Be Excellent To Each Other

Sexism, the media, and women's bits.
Page 1 of 4

Author:  MrChris [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 16:22 ]
Post subject:  Sexism, the media, and women's bits.

Charlie Brooker's column in the Guardian yesterday kicked off a predictably point-missing tedious debate on Comment is Free about the portrayal of women in the media, and how it's all so terrible that there are pictures of semi-naked women everywhere and isn't it all ever-so degrading to women and while we're at it porn is *awful* and should be banned. And so on.

I do struggle with the idea that we should somehow be ashamed of finding attractive women attractive, though. And that anything to do with sex is automatically degrading to women. That latter approach in and of itself seems somewhat sexist to me (not to mention evidence of almost Victorian levels of prudishness in the speaker), as it automatically casts women as servile underdogs, fit only to fulfil some 50s ideal of a woman tied to the bedroom and the kitchen by her apron strings.

Having said that, I find myself annoyed by the portrayal of men in the media as either useless, sexually inadequate nerds to be laughed at by women or big buff meatheads.



Author:  Tmuk [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 16:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Mr Chris wrote:
Having said that, I find myself annoyed by the portrayal of men in the media as either useless, sexually inadequate nerds to be laughed at by women

As a University lecturer once pointed out to me, men may be portrayed in a negative light in the media in order to entice women to buy products etc. but men own most of the big businesses, so ultimately, we still win. :D

Author:  MrChris [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 16:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Tmuk wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
Having said that, I find myself annoyed by the portrayal of men in the media as either useless, sexually inadequate nerds to be laughed at by women

As a University lecturer once pointed out to me, men may be portrayed in a negative light in the media in order to entice women to buy products etc. but ultimately, men own all the big businesses, so ultimately, we still win. :D

This is something that slightly irks me too. Feminism has many good points, but the "but men control everything" aspect of it is absolute bollocks. They don't. A tiny fraction of a percent of men, massively over-privileged men who went to private schools, run everything. Most men are as down-trodden, disenfranchised and powerless as our fair sisters.

Author:  ElephantBanjoGnome [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 16:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Men have bigger muscles. We win.

I like boobs. If ladies want to show their boobs, how does this degrate them if it's their conscious choice? Confused.

Author:  Shin [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 16:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

ComicalGnomes wrote:
Men have bigger muscles. We win.

I like boobs. If ladies want to show their boobs, how does this degrate them if it's their conscious choice? Confused.

I have good muscles AND boobs-I win :)

And if women want to show their bits, let them! It's not degrading, that's rubbish

Author:  MrChris [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 16:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

ComicalGnomes wrote:
Men have bigger muscles. We win.

I like boobs. If ladies want to show their boobs, how does this degrate them if it's their conscious choice? Confused.

Because sex is a male construct used to degrade women and exert control over them, or something. In the world of the feminists writing in the Guardian all women should hate sex, it seems, or they're betraying their sisters. This little beauty made my blood boil, for example.

Author:  ElephantBanjoGnome [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 16:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Mr Chris wrote:
ComicalGnomes wrote:
Men have bigger muscles. We win.

I like boobs. If ladies want to show their boobs, how does this degrate them if it's their conscious choice? Confused.

Because sex is a male construct used to degrade women and exert control over them, or something. In the world of the feminists writing in the Guardian all women should hate sex, it seems, or they're betraying their sisters.

That reminds me of the guardian article that indirectly attacked me for using the word 'pimp', as, obviously, it degrades us all*.

* verbatim quote.

Author:  Shin [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 16:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Mr Chris wrote:
ComicalGnomes wrote:
Men have bigger muscles. We win.

I like boobs. If ladies want to show their boobs, how does this degrate them if it's their conscious choice? Confused.

Because sex is a male construct used to degrade women and exert control over them, or something. In the world of the feminists writing in the Guardian all women should hate sex, it seems, or they're betraying their sisters.

Whaaaat!? Women use sex as much as men do, if not, more! They use sex to get what they want from a guy sometimes. Both are equal parties in this. Feminists get on my nerves

Author:  MrChris [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 16:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

I like the cut of your jib, shin, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Author:  Malabelm [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 16:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

A friend of mine bought me an FHM magazine*. I hadn't seen one before. There are more pictures of topless men pratting around in aftershave adverts than there are women in the entire mag, sexily dressed or not.

*no, really. He bought me a mango as well.

Author:  ElephantBanjoGnome [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 16:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

On a vaguely related note, has anyone noticed how BRAVE CANCER SUFFERER Jade Goody is having her 'struggle' fully televised into documentary?

Gosh. I, like, so did not see that coming.

Author:  MrChris [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 16:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

FHM/Nuts/Zoo seem to me to be more offensive to men than to women, given how they belittle one's intellect and assume a homogenistic football/booze/cars/phwooooar-based monosyllabic grunting view of the world in the reader.

Author:  Craig [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 16:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

The Gradiuan is going to have a somewhat feminist agenda though isn't it?

Author:  Squirt [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 16:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Nuts / Zoo annoy me. Dammit, if I want boobs, I'll just buy porn. Make me laugh, or tell me interesting stuff!

Author:  MrChris [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 16:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Squirt wrote:
Dammit, if I want boobs, I'll just find free porn on the internet.

Penny-pinching FTFY.

Author:  DBSnappa [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 16:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Mr Chris wrote:
FHM/Nuts/Zoo seem to me to be more offensive to men than to women, given how they belittle one's intellect and assume a homogenistic football/booze/cars/phwooooar-based monosyllabic grunting view of the world in the reader.

Being someone who used to work for some of those similar titles about six or seven years ago (I'll recount the story of why I stopped, but it's largely to do with the morons who worked on the mags as WELL as the fact that nudity and near nudity isn't sexy IMO) I once heard them described as porn for boys either too young or too short to reach the top shelf.

Author:  MrChris [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 16:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Heh. But in that case, just buy a Fast Bikes mag and you get tits and excellent bikeness. And no bizarrely homo-erotic aftershave ads.

Honestly, advertising people! If you want to sell aftershave to a bloke, a picture of a naked male model who lives in the gym isn't going to make me want to buy your product. Really and truly it isn't. At all. What it *will* do is make me feel uncomfortable, and that ain't going to make me want to smell like the manboy in your ad.

Author:  Sinister Minister [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 17:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

You can get porn on the internets now? Truly, it's work is done.

Author:  The Rev Owen [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 17:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

I'm sure I remember in the mid-nineties that Loaded and FHM actually had interesting articles and were worth reading. Especially Loaded, which went through a phase of being a really good read. But FHM had some good stuff in, too.

They were good for a few years, right? I'm not just looking back with rose-tinted spectacles?

Author:  Zardoz [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 17:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Mr Chris wrote:

Image So she got into writing after the Wonder Years.

Author:  Cras [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 18:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Mr Chris wrote:
Honestly, advertising people! If you want to sell aftershave to a bloke, a picture of a naked male model who lives in the gym isn't going to make me want to buy your product. Really and truly it isn't. At all. What it *will* do is make me feel uncomfortable, and that ain't going to make me want to smell like the manboy in your ad.

Men don't buy aftershave, women buy it for them. And they buy it hoping it will make their men appear like the men in the ad.

Author:  MrChris [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 20:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Zardoz wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:

Image So she got into writing after the Wonder Years.

It's a house elf.

Cras - I've almost always bought my own.

Author:  ElephantBanjoGnome [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 20:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Typical feminist, hates men because she's minging.

This amused me, fucking magazines.


Author:  MrChris [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 20:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

I think she's a lesbytarian house elf, comical.

And: Humungo-heh at that magazine.

Author:  TheAlbinoKid [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 20:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

ComicalGnomes wrote:
Typical feminist, hates men because she's minging.

This amused me, fucking magazines.


To be fair, it does say "back to her old body"... more true than the reader could have known!

In fact, so true it becomes deceitful... that's the strange part that my brain is struggling with. :nerd:

Author:  Myfinger [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 20:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Excuse me for butting in, butt, like. But aren't we all rather missing the point here?

I mean the argument "if you don't like porn, you don't have to watch it" is well established. So by extension, if you don't like the Guardian, don't read it!

The whole point of the national press is, and always has been, so the rich owner can hire those with a similar viewpoint and then exert their political/economic/social influence and opinion on the nation. Without looking, I should imagine that for every confused Guardian article droning on about social and political correctness there is a Telegraph article espousing the virtue of Empire and capital punishment, and 200 lowest common denominator Sun articles about a hard done by single mum fighting "red tape" and/or "fat cat bosses".

Everyone is allowed to spout as much frothing liquid shit, masquerading as opinion, as they like and if you are fortunate enough to have a newspaper column on which to stand and spout it so that it splashes across the whole country well then so much the better.

However, given that only 45% of the adult population read a newspaper:, and that 45% reads one of ten newspapers, that's a pretty slim slice of the nation overall who read the Guardian (4.5% is being generous I reckon, since I should imagine that Sun and Mirror have the lion's share). So if Guardian readers want to sit around on Fair Trade, Organic wicker furniture in their cardigans and sock-sandal combinations feeling smugly satisfied holding their wrong opinions then that's fine by me.

They are entitled to say whatever they want and be wrong. As are you, and as am I. :)

Author:  Mimi [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 20:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Hello Myfinger, your post is great.

Please post more often.

Thankyou :)

Author:  kalmar [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 21:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

What did the Guardian do wrong exactly?
I believe the comments you're talking about are made by people typing shit in to the internet after they've decided to be outraged at something. Just like on any BBC News article about anything, ever.

http://ifyoulikeitsomuchwhydontyougoliv ... at-o-tron/

Without looking, I should imagine that for every confused Guardian article droning on about social and political correctness

I think you may have missed the point then..

Author:  MrChris [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 21:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

I'm not having a go at the Guardian, mind. The OP was in relation to people commenting on CiF. Well, and then I strayed into the horrible little world of the house elf woman.

But there does seem to be an overwhelming prurience about sex and nudity. It's evident not just in the Guardian, but in confused, hypocritical papers like the Mail and the Sun. It's either "sick filf" or "sexist filf" depending on the demographic of the paper.

Author:  flis [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 21:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Shin wrote:

Whaaaat!? Women use sex as much as men do, if not, more! They use sex to get what they want from a guy sometimes. Both are equal parties in this. Feminists get on my nerves

And if women want to show their bits, let them! It's not degrading, that's rubbish

I have a couple of problems with the two comments Shin has made....

Firstly, a woman showing her boobies off in a magazine may not be degrading for her, in so much as she is fully excepting what is coming next (tits out, page 3, wahay!) but some men have difficulty distinguishing between girl in paper and girl walking down road. Not all boobies, no matter how lovely they may be, are there for staring at and not all women are comfortable with the attention that boobies do get. When a complete moron leers "nice tits" it isn't complimentary, it doesn't make you feel good and you feel generally degraded, you question yourself, are you dressed like a slut today? What could draw such comments from a complete stranger? Yes, they are easily ignored but when did it become acceptable?

Also, as I've mentioned before, I work for a building contractor and I am site based for 2 days. That's building site based....a lovely environment! It is a hard environment for a women, some blokes come in with the attitude that you can't possibly know anything about what they want and treat you like a stupid, young tea-girl. Others think that you're fair game because you're on a building site...I get all kinds of comments, a lot of sexist things and a few that are just obscene. They would never dream of speaking to my male colleagues in the same kind of way so why is it ok for them to speak to/about me like that? Senior management are the same, they're not so obvious with their sexism but it's still there, I get asked to do things because I'm female, assumptions are made and comments are passed. It can be even harder because I expect it from 'the lads' because they're on a building site and every thing is crude and horrible but it's even more degrading when it comes dressed up slightly from a 50 year old professional who will never see you as an equal because you are a woman.

Author:  MrChris [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 21:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

And there's a product of the site chaps' and the management's respective educations and backgrounds, I think.

That's all horrible.

Author:  ElephantBanjoGnome [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 21:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Surely you've grounds for all kinds of sue-able sexual harassment, no? I'd never put up with it if I were a woman, and similarly I'd never allow the gf to put up with it in any circumstance. In fact, at the first hint of anything inappropriate I can see myself going quite mental.

Author:  Mimi [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 22:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Excellent post, Flis.

Men completely anonymous to me have leered and commented about my breasts in the street since I was about 16. They'd never do it when I was around Craig (comment, I mean - he'd agree that they sometimes still have the brass neck to leer at me), but it makes me feel uncomfortable and vulnerable, sometimes scared, depending on the context of where I am and what I am doing.

I do think that the casual representation of women as sex objects, and the breasts being the focus of the 'phwoar' factor in the tabloids ('x many days until it's legal for blah-di-blah to show us her tits!' or whatever it was) has given some people the idea that it is OK to leer at women. When some men do this I truly wonder if they think that I find it flattering, or if they know it is unwelcome but don't have the decency to hold back from making me feel uncomfortable.

Author:  MrChris [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 22:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Men have been doing that forever though, meems. Mr Darcy was copping a leer when Elizabeth Bennet wasn't looking.

Fact is - men like boobies. This is why corsets existed.

It isn't right, and it's not always pleasant for you members of the fairer sex, but it's nothing new.

Author:  Mimi [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 22:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.


But when you are alone and some man leans out of a door way and says 'ere, nice rack, cooorrrr' it can be quite frightening. :(

Author:  MrChris [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 22:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Oh, absolutely - and men that do that are pigs. I just don't think FHM is necessarily to blame.

Author:  flis [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 22:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

ComicalGnomes wrote:
Surely you've grounds for all kinds of sue-able sexual harassment, no? I'd never put up with it if I were a woman, and similarly I'd never allow the gf to put up with it in any circumstance. In fact, at the first hint of anything inappropriate I can see myself going quite mental.

Big old can of worms that one! It's very easy to say you'd never put up with it and obviously, one should not have to, in a faceless corporation I most likely would have a good case to bring to court but I live on a small island and there are probably 4 companies I could work for doing what I do, the directors know each other, play golf together and are members of the same clubs and organisations.

Don't think for one moment that I take it, humbly bowing down as I back out of the door to make the tea while the men talk about import things I wouldn't understand. I deal with 'the lads' how their attitudes demand they be dealt with, they are now (mostly) civil and keep their comments to themselves. They are easy to deal with, imply they have bigger boobs than I do and embarrass them a bit in front of their peers, they are mostly dim-witted and a bit slow so it's quite easy.

The point is, why do they think it's ok to act the way they do? By not suing their asses am I saying it's ok? It isn't acceptable and there is no easy way round it, over all it means that the respect my male colleagues get automatically, I have to earn. There are times when I am annoyed at certain attitudes or the way I get spoken to but I think that the best way to overcome it, is to do my job well, not create a fuss and while resulting in moral victory would do nothing for my career or reputation.

Author:  Mimi [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 22:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Mr Chris wrote:
Oh, absolutely - and men that do that are pigs. I just don't think FHM is necessarily to blame.

Oh, I see the point you were making now, Mr Chris. No, I don't know where this facet of culture came from, and why some people think it is acceptable to objectify women that way, but it does upset me sometimes. it's one of the reasons I enjoy winter so much - big warm jackets and snuggly scarves and hats, mmmmmm lovely!

Author:  sinister agent [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 22:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Witless tossers in "not nice" shame shock !

Author:  MrChris [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 22:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

I think we all objectify each other to an extent - it's part of our biology and quite normal. We wouldn't reproduce without it. And from someone we like or fancy it can be a nice thing.

But people being overly and aggressively overt about it, inappropriately, and having that be the sole or main part of your interactions with the opposite sex, is wrong, and rather sad.

Author:  Shin [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 22:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

I get what Mimi and Flis mean.

I have problems with men staring at my tits-all women do. I have a 34F chest and I can understand that men will look, they take up half of my freaking body for christ's sake! The leering is a little gross yeah, the worst is the 'nice tits' comments yeah. But those are the few morons in society that think it's okay to talk to/about my tits because they are 'there,' I don't think models and women in the papers help this by flashing bits for men to see but surely it's up to that particular guy to keep his fancies to the paper and not try and leer at me in such a way in the street?

I don't actually think men think they are flattering you, no. I think they just have this foot-in-mouth thing that they can't help saying it. Some men are freaking gross on the other hand and try and rub up against you-but that's easily dealt with by jamming the heel of your palm into their jaw-they soon get lost.

We are all animals in the end. Eat, Fuck, Create and Sleep is what we do, so we can't really dim people's instincts.

If I was 100% confident I'd have mine in the bloody magazines! The money they make, phew, I could afford that mansion with the 100 cats!

Author:  Mimi [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 23:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

I know they are not flattering me, what I meant was, I wonder if they think that women find it flattering - do they think that saying 'cor, nice rack' is understood by women to be nothing more than an appreciation of beauty.

I never understand why some, not content with staring in the first place, feel the need to shout to you and point out that you have breasts? Are they doing it because they think you enjoy hearing it, or because they know that each time they shout it at you it embarrasses and sometimes upsets you.

Being molested in public is another thing altogether, as it's illegal and you have the right by law to have them arrested for it, and there is no question that it is 'wrong', and though sexual harassment laws do exists in this country their usefulness seems mostly limited to people acting inappropriately in a professional environment, rather than people just going about their daily lives and being harassed in the street.

Author:  Shin [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 23:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Mimi wrote:
I know they are not flattering me, what I meant was, I wonder if they think that women find it flattering - do they think that saying 'cor, nice rack' is understood by women to be nothing more than an appreciation of beauty.

I never understand why some, not content with staring in the first place, feel the need to shout to you and point out that you have breasts? Are they doing it because they think you enjoy hearing it, or because they know that each time they shout it at you it embarrasses and sometimes upsets you.

Being molested in public is another thing altogether, as it's illegal and you have the right by law to have them arrested for it, and there is no question that it is 'wrong', and though sexual harassment laws do exists in this country their usefulness seems mostly limited to people acting inappropriately in a professional environment, rather than people just going about their daily lives and being harassed in the street.

Mimi-if you read what I said, 'I don't actually think men think they are flattering you, no' as in they just say it and don't think about it-like tourettes or something. I probably worded it wrong as I was trying to stop a cat fight.

Men are becoming more 'forward' aswell nowadays, which is partly why I used to do self defence-just in case and it has come in handy a few times

Author:  Mimi [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 23:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Shin wrote:
We are all animals in the end. Eat, Fuck, Create and Sleep is what we do, so we can't really dim people's instincts.

We may be animals is physiology, but we are thinking, sentient beings that should have a sense of how to behave in public. We are (supposed to be) cultured and civilised, and an understanding of what is right and what is wrong should be able to put the basic needs of 'Eat, Fuck, Create and Sleep' into some form of civilised structure so that we have respect beyond the basic 'must eat to live, must pass on sperm to procreate', etc of the rest of the animal kingdom.

Author:  Shin [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 23:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Mimi wrote:
Shin wrote:
We are all animals in the end. Eat, Fuck, Create and Sleep is what we do, so we can't really dim people's instincts.

We may be animals is physiology, but we are thinking, sentient beings that should have a sense of how to behave in public. We are (supposed to be) cultured and civilised, and an understanding of what is right and what is wrong should be able to put the basic needs of 'Eat, Fuck, Create and Sleep' into some form of civilised structure so that we have respect beyond the basic 'must eat to live, must pass on sperm to procreate', etc of the rest of the animal kingdom.

I'm not condoning it at all, but it is in human nature to appraise things with our eyes isn't it? I don't like it when men 'say' stuff, but looking isn't so bad-women eye up men aswell

Author:  Mimi [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 23:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Like tourettes? No - that's a terrible condition - these men just don't give a damn about the people that they offend. I don't think it's anything like the same thing. If the people that did this kind of thing wanted to stop shouting 'get your tits out' then they could, it's not a triggered instinct, just bad manners and disrespect.

Author:  Shin [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 23:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Mimi wrote:
Like tourettes? No - that's a terrible condition - these men just don't give a damn about the people that they offend. I don't think it's anything like the same thing. If the people that did this kind of thing wanted to stop shouting 'get your tits out' then they could, it's not a triggered instinct, just bad manners and disrespect.

Maybe not that then. I had one guy who I was talking to just blurt out 'nice chest,' and then looked really embaressed and left. That was really really odd and he was very apologetic the next time I saw him. Apparently he was really nervous and just said it-I think that was probably the example I wanted to use

Author:  Mimi [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 23:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Shin wrote:

[color=#800080]I'm not condoning it at all, but it is in human nature to appraise things with our eyes isn't it? I don't like it when men 'say' stuff, but looking isn't so bad-women eye up men aswell

Looking at a man and thinking 'he's handsome' or appreciating a beautiful girl is one thing. Staring at someone's breasts like the long dead Elvis had just appeared in your cleavage and is singing Jailhouse Rock surrounded by a choir of bespectacled goldfish is quite another.

If you go around leering at the outline of mens penises, which I can't imagine you do, or at least hope you don't, then it's really not the same thing.

Author:  Shin [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 23:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

Mimi wrote:
Shin wrote:

I'm not condoning it at all, but it is in human nature to appraise things with our eyes isn't it? I don't like it when men 'say' stuff, but looking isn't so bad-women eye up men aswell

Looking at a man and thinking 'he's handsome' or appreciating a beautiful girl is one thing. Staring at someone's breasts like the long dead Elvis had just appeared in your cleavage and is singing Jailhouse Rock surrounded by a choir of bespectacled goldfish is quite another.

If you go around leering at the outline of mens penises, which I can't imagine you do, or at least hope you don't, then it's really not the same thing.

I appreciate the human form as a whole really, male and female (I'm not bisexual-just thought I'd say.) Basically I don't mind people looking at me, that's fine. I don't mind them looking at a particular part of me for a few minutes, that's fine. I ignore them and get on with what I'm doing, if they want to look let them if it's not bugging me-I don't make a huge issue of it unless they are up in my face/chest and chatting about them.

I have extremely bad sight unless a foot or so away so no leering for me :)

Author:  Dimrill [ Wed Sep 10, 2008 1:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sexism, the media, and tits.

More "peering" then.


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