GPOYW thread
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Me, Danielle, and Bob Mould, probably my favourite musician.

Off track, but are you going to see Bob Mould play copper blue? London on the 1st of june.
When I was young I wanted to be grow up to be a ninja. But I'll settle for secret agent assassin.
I'd like to be a drummer... a proper one that does nothing else but play drums.
Today's theme: tasty treats!


At Borroum's Drugstore, Corinth, Mississippi. Both their strawberry malts and their slugburgers are fantastic.

At Pier mumblemumble in NYC

Mmm, lovely Spitfire.
A tasty treat for the youngest of the Grim... family.

"Lesson 1: Lager" by Grim..., on Flickr

That's Grim... snr in the background (facing away, black hair), too.
I just ate a Plopp... I should have taken a picture :(
Massive pretzel plus delicious wheat beer in the beer garden at Andechs abbey near Munich. Especially tasty as a reward for the forest walk up to the abbey from the town below.
Um, although I've just realised that picture doesn't technically contain any 'me' thus violating the thread rules. It does include Mrs B's arms in the shot if that helps?
KovacsC wrote:
Hmmm beer

The Joans, he is multiplying.
markh wrote:
Off track, but are you going to see Bob Mould play copper blue? London on the 1st of june.

Almost certainly.
Damn, I was drinking coconut infused beer out of half a coconut on Sunday, yet have no picture.
nickachu wrote:
I just ate a Plopp... I should have taken a picture :(
You are Veronica Moser AICMFP!
nickachu wrote:
I just ate a Plopp... I should have taken a picture :(

Gross! You eat your own plops?
It came from the ocean.
Nothing tasty or treaty about that.
Depends on perspective. Mrs Craster had 5 minutes peace.
Look who's turned up in the paper this week?
Craster wrote:
It came from the ocean.

TheVision wrote:
Look who's turned up in the paper this week?

Scary stuff.
Nice one!


Daily Corinthian, 8 April 2012:
The theme is "in the press" then?

I've not got a photo, but I do have a few name-checks, the most recent of which is this:

22nd June 2001

28th June 2001

I went on to win the national final and won an IBM NetVista all-in-one PC for my troubles, which promptly netted me £800 from eBay.
Hahaha ace! What "very high level office tasks" did you have to do?
I didn't know we had a computer whizz in our midst!
Seems he is into scat too, or did I read that wrong?
"IT User of the Year"; that's breath-takingly vague!
Taken from Your Sinclair in 1989 ... complete with misspelling of my surname... (Mine's the Davey Moves one)
Haha, well done Phillis. That's your new name.
myp wrote:
Haha, well done Phillis. That's your new name.

Not Phillia, then?
Grim... wrote:
Hahaha ace! What "very high level office tasks" did you have to do?

A bunch of horseshit. Had to demonstrate proficiency in Microsoft Office, essentially.

Not much else to it. No idea how it was scored or whatever, but I came out top in local, regional and national. The stuff about the International IT Skills Olympiad was a load of rubbish, that wasn't until the next year so I wasn't eligible - however, I did get automatic entry into the national finals the following year, in which I came second (had I been first, THEN I would have gone on to the international level, whatever that involves)

So coming runner-up the following year got me a Palm Pilot, which I promptly sold for £350 on eBay :P

My college (SCAT) lorded it up for years, claiming they were the architects of my "success", had my photo up as a case study in all the computing rooms and everything for years after I left. Irony was, they taught me nothing I didn't already know.
devilman wrote:
Taken from Your Sinclair in 1989 ... complete with misspelling of my surname... (Mine's the Davey Moves one)

Huh. Turns out Your Sinclair was based a few doors down from where we go to the Music Quiz.
Wow, still being used and I left there over 12 years ago:

That dress suits you.
I had a really shitty (and quite nastily personal) piece written about me in Coinslot ( over my involvement with the Fairplay campaign on cheating UK fruit machines which :attitude: and myself took on.

But since Coinslot was a paid-for trade magazine I never got my hands on a real copy, I do believe the text is archived out at the Fairplay site though.
AtrocityExhibition wrote:
I do believe the text is archived out at the Fairplay site though.

http://worldofstuart.excellentcontent.c ... nslot2.htm
Grim... wrote:
That dress suits you.

It looked better on your bedroom floor. :luv:
That doesn't actually seem to mention your name, AE (well, the original piece didn't).

Did anything actually come of FairPlay in the end?
Grim... wrote:
That doesn't actually seem to mention your name, AE (well, the original piece didn't).

Did anything actually come of FairPlay in the end?

Yeah but my name was quite well known in industry circles by then, (as were the details of my personal website at the time, forums I posted to and what have you), the heavyweight squad of lawyers who turned up to the hearing at the IOM Gaming Commission said it all.......

We did get something out of it though, from then forwards (and to this day) all compensated UK AWPs carry a disclaimer on the glass (usually located around the coin mechanism) that states words to the effect of 'This machine is compensated and may at times offer the player a choice where he has little chance of success', which is basically the 'unwinnable gambles' admission we were going for all along.

Have a little read of the fruit machines next time you're in the pub, Fairplay did that :) A small thing perhaps, but it's not everyday that two regular blokes decide that something's fucked up, want to change it, and succeed.*

* Well, not when they're up against a very hostile multi-million pound 'industry', that is.
Zardoz wrote:
Wow, still being used and I left there over 12 years ago:


Hopefully their premises isn't still a transit van.
There was a picture of me at work published in a local magazine in February this year, but I don't have a digital copy so I'll have to find it tonight and either scan or take a photo of the page.

Taken on Saturday, near Bath.

I'm the one on the left of the picture.
Is that the wife? Her tits look great in that top. So do yours.
Craster wrote:
Is that the wife?

Her tits look great in that top.
Be sure to tell her "Sarah's tits look much better than yours" when you see her ;)

So do yours.
My tits look great in any top.

I did think it was a bit of an extreme dye-job.
I have no pictures of me outside that don't involve me being at a petting zoo, play area or park*.

weeps for lost youth

*with my own child, before you ask.
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