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Search term used: blog

The London Mayor Elections
Paul Daniels has a blog? That's the most incongruent thing ever. Yes, see the link. Like I said, it's often worth a skim read for either some genuinly interesting stuff. Like how the Daily Mail recently made out he was so broke he ...
The London Mayor Elections
Paul Daniels has a blog? That's the most incongruent thing ever.
The London Mayor Elections
... Daniels is never short of something to moan about: I love his blog. Sometimes it's endearing, other times it's genuine Alan Partridge.
VOTE NOW: Your Top Ten Most Annoying Bullshitters.
sinister agent
... people who hate Atheists think an Atheist is like. Again, it's the sort of thing that wouldn't stand up on a reasonably intelligent forum or even blog; because depressingly forum posters have higher standards for this sort of thing than the broadsheet press appear to. Is that the same John Gray ...
The London Mayor Elections
Vote Paddick! More singing policeman! And construction workers! And... Indians!

VOTE NOW: Your Top Ten Most Annoying Bullshitters.
... people who hate Atheists think an Atheist is like. Again, it's the sort of thing that wouldn't stand up on a reasonably intelligent forum or even blog; because depressingly forum posters have higher standards for this sort of thing than the broadsheet press appear to. 2 Points: James Lovelock. ...
Free stuff from Craig
I gave EXTREME a solid 9/10 for Jolt. I've added your site to the links chunk on my blog, Craig :)
VOTE NOW: Your Top Ten Most Annoying Bullshitters.
Dr Lave
... be so kind to listen to a fool ramble... I am compiling the First Annual Skeptic's Top Ten Most Annoying Bullshitters in World Ever to put on my bloggy blog. So I'm doing a poll about it over at But we've quite a few sensible and awesome skeptics/atheists/scientists/excellent ...
Bargains, Bargains, Bargains!
Goddess Jasmine
So, I (obviously) have a bunch of bargains to post here. Does anyone have any problems with me linking to blog posts instead of directly to retailers? I've had a quick chat with the other mods, and we are in agreement that it should be fine for two reasons; 1. You are doing ...
GTA IV - Thread of Officialness
New comic coming from the Concerned guy:
Bargains, Bargains, Bargains!
Dr Lave
... meltdown. Hmmm, how much for a 'if you think god is silly visit skeptobot' ad? But seriously, I did a really minor thing about phony marketing blog Threespeech censoring their comments which got dug and generated 10,000 odd hits a day for a weak. I kinda left the blog alone again till they ...
Bargains, Bargains, Bargains!
... always nice to give hear good feedback. So, I (obviously) have a bunch of bargains to post here. Does anyone have any problems with me linking to blog posts instead of directly to retailers? There are several reasons for this. I post bargains on a few forums, and if I ever need to update details, ...
ScummVM Wii - Wiimote Edition Released
I actually inadvertently walked into the middle of the whole thing somehow, by posting a comment on Bruce Everiss's blog (having never even heard of worldofstuart before). I then got a fairly angry (albeit mostly polite and rational) email from Stuart, explaining his side of the ...
ScummVM Wii - Wiimote Edition Released
Dr Lave
:luv: But watch it on my blog! Ben "Guardian" Goldacre at least at some point quite liked it. That makes me best for all way. I'll PM Grinch asap but I'll wait a while for the others because we've been through a lot here recently. ...
ScummVM Wii - Wiimote Edition Released
Nice to meet you too! I basically made this guy what he is. That's how awesome I am. Infact I convinced him to make the blog in the first place. This is all 100% true. And it's a wonderful, wonderful blog. Far better than mine. Also true. I've been meaning to invite you and Mr Grinch ...
ScummVM Wii - Wiimote Edition Released
Dr Lave
I basically made this guy what he is. That's how awesome I am. Infact I convinced him to make the blog in the first place. And it's a wonderful, wonderful blog. Far better than mine, I've been meaning to invite you and Mr Grinch (and a couple others from the UK thread) over ...
Bargains, Bargains, Bargains!
I noticed a bunch of traffic coming to my blog from these forums, I assumed it was from the bargains thread, but apparently it was from the thread about the homebrew region free Wii launcher. Anyway, some of you may have visited my blog before, ...
ScummVM Wii - Wiimote Edition Released
Glad to hear you like the blog CUS! All you need is an SD card and a copy of Twighlight Princess on the Wii. Follow the link in the OP to download the ScummVM Wii .dol file, and then head to for instructions on how to load ...
ScummVM Wii - Wiimote Edition Released
Hi guys. I'm LewieP, I run the blog SavyGamer, and noticed some traffic coming from these forums, so thought I would pop along to say hello. Hello! Anyway, I thought you guys might want to know about this fantastic piece of software that ...
Bargains, Bargains, Bargains!
I noticed a bunch of traffic coming to my blog from these forums, I assumed it was from the bargains thread, but apparently it was from the thread about the homebrew region free Wii launcher. Anyway, some of you may have visited my blog before, ...
Free stuff from Craig
CraigGrannell wrote:
After far too long faffing about, I've finally got my blog online at [url=""][/url]. There's not a huge amount there yet, but I'll be updating it regularly for the astonishing sum of £0 to all visitors.

How much is that per day?
Free stuff from Craig
After far too long faffing about, I've finally got my blog online at . There's not a huge amount there yet, but I'll be updating it regularly for the astonishing sum of £0 to all visitors. The reason I mention it here is because the ...
Food blogs
Food meta-blog:

Search that.
Stupendous, stupifying
After some investigation, I too found that comments section on that guy's blog. Well, what can I say, I'm almost impressed that I'm so notorious that the only thing 'CG' can possibly mean is 'ComicalGames' or 'ComicalGnomes'. I'm also darkly amused that Stuart ...
Stupendous, stupifying
... ended it days ago before the poor old fool took any more punishment, and frankly he doesn't deserve the attention. He's a nutter with an unpopular blog full of incoherent nonsense, and I'm pretty sure the entire internet knows that by now. Hoorah for WoStalin! Hoorah for organized trolling on blogs ...
Doctor Who
It is, in fairness, years old. I found it on Wikipedia while I was trying to access the cached archives of Lawrence Miles' old blog, as what I've found is amazing in a kind of hideous-yet-oddly-endearing-car-crash of a sense. Which isn't to say I'm reading them to laugh at them by any ...
Doctor Who
... It is, in fairness, years old. I found it on Wikipedia while I was trying to access the cached archives of Lawrence Miles' old blog, as what I've found is amazing in a kind of hideous-yet-oddly-endearing-car-crash of a sense. Which isn't to say I'm reading them to laugh at them ...
The "Guides" Sub-forum
/joins in like a bastard
I used to read Woebot. But then he stopped. On a regular basis, Russ L. That's about it, other than the dudes linked on the bottom of my blog.
sinister agent - sadly quiet for a while now, but Hutton on form is possibly the funniest man on the internet. - Pretty much what it says on the tin - mad Irish woman shouts and swears about ...
I don't typically read blogs. I find it hard to get excited by people rambling their opinions on stuff, usually via 20 paragraphs of solid text that I don't have the energy to read. As much as I like Zero Punctuation, I haven't read ...
The iPhone thread
Cheers anyway. I'll report back when I get around to buying one of those cables. Richard: A comment on the iPlayer blog sez "I watched "Mad Men" last night on my 22" TV streamed through my iPhone and using the iPhone's TV out. The quality was awesome. "Question ...
The London Snickers Race 2008
... is one online, made by a guy who previously submitted a snack to the site, but then didn't submit his star bar. The bastard just put it on his blog instead which is criminal, because it's ace. Thanks Jasmine - a mate of mine works at the BBC and they have some kind of strange offshoot just-for-fun ...
A thread for stupid questions, and answers to them.
... line, I think the only way would be to type it out in a text editor with the right margin set to 65 and wrap on, then cut and paste that into the blog, carriage returns and all. Hmm.
A thread for stupid questions, and answers to them.
Help me BETEO you're my only hope. Basically: I want to make blogspot posts wrap after 65 characters. I have sort of the opposite problem. If I send an email + photo to my blogspot blog from my iphone, it gets a carriage return at the end of every line ...
The Mario Kart Club of cunning gentlemen
... me of sweat... he better not be playing with a Nintendo Wii... burning calories while playing games is just wrong.
Dr Lave
... them spy on people in Forbidden Planet. They then did follow me, and photograph me. The "how they will stalk you" post that on my blog got quite a lot of attention so that connects my face to the blog. Then the oyster card... 8)
Dr Lave
... pointless card thingy that did have my name on. Now a few days later I've got scientologists commenting on my really rather hopelessly obscure blog. I'm just being paranoid right? Also apologies to be going on about my blog again - it's just it, mariokart and my Thesis are the only things in ...
The iPhone thread
... and important lives and lots of friends, or if you like to talk a lot), then there's this - someone mentioned it at yakyak: Apparently giving you "100 quid off" the new "100 quid off" price, if you sign up for the contract. So it seems that ...
Brown paper packages tied up with string
Dr Lave
... Modded Xbox : In a proper world what all set top boxes would be. ⋅  Rhythm Tengoku : It's joy in a little plastic box. ⋅  My Blog : and the fact that a few people read it despite it being pretty rubbish. ⋅  Lee and Herring : Basically moulded my sense of humour. ...
Important notice for 360 owners!
Derek The Halls
The other place
sinister agent wrote:
We just need to stomp on the nonsense/blog threads a bit or have one of them stickied or something.

That's what the "Bits & Bobs" thread should be for, surely?
The other place
sinister agent
That all sounds like a tremendous headache and something I would simply not be arsed to visit. We just need to stomp on the nonsense/blog threads a bit or have one of them stickied or something. It's pointless dicking about with the forum to a great extent now though - our priority must ...
Excellent Content
Derek The Halls
... There's plenty of games review sites out there. Probably plenty of everything out there actually. I used to mainly review films when I had a 'blog'. Not that I was particularly good at it. Well actually I didn't think so but some guy called Tom Camfield did.
BBC iPlayer on Wii!
... need to get the dedicated channel running though, as the machine needs a killer app bundled with it to shift a few extra units. Looking at the blog that was linked to, NoE did precisely fuck all, the BBC realised it was never going to work as is, so re-encoded all the content to work on the ...
BBC iPlayer on Wii!
Dr Lave
Whomper wrote:
EDIT: Top, top marks to the Beeb for using the old BBC Microcomputer Owl on their Internet Blog.

That and their honest technical assistance:

If you’re experiencing buffering issues, try turning off those P2P downloads that are running on other computers around your home.
BBC iPlayer on Wii!
The technical skinny on the Wii implementation can be found here: BBC Internet Blog . In short - at the moment, it's just a backend change made at the Beeb to let the crappy Flash 7 that comes with the Wii Internet Channel use the iPlayer. They're investigating ...
Excellent Content
Zardoz wrote:
Games reviews and features both Classic & New
Music & Film recommendations
Shits and Giggles
Some decent smileys

So, Pixelsurgeon - interviews - art news blog + shits + giggles + smilies + bargains * monkeys?
Amiga game video montage
Plisskens moany thread
... have a look... It is like nailing jelly to a wall. However, I may have made a small breakthrough. Have set up a view only password to the online blog for someone in the Council to have a read.