrack...
Trooper wrote:
Ramsea is a bit bloody good...
I'm settling in to my mid-table rightful spot now though, as more people start playing properly :D

I only really played the demo for a bit of the previous version so I am quite pleased how I'm doing on this one. At the moment I'm not really interested in the harder levels. Much prefer trying to perfect the easy ones. A guy on my friends list from thedvdforums is my inspiration at the moment. He is/was 40th on the downhill course and I so know I can beat him. :grin:
I have this now, looks like only myp and zaphod have it on my friends list (strangeuni)

Spent my first couple of hours with this, and it's as good as everyone's saying.

The backgrounds are a lot nicer too and more inventive, and certainly much more colourful than the grim old warehouse from the first game.

Anyone had a go at designing a track? I just did a small and basic one to unlock the Cheevo, but nothing beyond that.
Malc wrote:
I have this now, looks like only myp and zaphod have it on my friends list (strangeuni)


You're on my list/I'm on yours - I've managed to beat a couple of your times by a measly second or two!
I had to go back to the easy tracks to see if I could take a title off Ramsea. Failed. On every level.
Take some doing to beat that. I hate that level, I really suck at it.

Also, the flappy flying one, how the hell do people get so far? Is there a bug? Are they cheating?

I've seen lots of replays in the top 10/100 that have riders falling off at the first or second jump and they just lie on the floor having a fit. Hows that then?
The trick to the flying one is to get a good height from the ramp and then Track & Field the fuck out of the buttons. I haven't watched any replays, though. That stuff sounds glitchy and naughty!
Meh I'm in.

If you get a friend request from 'ChoppoTurnip' - that's me :)
This is so good.

Though on several occasions I can't better my first run!
OK please tell me that you can go back to do the starter tracks with better bikes as you unlock them, otherwise Trousers is God......
Yeah you can go back and retry stuff.

The game's starting to frustrate me now I'm on some higher levels, but then I expected this and will mostly stick to trying to beat some of my early times.
Ooooh this is splendid :)

I did get Trials HD but got it on PC through Steam so didn't have any friends goodness going on - being able to race against the 'ghost points' of everyone on your friends list is a genius touch.
Yeah, I love the 'friend dots'.

I always seem to get ahead at the start, before ploughing headlong into a wall. I wonder if these are linked z
What was your username, Curiosity? I can't remember if I added you after you asked me about it. My memory is pure bollocks.
Curiosity wrote:
I always seem to get ahead at the start, before ploughing headlong into a wall. I wonder if these are linked z

Heh :)

I just got very involved on one track, must have tried it about thirty times or more, I had a really nice little kick off going on from the first few jumps that saw me into the lead every time I got them right - but could I just manage a 'traditional' run from there onwards to get the top place?

Could I buggery :( (Did get third in the end though.)

I either got too bold and fucked it up, or got too conservative and fucked it up by being too timid.

First time in a while a game has had me lamenting to my 360 'NOOOOOoooooo!' - (AE Jnr got a bit flustered by my wailings and asked 'Happened to daddy?' so I had to explain how I kept crashing my bike because I'm not very good, so quoting Peppa Pig she gave me a 'Silly daddy!' back) - very compulsive game, the friend dots will taunt me to distraction I fear :D
YOG wrote:
What was your username, Curiosity? I can't remember if I added you after you asked me about it. My memory is pure bollocks.

"Dr Curiosity"

You didn't add me, but I have cleared space for you.

Also, this leaderboard-fest has seen the return of me muttering, "Bloody Ramsea"
Cheers, mate. I'll get you added in the morning. Ramsea too!
Friends list in the first post updated, let me know if I have fucked it up at all.
Curiosity wrote:

Also, this leaderboard-fest has seen the return of me muttering, "Bloody Ramsea"

At least you don't have to watch him fucking doing it... I told him he was shit yesterday because he kept crashing, only to be told he was trying to a get a cheevo for completing the course by not using the left stick. Every time he had to restart, I got closer to murdering him.

Can you all just let him win so he can fuck off back in the corner, on to his PC?
flis wrote:
I told him he was shit yesterday because he kept crashing, only to be told he was trying to a get a cheevo for completing the course by not using the left stick. Every time he had to restart, I got closer to murdering him.

I managed to get this cheevo yesterday. Seriously tricky but I got it in the end. It gets easier after the first three jumps.

I require competition, so everyone can expect a friend request from Lord Rixondale...
I think I need another friends clearout to make room for some of you folks.

I'll probably get rid of these people as I have no idea who they are. At all. Probably some proper sad losers ;

MalcSeventyFour, MrC863, DBSnappa, Ramsea, IanAris, Runcle & Klatrymadon

Also, the UFO skill game can fuck off.
Ramsea's Downhill time was really pissing me off yesterday. Try as I might I couldn't get a better/shallower angle off the jumps without the loss of speed.

I might have to delete him so I can on with my life.
Trousers wrote:
MalcSeventyFour, MrC863, DBSnappa, Ramsea, IanAris, Runcle & Klatrymadon

You might be even more tempted when you next play it.....I'm afraid I out-trousered you on all the easy tracks this morning ;)
Yay I finally topped my first leaderboard! (The 'Rock Steady' track which is the first one in the 'Terminal Velocity' set of tracks after the B License test.)

You guys are good :metul:
Watching a dot (usually called Ramsea) scoot away after you clumsily land is just the most baffling thing. But when you figure out how to do it, man, what a great feeling...
Aedan (aged 9) is beating Curio on at least one of the tracks :D
YOG wrote:
The trick to the flying one is to get a good height from the ramp and then Track & Field the fuck out of the buttons. I haven't watched any replays, though. That stuff sounds glitchy and naughty!

Well, figured out how to do this properly and have joined the other 1000 odd people who have the max score. Coincidentally, my replay shows one of my previous failed attempts and not the actual proper one which explains the other odd replays I've seen.
YOG wrote:
My lack of experience with the first game is definitely showing - that 'Sewage Plant' level is kicking my arse. :DD

I swear to god I'm going to be top of the leaderboard on this track before the end of the night or I'm going to chuck my 360 out of the fucking window.

I've got all the 'chunks' of it sorted out now, I just need to string the bastards together!
Yeah, it's those last two jets of water that usually mess things up for me.

Still, sewage plant is owned.

My time is definitely beatable though, it got a bit flaky towards the end.
I've just been messing around with some of the later levels with an eye on unlocking the better bikes to thrash your scores for once. There's some real buggers in there but I especially like the LIMBO level. Aces.
Stupid floaty Limbo level! Took me ages to gold that one.
I've just turned off after seeing the 10-minute-athon that is GIGATRACK. It's not especially in keeping with my Meat Boy-esq use of the restart button.
You can stick me in the first post as well - MalcSeventyFour. I just added Trooper and Lord Rixondale to my friends list. I think I've got everybody else.

Only SFW if you have headphones, otherwise very NSFW.
Think I'll get this tonight.
Is it on offer yet? I'm not paying full price! *sarcasm*
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