New generic book thread
What are you reading?
Seabiscuit was marvellous - I don't really feel much for horse racing, always seen it as a little man accompanying a horse as it does its thing, but Seabiscuit and Jane Smiley's Horse have convinced me otherwise.

I'm now on the Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Only 80 pages in but it has me gripped - astonishing, can't believe I've not heard of her before (which puts her up there with Gertrude Bell).
Totally reading Jilly Cooper right now.
Grim... wrote:
Ready Player One is an ace little book about a huge challenge held in an advanced MMO world, and is more than recommended.

Holy nuts, Spielberg is directing the movie of this!
In other book news, I've hammering my way through Dresden, and finished Ghost Story (#13) last night. It wasn't as good as the others (especially compared to the one before it, which was excellent), but it was still good.

The one before it was called Changes, and
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
it's the one where he finds out he has a daughter and kills Susan and then dies at the end (which Craster spoilzored for me, the tool).
Yeah, whatevs.
Cras wrote:
Yeah, whatevs.

That's not going to make sense unless they've read the spoiler.
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Yeah, whatevs
Cras wrote:
Yeah, whatevs.

Listen old man, it's 'whevs' now.
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
In the new Reacher book, he punches the bad guy and fucks the hot chick.
I went through the Dresdens so quickly that I find it hard to separate them in my head. They're very different after Ghost Story, though
Yeah, and not in a good way.
To be fair, there's only been two of them since then.
You'll never top the reanimated t-rex
The last one jumped the shark, and that is on top of
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
him coming back from the dead
Before I click that: last what?
I thought the one after Ghost Story was a bit weak, but I thought the last one, Skin Game was a real return to form.
My issue is Dresden

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
going from king badass to king emo
Cras wrote:
My issue is Dresden

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
going from king badass to king emo

To be fair there are reasons for that...

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
the whole Winter Knight mantle influence... though there have been plenty of hints that he'll get rid of that soon... or at least take up another mantle that would mitigate the effects.
Grim... wrote:
Before I click that: last what?

The last book, but the spoiler refers to an earlier one, although they all blur into one and I would struggle to tell you anything that happened in any specific book.
It's the one where Dresden gets hurt and tired but manages to save the day with an inspired, last minute solution
Dresden, ta. Bobby forgot to mention that :)
When did present-tense books become a standard? I got the audiobook of Divergent (yes, I know. I'm a teenage girl) for cheeps and it's all in present tense. I quite like it. It lends a sense of uncertainty and danger to the story. Kinda like watching a film.

Are there any major books written like that?

Edit: The Hunger Games (yes, I know. I'm a teenage girl) is present-tense apparently, says Google. I've read that. Didn't notice.
Present tense first person?
Fifty Shades of Grey is. Some Reacher books are. All the Jack Daniels books are. Bits of The Martian are. Adrian Mole is ;) Black Beauty is ;) ;)

I don't think it's that rare.
I guess not. Can't say I've ever noticed before. Must be down to the Audiobook being a bit more immediate.

Hang on, Adrian Mole is a diary. How can that possibly be present tense?
Grim... wrote:
Fifty Shades of Grey is. Some Reacher books are. All the Jack Daniels books are. Bits of The Martian are. Adrian Mole is ;) Black Beauty is ;) ;)

I don't think it's that rare.

I think second person past tense is rare. Choose your own adventure are present are they not?
DavPaz wrote:
Hang on, Adrian Mole is a diary. How can that possibly be present tense?

Ah, I was first-personing.

MaliA wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Fifty Shades of Grey is. Some Reacher books are. All the Jack Daniels books are. Bits of The Martian are. Adrian Mole is ;) Black Beauty is ;) ;)

I don't think it's that rare.

I think second person past tense is rare. Choose your own adventure are present are they not?

And an epilogue at the end of red-shirts.
One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest
I Capture The Castle
The Handmaid's Tale

Also, I believe Wolf Hall is. I remember reading something about it being Cremwhale's account, first person present tense, but I've not read it.
I can't stand reading first person or present tense. Really irritates me.
Mark struggled to think of how to respond to Craster's comments without risking further upset.
Mimi had once worried about Craster's desire to rage quit over writing styles, because she had always admired his beard, and in particular it's gingerness, which was so ginger that it out-gingered even ginger, (which was not and had never been actually ginger coloured). Since the beginning of time, many great philosophers had pondered on the un-gingerness of ginger, but not Mimi; and she was not thinking of this now, purposefully, as she refused to do anything in the present tense.
markg wrote:
Mark struggled to think of how to respond to Craster's comments without risking further upset.

Dave also thought about this. But I have now reached an epiphany: I don't care. An angry Craster can't do much to me.
I like cock.
Mr Dave wrote:
markg wrote:
Mark struggled to think of how to respond to Craster's comments without risking further upset.

Dave also thought about this. But I have now reached an epiphany: I don't care. An angry Craster can't do much to me.
I like cock.

markg wrote:
Mark struggled to think of how to respond to Craster's comments without risking further upset.

Grim... found Mark's comment most amusing.
His concentration slipping, he accidentally flexed one mighty bicep before he could stop himself.
The resulting shockwave vaporised the surrounding buildings and killed anyone within sixty meters, and seriously injured people within the next ten. Several nearby women who survived the devastation found themselves inexplicably pregnant.
Grim... wrote:
markg wrote:
Mark struggled to think of how to respond to Craster's comments without risking further upset.

Grim... found Mark's comment most amusing.
His concentration slipping, he accidentally flexed one mighty bicep before he could stop himself.
The resulting shockwave vaporised the surrounding buildings and killed anyone within sixty meters, and seriously injured people within the next ten. Several nearby women who survived the devastation found themselves inexplicably pregnant.

:DD I think I :luv: you.
Mimi wrote:
:DD I think I :luv: you.

NOOOOOOO you'll anger Craster!
I think I :luv: Craster...?

No, wait, I get it...

I think Craster :luv: s you.

Honestly, I think there's enough of you to go around.
What the fuck is going on
Mimi wrote:
I think I :luv: Craster...?

No, wait, I get it...

I think Craster :luv: s you.

Honestly, I think there's enough of you to go around.

Mimi should have stopped using first person present tense, to avoid angering the Craster. When historians looked back at the Fall of Man, this was identified as the point of no return.
Mimi wrote:
I think I :luv: Craster...?

Heh, look, I even gave him your last name.


Curiosity wrote:
Mimi wrote:
I think I :luv: Craster...?

No, wait, I get it...

I think Craster :luv: s you.

Honestly, I think there's enough of you to go around.

Mimi should have stopped using first person present tense, to avoid angering the Craster. When historians looked back at the Fall of Man, this was identified as the point of no return.

Mimi sidles in between Craster and Grim... interruptiung a moment of pure hairy man-bear love, and in an instance the love rage pulses through both man and all her atoms are first torn apart and then smashed furiously against each other.

Craster, in a deep sweat and with a crooked knowing smile looks at his lover and whispers 'ah, the Higgs Boson' and they Hi5 it back into oblivion.
That's an excerpt from my new book: Fifty Shades Of Nay.
Did you...did you..Did you just describe being Eiffel Tower'd by Grim.. and Cras?

I feel ill
I have no idea what that means, so let's say 'no'.

I was more describing two huge forces running towards each other with a woman trapped in the middle. I saw what Grim... did to Ange all by himself with a mere chest-bump.
Mimi wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Mimi wrote:
I think I :luv: Craster...?

No, wait, I get it...

I think Craster :luv: s you.

Honestly, I think there's enough of you to go around.

Mimi should have stopped using first person present tense, to avoid angering the Craster. When historians looked back at the Fall of Man, this was identified as the point of no return.

Mimi sidles in between Craster and Grim... interruptiung a moment of pure hairy man-bear love, and in an instance the love rage pulses through both man and all her atoms are first torn apart and then smashed furiously against each other.

Craster, in a deep sweat and with a crooked knowing smile looks at his lover and whispers 'ah, the Higgs Boson' and they Hi5 it back into oblivion.


*goes with it*
MaliA wrote:
Did you...did you..Did you just describe being Eiffel Tower'd by Grim.. and Cras?

Mimi wrote:
I was more describing two huge forces running towards each other with a woman trapped in the middle

Sounds about right.
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