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A nice little plug for this forum
Thought that you would appreciate the little mention you have here:
What does everyone here do?
Dr Lave
... to pay me to be a renaissance man. Ideally I would love a job working for a humanist charity or something. Outside of my PhD I play with my blog, try to see my friends a bit, play a few computer games and watch Seinfeld.
(A 'light' intrusion - this digression into the blessed relief of pron reminded me of a blog post I once read < ... smith.html >. Sweet dreams)
Dr Lave
Also; Dudley's blog post is good.
... that had introduced a policy of not allowing kids to sit next to men travelling alone on their flights. You're right, I also mentioned this on the blog entry I linked earlier. The "Fifteen year old boy bangs smoking teacher - WOW look at the hot pictures we have of her in the courtroom" ...
Dr Lave
Hmmm, I've either killed my blog or managed to get it to not have blogspot in the name at all.

Time will tell.
... a bit confused. Then I set one up by accident when trying to set the email up on my new mac - I realised I accidentally added the RSS of my own blog. I read them (I say them, it now has my own blog and Lave's in it) in that email window.
Dr Lave
Don't worry I only noticed the blue box after someone told me they read my blog via RSS and I asked what that hell that it was.

rss is probably the most confusing 'progress' ever. But it's great when you get it working.
Dr Lave
How do I subscribe to your blog, Lave? I enjoy reading it and have just about worked out how to get that rss feed email thing working, and I know where to put the feed address in but don't know how to actually find the feed address. If ...
How do I subscribe to your blog, Lave? I enjoy reading it and have just about worked out how to get that rss feed email thing working, and I know where to put the feed address in but don't know how to actually find the feed address. If you have one, that is.
Painting and decorating
Dudley wrote:
GazChap wrote:
I am assuming that isn't a serious offer, but if it is then consider yourself hired.

You've made the critical mistake of not asking how big the tubs have to be.

one scoop:
Bargains, Bargains, Bargains!
The clittycally-insane Cull of Jewty 4 Mordor Wharfe Hare
... of the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use. Based on the these guidelines, it was necessary for the gamertag to change." However you'll have to go to his blog to get the "context" behind the decision: ...
I'm back. Did you miss me?
... Stewart Falls, in Milford Sound. And feeding the birds at the amazing Byodo-In Temple The rental car for a couple of days Erupting volcano Trip Blog - Just a couple of days of posts to upload.
Bits and Bobs
Bruce is way insane though: Cor. Did Stuart actually tell those lies about Sensible, or did Bruce make them up? Technically he didn't lie. He said he was involved in all three, and was heavily involved in one, which ...
Bits and Bobs
kalmar wrote:
Bruce is way insane though:

Cor. Did Stuart actually tell those lies about Sensible, or did Bruce make them up?
Bits and Bobs
... Bruce on Games? You may well not have heard of him before he started trying to stir up controversy on the internets, to draw traffic to his blog. He made the mistake of blaming the failure of a company on software piracy, and Stu took objection to this, with hilarious* consequences. Bruce ...
Oh My God
He lurrrves 1983 though.

I recommend starting at the first one and catching up, because there's some genuinely 'LOL' moments and they're already starting to go a bit mental only 3 episodes in. There's a link to it on RH's blog.
Bits and Bobs
... shouldn't even try. He makes the mistake of registering again a couple of times to make his point. 2008 - Bruce gets in strop with Stu and posts blog entry pointing out Stu is selling other people's copyright with the Sub scheme. This comment appears on Bruce's blog. CG on 04.29.08 at 5:50 am ...
Bits and Bobs
Addendum: it's on the Bruce blog that someone called "CG" posted something not nice about Stuart. Causing Stuart to fly into a rage about Comical Gnomes, and the rest of 'World of CUS' being out to get to him. That's you, by the way.
Bits and Bobs
An old industry marketer called Bruce who has a blog where he posts his hangs up that piracy is killing games. Unfortunately Bruce blamed piracy for the collapse of Imagine in 1984, a company he was part of the major management off. This contradicted ...
I'm back. Did you miss me?
... direction of some kind of web album. About 30Gb of photos, plus video to go through... Will have some kind of flickr to go along with the daily blog that I kept. Lines, eh? Should have plenty for that.
I didn't know Titler has a blog. ACTION BUTTON is now hiring irate UK citizens Hello. Are you from England, Ireland, Scotland, or Wales? Are you an articulate reader and/or morbidly, excessively angry? If so, we could use you. I'm morbidly, ...
Bits and Bobs
CUS get this done like me, that'd be cool n stuff.
The worst thing you have ever done in a video game
... are me playing Dicewars, and I claim our £5. I know that game you're talking about as 'Balance of Power'. BANG.
Royal Mail/courier company moany moany thread
ComicalGnomes wrote:
CUS woman!

There she is! GAAAAAH!

yawn yawn yawn, what a lovely morning oh wait i didnt go to sleep. and its cloudy as hell, I can see me being a grumpy dickhead all day, least I got one of my essays done, just need one more done before I go to ATP, tomorrow, argh.
I should get a blog, just so you dont have to read this shit.
Make it go off, make it go off!
richardgaywood wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
Or maybe you could use that little app I posted above. ;)
It doesn't work with Leopard, Zardoz. MR SMUG WINNER FACE.

Yes it does!
Bits and Bobs
<blog style paragraph about MaliA>
Anthony Flack
... think. Well you did repay the unflinching support of RevStu* when you were being threatened with legal action by reporting him to FACT^ on Bruce's blog. * Calling you a coward for not taking a multi billion dollar organisation to court ^ Having the same initials in your nick as someone completely ...
Bargains, Bargains, Bargains!
Where is Dr. A?
Mr Dave
The good doctor has made another video. ... rning.html
Bargains, Bargains, Bargains!
Post your findings here too Russ, linked back to your blog natch like Lewis The Pea does.
Bargains, Bargains, Bargains!
... version of SavyGamer, without any commission at all. I applaud anyone trying to do similar with DVDs. I have no claim to the model of "a blog with good deals", I hardly invented that. The only reason SavyGamer has any success at all is that people trust me to do a good job, and I ...
Bargains, Bargains, Bargains!
... and earn less than a tenner. My advice - Get a facebook, Digg, Stumbleupon and twitter account. Also get a seperate email address for just the blog, and encourage people to email you (and once you have their email addresses, add them as friends on facebook/Digg/Stumbleupon/twitter) If you ever ...
RMD: The wonderful world of Bit Torrent
... work. I think a better rule would simply be "don't post direct links for the purpose of piracy" That would mean that linking to a blog that has an image on it without copyright permission (hint - like mine) would be fine, but posting a megaupload link for an album wouldn't be ok. ...
YouTube - Highlights
Dr Lave
... travel around the tube! I'm either putting it in my watch, or (if it will work) a magic wand. I've written an article about it that will go on my blog at about half twelve (giving youtube time to sort the video out).
Bits and Bobs
Seriously, when the fuck did Killzone become a AAA franchise? I've seen people commenting on blog posts creaming themselves left, right and centre over what I previously thought was a mediocre franchise. Is the PSP version that good? Or have I horribly misjudged the game? ...
Bits and Bobs
... saving up now. DON'T FORGET KILLZONE 2!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, when the fuck did Killzone become a AAA franchise? I've seen people commenting on blog posts creaming themselves left, right and centre over what I previously thought was a mediocre franchise. Is the PSP version that good? Or have ...
Bits and Bobs

From NeoGAF, so it's probably old news and you've all heard it, but, well, it's a 21 minute long cowboy opera rap, so I thought that was worth the risk.
From yo' blog, LewieP: Trent Reznor (the man behind NIN) seems to be spearheading the free music revolution. It's a good thing that you're new. And Mr. Bargains. And a few other reasons too. But spearheading? Nahhhhhhhhhhh. I ...
From yo' blog, LewieP:

Trent Reznor (the man behind NIN) seems to be spearheading the free music revolution.

It's a good thing that you're new. And Mr. Bargains. And a few other reasons too. But spearheading? Nahhhhhhhhhhh.
The war at home
You really need a blog.
Bits and Bobs
Got to do a few minipreps, a PCR screen and then post some stuff off to murrikka then I'm done today. You really need a blog. "Diary of a nobody" Mine's called "Ramblings of a Soporific Idiot", so you'd be in good company. That amde me think. I've just read "A ...
Bits and Bobs
MaliA wrote:
myoptika wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Got to do a few minipreps, a PCR screen and then post some stuff off to murrikka then I'm done today.

You really need a blog.

"Diary of a nobody"

Mine's called "Ramblings of a Soporific Idiot", so you'd be in good company.
Bits and Bobs
myoptika wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Got to do a few minipreps, a PCR screen and then post some stuff off to murrikka then I'm done today.

You really need a blog.

"Diary of a nobody"
Bits and Bobs
MaliA wrote:
Got to do a few minipreps, a PCR screen and then post some stuff off to murrikka then I'm done today.

You really need a blog.
The Mario Kart Club of cunning gentlemen
I've posted my review of Mario Kart on my blog-o-blog if anyone's interested :)
XXX-TREME pr0n to be outlawed
Here you go M'lud.
Free stuff from Craig
Inspired by your lovely web-skills, I've updated my blog. It's the best I can do with blogspot...