Star Wars Battlefront
That’s still going to be 45 from Amazon or Tesco I expect.
Regular shooty shooty is good, but the space combat is AMAZING
Actually, scratch that, fucking JOYOUS
I don't really see that being a problem. The perks aren't game changingly powerful, and the sort of people to whom that would make difference (and would shell out for the points) would likely have handed my arse to me anyway.
More Pay-To-Win talk. This is all stuff that traditionally unlocked for free in paid-for multiplayer games.

I wouldn't call a 100% damage reduction card when fully upgraded not 'world changingly powerful'.

There are going to be people on the map who are invincible for a period of time, and people who aren't, and the people who want that can spend money to get it. And that's just one card.

Free-to-play pay-to-win mechanics in a full price AAA game.

You can still unlock those cards, it just takes longer.
Quick question on Battlefront II :)

Is it a stand alone game or online or both?

Was thinking of getting it as my son loves Star Wars, having seen some trailers you can play as Darth Maul and the Emperor.

He is a bit young to play but will love watching and I'm hoping he will get into playing a bit

Don't want an full online game where I keep getting my arse kicked by 15 years olds though :DD

It's a PEGI 16, though.
Screenshot 2017-11-06 at 08.39.30.png
Grim... wrote:

It's a PEGI 16, though.

Oh ok maybe not then, he is only 4 :)

Shame as he does love the characters
There's a whole raft of Lego games.
Hearthly wrote:
Screenshot 2017-11-06 at 08.39.30.png

Is that Su Pollard?
Yes, apparently when she was 16. She played Peggy in Hi-De-Hi.
Hearthly wrote:
Yes, apparently when she was 16. She played Peggy in Hi-De-Hi.

Sure, I get why. I just never imagined what she might look like when she was younger.

Is she even still alive?

[edit] She is.
Grim... wrote:
Hearthly wrote:
Screenshot 2017-11-06 at 08.39.30.png

Is that Su Pollard?

How in all of the world did you recognise her there? I’ve been looking at it for a few minutes now and just can’t see that it’s her!
Grim... wrote:
Sure, I get why. I just never imagined what she might look like when she was younger.

Is she even still alive?

[edit] She is.

I remember her doing 'Celebrity Swears' on The Word.

She just appeared onscreen for about two seconds and said 'Fuck'.

It was a good feature.
Grim... wrote:
There's a whole raft of Lego games.

Good point I'd forgotten about those !
Apparently, you have to unlock the ability to play as Luke and Vader, and it takes 40 hours-ish to unlock just 1. Or you can just pay real money, of course.

T'internet is going fucking apeshit.
Pundabaya wrote:
Or you can just pay real money, of course.

Actually, you can't. Well, not directly - Luke and Vadar can only be bought for in-game money, which you can't buy for real money (at least, not yet).

But you can buy loot crates for real money, and you can sell what's in them for in-game money.

Also, 40 hours is a guess based on the beta, as the game's not out until midnight.

And yes, the Internet is going apeshit. EA made the most down-voted reddit comment of all time.
Grim... wrote:

But you can buy loot crates for real money, and you can sell what's in them for in-game money.

Am I right in thinking that you won't know what's in a loot crate until you buy it and open it?
I strongly suspect that's the case, yes.
TheVision wrote:
Grim... wrote:

But you can buy loot crates for real money, and you can sell what's in them for in-game money.

Am I right in thinking that you won't know what's in a loot crate until you buy it and open it?

That's what defines a 'loot crate' and is pretty much why they're so fucking horrific. If you're buying a 'loot crate' and you know the contents up front then you're just straight up buying the contents.
Bamba wrote:
TheVision wrote:
Grim... wrote:

But you can buy loot crates for real money, and you can sell what's in them for in-game money.

Am I right in thinking that you won't know what's in a loot crate until you buy it and open it?

That's what defines a 'loot crate' and is pretty much why they're so fucking horrific. If you're buying a 'loot crate' and you know the contents up front then you're just straight up buying the contents.

Good point, well made.
They're basically gambling for children. Or just gambling for everyone else.


(There's some technicality whereby what you get out of them can't be exchanged for real money, or something, so not straight-up gambling from a legal perspective. The design of them, the way they open with light and sound shows, the 'reward' structures around them, the rarity levels etc - they borrow huge amounts of design cues from modern video slot machines.)
Yes, it does seem like a very clear way of trying to fleece people for a hell of a lot of money on top of a full price game.
Unfortunately I've already asked for this for my Birthday and it's a bit late to change my mind so I'll just have to see how it goes.
I expect that they'll end up having to tone down the cash grab quite extensively.
None of this is new. Panini sticker albums have run the same business model targeted at kids for decades, albeit without providing you with an actual game to enjoy along the way.
ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
None of this is new. Panini sticker albums have run the same business model targeted at kids for decades, albeit without providing you with an actual game to enjoy along the way.

Broadly similar, sort of, ish, but I'm not convinced you're comparing apples with apples.

Have you seen the pyrotechnics and design structures around lootboxes in games? This isn't opening up a few crappy stickers out of paper packets in the school playground, and the 'rewards' are almost infinite, getting a 'full collection' in a game like Star Wars Battlefront 2 isn't like filling out a Football '84 album.
Hearthly wrote:
ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
None of this is new. Panini sticker albums have run the same business model targeted at kids for decades, albeit without providing you with an actual game to enjoy along the way.

Broadly similar, sort of, ish, but I'm not convinced you're comparing apples with apples.

Have you seen the pyrotechnics and design structures around lootboxes in games? This isn't opening up a few crappy stickers out of paper packets in the school playground, and the 'rewards' are almost infinite, getting a 'full collection' in a game like Star Wars Battlefront 2 isn't like filling out a Football '84 album.

You’ve clearly forgotten the reaction a kid gets when he finally gets the holographic World Cup sticker
Shinies and the stickers that were not rectangle shapes were the best most special thing in the world.
While I don't agree with the way this sounds, there's no excuse for what I've just read on Twitter.

One of the devs is getting threats for his safety from idiots online.

If you don't like the game mechanics, don't buy it!
ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
You’ve clearly forgotten the reaction a kid gets when he finally gets the holographic World Cup sticker

I was that kid, I have clear memories of Football '82 - '85 Panini sticker albums, and yes it was quite exciting, but I also remember never going particularly nuts over it either.

I think it's disingenuous at best to try to make a clear equivalence between that 'system' and what we see now see some 30+ years later which is an ultra-refined and very deliberately designed system of pseduo-gambling using every single trick in the book, to entice folks to sink large amounts of cash into something that masterfully steers clear of being 'gambling' by any currently recognised definition, and yet is clearly exactly that.
Hearthly wrote:
ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
You’ve clearly forgotten the reaction a kid gets when he finally gets the holographic World Cup sticker

I was that kid, I have clear memories of Football '82 - '85 Panini sticker albums, and yes it was quite exciting, but I also remember never going particularly nuts over it either.

I think it's disingenuous at best to try to make a clear equivalence between that 'system' and what we see now see some 30+ years later which is an ultra-refined and very deliberately designed system of pseduo-gambling using every single trick in the book, to entice folks to sink large amounts of cash into something that masterfully steers clear of being 'gambling' by any currently recognised definition, and yet is clearly exactly that.

Absolutely this! Anyone making excuses for the refined loot box system these games are using is being a twat. It's horrible slimy nonsense and about as anti consumer as a practise can get. It would be bad enough in a free to play game because it would still be psychologically manipulative, but in a full price game that's absolutely guaranteed to sell by the bucket load because people would buy a shoebox full of dogshit as long as it was shaped like fucking r2d2? That's psychologically manipulate and sickeningly greedy. Fuck this shit, fuck it right in the ass.
It's really pretty ;)
And it's certainly shiny and whizzy when you open a loot box. You don't have to buy them, though, you can earn them as you play.
And I've seen my first Vader player.

Spend dat money!
Grim... wrote:
And it's certainly shiny and whizzy when you open a loot box.

It's almost like the designed it like that specifically to make it more alluring!
I'm slightly worried for you people if you find a loot box that exciting.
MrChris wrote:
I'm slightly worried for you people if you find a loot box that exciting.

You shouldn't worry about 'us people' because we probably don't. You should worry for the people with compulsive tendencies who might already struggle to resist gambling mechanics in general because they're the ones being exploited here.
Grim... wrote:
And it's certainly shiny and whizzy when you open a loot box. You don't have to buy them, though, you can earn them as you play.

Isn’t the entire progression system linked to the loot boxes?

I thought there weren’t any additional weapons/skins/cards/whatevs unlocked through traditional levelling up and it was just dependant on what you get in a loot box which you earned through in game points.

Is that not the case?
Also, the fact that they let you earn a few is one of the tricks. I bet when you open them there is a convenient way to buy more in the same menu.

In Destiny 2 you get free ones for levelling up, and you have to go to the in game vendor which sells them for real money in order to open them.
Satsuma wrote:
Grim... wrote:
And it's certainly shiny and whizzy when you open a loot box. You don't have to buy them, though, you can earn them as you play.

Isn’t the entire progression system linked to the loot boxes?

I thought there weren’t any additional weapons/skins/cards/whatevs unlocked through traditional levelling up and it was just dependant on what you get in a loot box which you earned through in game points.

Is that not the case?

That's my understanding. The one potentially positive aspect is that apparently all content that would've usually been paid DLC will now be free for everyone with this loot box bullshit replacing all the usual methods EA would use to try and grind extra cash out of people. Of course that means they'll tilt the entire experience towards people buying loot boxes (see the ongoing screaming about the 'price' of unlocking Luke/Vader) so as to 'replace' the money they'd otherwise have got from the other avenues.
Bamba wrote:
MrChris wrote:
I'm slightly worried for you people if you find a loot box that exciting.

You shouldn't worry about 'us people' because we probably don't. You should worry for the people with compulsive tendencies who might already struggle to resist gambling mechanics in general because they're being exploited here.

Bamba wrote:
MrChris wrote:
I'm slightly worried for you people if you find a loot box that exciting.

You shouldn't worry about 'us people' because we probably don't. You should worry for the people with compulsive tendencies who might already struggle to resist gambling mechanics in general because they're being exploited here.

Ooh, that's me!. I used to open every damned chest in Diablo II, despite most containing rubbish, collecting it all up to sell as other players would sail on by to go and grind the next boss.

I did buy a few keys once to use on the crates in Rocket League, just out of curiosity, and it's basically a flashy one-reel slot machine and it rolls in some item you didn't want. Won't be doing that again.
Also, bear in mind that Battlefront is rated 16. Even if the youngest players are 16, (yeah, it's Star Wars. People let young teenagers play CoD and GTA, so you might get 10 year olds playing this) then they're too young to gamble conventionally. (Waits patiently for the first "10 year old buys £4000 worth of virtual Star Wars tat" news story")

The other thing that sucks about these systems is they make the games less interesting. I mean, tying your progression to something essentially random in this game... How boring is that? Not your skill, or even your perseverance.

The new Shadow of Mordor game makes the central mechanic of the game completely pointless. Why bother messing with the Nemesis system when you can get Orcs out of boxes that are better.
i am tempted to get this.. Do I have to wait till Friday now?
KovacsC wrote:
i am tempted to get this.. Do I have to wait till Friday now?

Why would you have to wait?
isn't it out friday unless you pre-ordered?
Apparently, following the "customer feedback", they've dropped the price of Luke and Vader by 75%
KovacsC wrote:
isn't it out friday unless you pre-ordered?

Christ, so it is. This is like the perfect storm of modern gaming bullshittery.
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