Dreams and nightmares
a depository
Had a very short, strange dream last night.

Mr Dave felt it necessary to ring me just to let me know Tomb Raider Underworld was in the sale. He seemed really excited about it, and for some reason had a girl's voice. Thanks, Dave!
I had a short forum related dream this morning.

I was on the forum, but everyone was represented by small flying creatures like butterflies, and small birds etc. Malabar was a dragonfly and Mimi was some kind of bee, I remember. Anyway, everyone had to settle on a post, which was a rotted wooden fence post in an idyllic glade-like setting. It was either real or done with very good graphics. And then once everyone was on there, the choice was to post, or fly on to the next post. Post.
I choose to fly on.

By posting.
Thinking about it, it's probably based on playing 'Dimrill's Plank' in Burny P.
So was it a four hour sequence where the big fat butterflies (hello!) galumphed down onto the post, scattering everyone else to try again?
I had a really mundane dream about the boiler not working and Mrs Z was saying have a look at it or call someone in because the water is freezing cold before she left the house. I could then hear a grindy bubbling noise loud as hell and I thought it was going to blow. I actually shot out of bed and listened up at the loft (where the Combi boiler is) and slowly realised in my groggy state that it was the twat next door starting up his 1950s tractor at 7.45am.

Horrible dream last night. I dreamt I was at my own funeral. Except I wasn't dead, yet.

This company specialized in 'suicide funerals'... your family and friends all gathered with you for a big celebration of your life before you were given a lethal injection and thrown into a coffin.

As the service carried on and printed photocards of events in my life were passed around I began to wonder if the whole thing was intended to convince you that your life was in fact worth living, and that they would only still kill you at the end as a last resort.

Indeed, I began to have second thoughts.

Eventually we left the little hall and made our way to the cemetary. A needle of green fluid was being prepared, and I wanted to ask if it was possible to be shot in the face several times after I was dead, to ensure I wasn't buried alive. The 'pastor' was continuing her readings and everyone was gathered, and I then noticed that Mrs Metal was nowhere to be seen. I was at first disappointed she wouldn't see me 'off' and as I began searching became more and more upset that I was leaving her behind and didn't want to.

The suicide people were getting a bit fed up "are we gonna do this or not" and I was now torn between not wanting to leave Mrs Metal a widow and not wanting to look like a fool in front of all these people who'd gathered for my funeral.

I was very distressed when I woke up. :(
That's harrowing 8)
Malabar Front wrote:
That's harrowing 8)

If it makes you feel better, my dream last night was me having a big mop of curly blonde hair. And someone had kicked over my wheelie bin. Bastards.

DavPaz wrote:
Malabar Front wrote:
That's harrowing 8)

If it makes you feel better, my dream last night was me having a big mop of curly blonde hair. And someone had kicked over my wheelie bin. Bastards.

That's even more harrowing. And can you be sure it was really a dream, eh?
kalmar wrote:

DavPaz wrote:
Malabar Front wrote:
That's harrowing 8)

If it makes you feel better, my dream last night was me having a big mop of curly blonde hair. And someone had kicked over my wheelie bin. Bastards.

That's even more harrowing. And can you be sure it was really a dream, eh?

It was a dream, his bin was still standing.
I dreamt last night I was... somewhere... where famous pr0n stars Melissa Ashley and Andrea Spinks were doing a 'shoot'.

No sex occured, but it was rather more pleasing than lethal injections.
For years and years and years now, my dreams (or at least the ones I can remember) are either nightmares or about sex. And sometimes both at once.

When I was a kid I saw some telly program about people who could decide what to dream. I used to spend most nights lying in bed concentrating on Star Wars in the hope I'd spend the night dreaming I was an A-Wing pilot, but to no avail.

Dreams suck.

Except the sex ones. Well, the non-nightmarish sex dreams, anyway.
So you dream about sex with Craster often, then?
With disturbing lack of regularity, sadly.
So, I was in a place called Kimbolton near where I grew up, coming out of the cinema with Craster and his wife. Suddenly, a load of trucks turned up and terrorists jumped out, lining the streets. We (and all the other non-terrorist people) crowded into the shops at the side of the street. We ended up in a pub with my mate Gam from school. Then I went out and started walking around, shouting abuse.
Then I woke up.
Last night I dreamt I was in Oxford to surprise my friends*, particularly the girl I really fancy and have become really good friends with, but don't do anything about because of being confused by her and my situation.

Only it turned out a mate from another forum had left his wife to get together with her, and she said she'd only done so after concluding I was just interested in being friends and given up waiting for me to do/say something.

I got upset enough to wake up, and carried on being upset for a few minutes.

Anyone want to interpret that for me? I'm stumped.

* Not you though Mali. Our never getting round to meeting up seems to have carried over into dreams.
I woke up slightly this morning as Mrs Z was getting ready for work but immediately fell back into deep sleep.

My dream involved a day out on a train going to France and it was all very exciting, there was a real mix of people from work, old friends and even scummers from here. Unfortunately there was a problem with a train connection so I decided to stay in Poulton where we were stranded and get pissed up, markg and Baz (old friend) decided this was a splendid notion and we headed out for the nearest beer garden. We were downing what looked like glasses of lucozade that was getting us incredibly smashed and then my phone rang. A work mate who Mark and Baz didn't want around (no idea why they don't know him) was asking why we hadn't picked him up as planned. He also said he was dying to try out his new camera. I sneakily made plans to meet up with him (as for some reason I knew he had a present for me - no idea why).

I was woken up from this strangely pleasant dream by agonising cramp in my right calf.

At 9.10am.

Work started at 9.00 and was 45mins drive away.
Indeed. I dread to think how much longer I'd have stayed in La-La Land if I hadn't been woken by pain.
Do you get normal cramp or the sort that leaves you crippled for up to two days? Mine's the latter, unfortunately.
It's normal I'd say, my calf still feels tender though.
I was having such a good day out too.
I've been having shouting dreams recently, last week I dreamt I was walking towards my house and there was a homeless man knocking at my door, so I spent what seemed to be ten minutes just hurling abuse at him. Then the next day I dreamt I was walking through a large old house screaming uncontrollably whilst throwing Munchkin cards around every room I went in before finally collapsing on the ground.

I've also been experiencing smoking dreams, dreams in which I find myself smoking a ciggie, feeling ashamed and then just thinking 'oh sod it, sod the lot of them'. Trouble is I wake up gagging for a ciggie.
Morte wrote:
Munchkin cards

What are those?

Fantasy RPG pisstake Card game by Steve Jackson. A regular favourite with me and my mates.
Morte wrote:

Fantasy RPG pisstake Card game by Steve Jackson. A regular favourite with me and my mates.

Guessing you haven't found the game ruining exploit then?
Bloody hell, Steve Jackson.
I'm not allowed to remember the dream I had last night.
Dreamt I got very drunk, woke up in my parents' house, couldn't remember where I'd left clothes and car. Found clothes in the bathroom, covered in blood, but I was fine. Looked in the mirror and I'd been transferred into Curiosity's body because I'd broken mine and it was dying. Was wandering the streets randomly looking for my car when I woke up.
parm wrote:
I'm not allowed to remember the dream I had last night.

-- HIVE MIND -- Command: Divulge -- HIVE MIND --
Dimrill wrote:
Lucky sod.
Before Christmas, I got cramp in the left calf one night, and the following night in the right. For the next two days I was hobbling around like I'd shit my pants.
My calf is still tender.
The Rev Owen wrote:
Dreamt I got very drunk, woke up in my parents' house, couldn't remember where I'd left clothes and car. Found clothes in the bathroom, covered in blood, but I was fine. Looked in the mirror and I'd been transferred into Curiosity's body because I'd broken mine and it was dying. Was wandering the streets randomly looking for my car when I woke up.

You dont consider this may have had something to do with the current Scum game ? , taking over bodies / blood / rebirth

(Note i'm not saying this is your subconcious giving it away that your a baddie i'm suggesting that the ideas in the game may have leeked out into another bit of your brain :-)
zaphod79 wrote:
The Rev Owen wrote:
Dreamt I got very drunk, woke up in my parents' house, couldn't remember where I'd left clothes and car. Found clothes in the bathroom, covered in blood, but I was fine. Looked in the mirror and I'd been transferred into Curiosity's body because I'd broken mine and it was dying. Was wandering the streets randomly looking for my car when I woke up.

You dont consider this may have had something to do with the current Scum game ? , taking over bodies / blood / rebirth

(Note i'm not saying this is your subconcious giving it away that your a baddie i'm suggesting that the ideas in the game may have leeked out into another bit of your brain :-)

I considered that, actually, and I guess it's part of it. But I think it's mostly just that I've not been sleeping properly and feel like shit, so it was just an escape dream. Though why it chose Curiosity to dump me into I don't know.

Meanwhile, my broken body was given to a homeless American black man and consequently my old body's skin colour was changing as he tried to make the unfairness of his situation known through broken, unfamiliar teeth.
I dreamt that me & the missus bought a new house, that turned out to be a penthouse flat over an old pub, only the front door was still a pub door & so loads of random people appeared wanting to go to the pub, so we invited em in for a housewarming party.
The house kept getting bigger & bigger throughout the dream, and then right at the end I noticed that almost all the windows were smashed, so I spent the last part wandering around, trying to work out how much it would cost to replace them all...

Am I mad?
Mr Dom wrote:
Am I mad?

Yes. It's all that stuff you smoke.
Last night I was in the house I grew up in, and it was sort of Cold-War-ish. There were Russian nuclear missile sites next to my house, and they were ready to fire. In fact, they did send one off, which rose up from beneath my window like a space rocket.

I didn't want it to blow us up (not sure why I thought it'd be heading for us... I might have been scared of retaliatory strikes), so I opened the window and pushed it over sideways. It tilted and eventually spun round, coming crashing down through the roof and leaving the armed warhead in the living room.

I went to call the police, but Tesco had bought the rights to 999 and so it was engaged.

Thankfully I woke up before the warhead exploded.
The Rev Owen wrote:
zaphod79 wrote:
The Rev Owen wrote:
Dreamt I got very drunk, woke up in my parents' house, couldn't remember where I'd left clothes and car. Found clothes in the bathroom, covered in blood, but I was fine. Looked in the mirror and I'd been transferred into Curiosity's body because I'd broken mine and it was dying. Was wandering the streets randomly looking for my car when I woke up.

You dont consider this may have had something to do with the current Scum game ? , taking over bodies / blood / rebirth

(Note i'm not saying this is your subconcious giving it away that your a baddie i'm suggesting that the ideas in the game may have leeked out into another bit of your brain :-)

I considered that, actually, and I guess it's part of it. But I think it's mostly just that I've not been sleeping properly and feel like shit, so it was just an escape dream. Though why it chose Curiosity to dump me into I don't know.

Meanwhile, my broken body was given to a homeless American black man and consequently my old body's skin colour was changing as he tried to make the unfairness of his situation known through broken, unfamiliar teeth.

It's because I'm awesome.

Curiosity wrote:
Tesco had bought the rights to 999 and so it was engaged.

Best new euphemism of 2010: 'Pushing the warhead'
Curiosity wrote:
Thankfully I woke up before the warhead exploded.

Reminds me of very wierd dream, many years ago, that I still remember...
I was in the police, & we were raiding a small farmhouse in the middle of nowhere, swat teams etc, cos the guy inside was a nutter with guns & grenades & stuff. stuff happened, and the guy threw a grenade over the little drystone wall I was hiding behind, and it landed by my feet. only, it wasn't a grenade, it was a nuclear warhead. i could tell cos it was white with 3 rings of white lights thwumming around it faster & faster... and it all went white...

Next thing I know, I'm up a tree. It's warm & sunny, and there are young kids around, - I look down, & I have a kids body, and when I speak it comes out American... I'm a small kid in America... then I wake up...

So, a dream about reincarnation then? :D
Mr Dom wrote:
I look down, & I have a kids body, and when I speak it comes out American.

So, a dream about reincarnation then? :D

No. You dreamt you were the all new Doc Gee.
Zardoz wrote:
parm wrote:
I'm not allowed to remember the dream I had last night.

-- HIVE MIND -- Command: Divulge -- HIVE MIND --

If I remembered it, which I haven't, because I'm not allowed to, then I'd probably say that it involved a young lady that I've had a thing for, on and off, over the last 14 years. It probably goes without saying that this young lady, if I'd dreamed about her, and if I'd remembered, isn't my wife. But I'm not allowed to remember it, so who knows what it was actually about.
My dreams were all over the place last night, the freakiest part though was watching a HUGE Raven on our windowsill upstairs, freakishly big, like 3ft tall. Other ravens were squarking at it and it moved about revealing it's lack of ribcage and wings and general zombie like appearance. This did not stop it flying away to meet up with the other normal Ravens. It's movements were disturbing.
Another unusual dream last night saw me, for some reason, in a perfume/cologne shop. I had remembered a discussion the previous day with DBSnappa, with him claiming aside from photography he also created perfumes, and that he'd dedicate one to me. I didn't believe him until in the top right corner of the shop I spied an unusual, glittery box with a signature I couldn't quite make out from afar, but recognised enough to be of Snappa himself.

I asked the clerk to bring the box down, only to see my suspicions confirmed, with a big DBSnappa (for some reason he trades using his forum name) signature in glitter, as well as 'Malabar Front' inscribed in gold script on the front of the box. The box contained quite a few different colognes, as apparently Snappa, according to the clerk, was one of the ‘Pick 'n' Mix’ designers, bombarding the customer with enough options to guarantee they'd like at least one.

Fellow forum girly man MaliA was there, also, in a posh suit.

I think I'm gay.
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