Beex, Yo.
Shows up spaff on your sheets
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"Hey, fuck face, here's a ladder. You don't know what a ladder looks like? How about I just paint it bright blue. That good enough? You don't get it still? Right, I'll paint every ladder in the game blue then so you don't forget what a ladder is."

"Whoa there pal! You almost fell off the edge of that building. Geesh. You're clumsy. Look, would it help if I stick an arrow at the edge of the edge so you know where the edge is? Nevermind the sheer drop at the other side being blatantly obvious to a six year old. You've never played a game before have you? What, you've prestiged on MW3 seven times. You'll definately struggle to get to grips with this game. It's a s-i-d-e s-c-r-o-l-l-i-n-g platform game. Platform. Y'know, like standing on the ground but in the air. No, not like that world in Avatar."

"Look, I better put an arrow over every edge or you'll never get off the tutorial."

"Pal! Jesus Christ. You almost walked by that. That. THAT. It's a dead body on the floor. How'd yo... oh, look, I better make everything glow blue when you're around. You're like some blind wandering buffoon."

"Christ almighty. You're stuck again! Ok, look, let's do this one last time. Whenever I want you to move something or touch something I'll paint it blue. All of it. It'll barely resemble what it's supposed to look like. Yes, blue like Avatar. (fuck, I better paint everything blue)."

"You're never going to last five minutes are you? Ok, well what if I tell you in giant text what you're supposed to do. Let's run by it again, yeah? You're in a one screen section. You can't get out. There is no danger whatsoever. NO, you fucking idiot don't turn it off already. You're holding an axe. It's the only bloody thing you've picked up! Stop swinging! Ok, see that lock, it's clearly stopping you get ou... Stop swinging ... Out. Why don't you try and figure it out?"

"You done? What the fuck, you're still in this section. You fucking retard. Ok, I'll flash the lock BRIGHT FUCKING BLUE. You get it? YOU'VE GOT AN AXE. STOP SWINGING. Oh, here's some giant text to TELL YOU TO SWING AT THE LOCK. Phew. Geesh."

"I better set subtitles as standard. He'll wonder whose that disembodied voice is. Twat."

"What, you want an option to turn off all the obvious pointers, blueness, and atmosphere ruining stuff? No way, pal, you wouldn't be able to handle it. No one could. Besides that might mean that we might have to figure out a solution to make the edges of platforms more easily defined. That'd take some finking, buddy. I ain't got time for that. Plus you're a moron."
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Actually it seems I just hate tutorials and handholding, cause this is actually quite spiffy. It's not quite LIMBO in terms of its atmosphere but it'll do.

Me likey.
Ian Fairies wrote:
Actually it seems I just hate tutorials and handholding, cause this is actually quite spiffy. It's not quite LIMBO in terms of its atmosphere but it'll do.

Me likey.

supposed to be very short so you have probably finished it by now?
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Not yet and I spent some quality time with Saturday and a couple of hours on Sunday. It's certainly longer than LIMBO, but like that it's linear. I've read that it's difficult, perfect jumps needed, etc but I've had no problems whatsoever. It's really good actually. There's an ace level where you're chased across rooftops by a helicopter, a cracking level in a hospital and a groovy jaunt through a ruined suburbia.

Whether it's worth a tenner depends on how much of a cheapskate you are. It's really holding my attention. I reckon it's got to be the best game I've played since Journey.
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Actually, since Max Payne 3.
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Ian Fairies wrote:
Whether it's worth a tenner depends on how much of a cheapskate you are. It's really holding my attention. I reckon it's got to be the best game I've played since Journey.

That's high praise indeed. I'm definitely going to pick it up, I just don't really need a new game right now so I can afford to wait for a price drop.

That said I thought about it at the weekend because the next game we've decided we're going to start is Fallout: New Vegas which is obviously going to be a pretty serious investment of time, and something that allegedly only took a couple of hours to go through sounded tempting as a palette cleanser; pretty much the same reason I blew through Bastion last week in fact. In the end though we just watched the Olympics.

Wow, even I'm thinking 'great story bro' after reading that post back. :D
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Total playing time was apparently just 1:54! I'm surprised cause it felt longer. A 75% completion rate too and about 30/40 cheevos.

I think the critics were wrong about this. It's very good. Very old school. Very pretty. Very atmospheric.

There's a few flaws: the voice acting ain't too hot but it's serviceable. There's a few one hit kill sections with little warning what's going to happen until it happens (but once you restart you know what's expected - for example, the roofs going to collapse so I better get a move on through this bit). It ain't that hard and I had no trouble with the platform sections.

Nice ending too if a little hammy and typical zombie accopalyse fare.

Recommended if you've got an evening or two to play something memorable for the right reasons.
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Thnx 4 da r3vu!!!xxx

I'll snap this up when it's 400pts.
Same here I'll wait till it drops in price, have more than enough to play for now.
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