I added Lewie and CraigG, but it keeps saying that there is something wrong with you, Grim...

It keeps saying I cannot add you at this time ?:|
Er, dunno. Other people have.
Are any of you people 'Britney Spears'?

By the look of the handling of English, I guess not, but I thought it was perhaps someone's humourous account and didn't want to ignore the add if it were.
How can you see a list of people following you? I've got 8 followers, but I only have 7 friends...
must... resist... eff tee...eff... ewe...
myoptika wrote:
How can you see a list of people following you? I've got 8 followers, but I only have 7 friends...

Your 'followers', myoptika:
Mimi wrote:
myoptika wrote:
How can you see a list of people following you? I've got 8 followers, but I only have 7 friends...

Your 'followers', myoptika:

Added you back, innit!
You fucking knows it!
Is anyone here dorm room money?

I have now joined this....god I'm so behind all the time on these things!
Shin wrote:

I have now joined this....god I'm so behind all the time on these things!

I just signed up as well (StuAA) and it's telling me that I'm "following" you. I don't like that, makes me sound like even more of a stalker.
I could teach you, but I'd have to charge

I'm stalking following you back now
Right, lets get to grips with this twitter thing then. God I'm months behind everyone's like scool all over again :'( Christsake

That is beautiful, simply because of the misspelling of 'school'.
Actually reading through the thread, the world and his/her dog has already done the stalker joke. Only 6 months late to the party then!
MaliA wrote:
Right, lets get to grips with this twitter thing then. God I'm months behind everyone's like scool all over again :'( Christsake

That is beautiful, simply because of the misspelling of 'school'.

Oh ffs! I have a hangover and my eyes are broken....can I say I did that on purpose?
(Cross-quoted from Bits n Bobs)

kalmar wrote:
Shin wrote:
I've also just joined twitter. KatakaShin is the handle I go by on there-no idea wtf I'm doing on it, much like everywhere else I go. Och, my head hurts so bad
@shin: don't worry, nobody knows what twitter is for or really uses it, other than possibly The Gaywood.
I really like Twitter, as it probably immediately obvious when you look at my profile page. All my co-workers are on it and we have out-of-office office banter via it. I like my co-workers, so that's a good thing.
My twitter seems to just be about Shin now.

I think I preferred it when internet women just had webcams in their bedrooms instead.
If it keeps her running life commentary off here, I'm all for it. ;)
I need someone's advice. I've just wiped my bottom 6 times after having a poo, do I lump this information into one post or should I use a separate one for each wipe?
what is this tweeter nonsense?
Dimrill wrote:
I need someone's advice. I've just wiped my bottom 6 times after having a poo, do I lump this information into one post or should I use a separate one for each wipe?

Depends on the sheet number and what ply and if it was quilted or not... it's complicated
what's this about webcams? :p
Don't say webcam! I swear Gaz waits as soon as I get on that bastard xbox to see if I'll play Frogger!

GY: Don't follow me then
I'm therev. I've been on for years and updated less than thirty times. And most of those were probably on the first day.
The Rev Owen wrote:
I'm therev. I've been on for years and updated less than thirty times. And most of those were probably on the first day.
I can now confirm that's true. My Twitter stream needs more Owen in it. IT'S UP TO YOU.
I get my Owen fix from the bezzie feed.
Mr Russell wrote:
I get my Owen fix from the bezzie feed.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
I get my Owen fix from the bezzie feed.

Even after my epic Fable 2 post today?
The Rev Owen wrote:
Even after my epic Fable 2 post today?
I now have one too... Now you can all be sick of my strange, yet exclusive ramblings!!
Russell Brand is on now, he is rustyrockets. Did a post about feeling horny then said "I'm going to retire to my chamber as I recall from the film Tron that this kind of conduct can be lethal.

Made me chuckle.
It might just be me, but over the last few days Twitter has been all over the BBC. Well, mentioned by S Fry on Jonathan Ross' show (Fry was quite splendidly Twittering live from the green room), and then again by Jonathan Ross on his Radio Two show. Oh, and sarcastically this morning on 6Music by Shaun Keavney, when he was trying too hard to be funny, as per.

Wholly coincidentally, I've started to use Twitter 'properly' now, after being 'on' there for ages. Link in my sig, though messages to it are likely to be based around broadcasting, so as to keep in with my blog's remit (and because no-one would want to read about the staggering minutiae of my daily travails, "ate some chicken noodle soup. It wasn't as nice as regular chicken soup, that's for sure. Kthxbye", that sort of thing). It's simultaneously both wonderful and alarming to receive live updates on my iPod Touch from people like Stephens Fry and Colbert, Graham Linehan, John Hodgman and Charlie Brooker, telling me what they're up to.
I've just accepted a follow request from Russel Brand. He's patched into my updates. I feel a sudden pressure to be whimsically amusing in my tweets from now on. Will I dry up? Vigorously out-ponce him? Stay tuned, tweeters!
I've just started a second Twitter stream, specifically for iPhone reviews: The content streams directly into a blog, too— (And sorry, IE 6 fans, but I decided life's too short, and haven't actually got the scripts all working in that browser yet.)
GovernmentYard wrote:
I've just accepted a follow request from Russel Brand. He's patched into my updates. I feel a sudden pressure to be whimsically amusing in my tweets from now on. Will I dry up? Vigorously out-ponce him? Stay tuned, tweeters!
Blimey. I get excited enough when a celeb replies to me, let alone follows me.
Twitter is for fuckwits.
Facebook is for wankers.
Myspace is for cunts.
Bebo is for cretins.

I'm on Facebook.
CraigGrannell wrote:
IE 6 fans

Who the fuck are they?
I've finally gotten around to making a Twitter account. I've followed most of the people in here, I think. Now, let's see how often I can be bothered updating it.
If you are just signing up, my Following list is a good place to start looking for Beexers. Most of them are on there I think. I heartily recommend you get some decent client for Twitter - preferably a phone one if you have a smartphone. Twitter's immediacy works well with a phone client to fill odd moments (catching up) and capture odd thoughts.
I am also being followed by Russell Brand, although my initial excitement at seeing the notification email ("Cor! Russell Brand has added me to his list!") was dissipated slightly upon realising he's also added another 1,999 people. That is out of about 10,000 people following him, so GovernmentYard and me are in the top 20%.
People with iPhones might want to check out the Twitteriffic client. There's a (perfectly usable) free version on iTunes, and it permits all sorts of good things, such as uploading a photo taken from your iPhone. Why, I recommended it to TV's Graham Linehan only a few hours ago, after he asked about such a thing*.

(*Asked everyone on Twitter, that is, I'm not special.)

Twitterers might want to follow Charlie Brooker (@charltonbrooker), as he regularly seems to post interesting thoughts, such as the definition of the made-up term "JIZZASTER MOVIE".
I heartily recommend Tweetie for the iPhone, worth the £1.19 several times over. It makes most of the desktop clients look feature-lite, and has a slick interface.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
If you are just signing up, my Following list is a good place to start looking for Beexers. Most of them are on there I think. I heartily recommend you get some decent client for Twitter - preferably a phone one if you have a smartphone. Twitter's immediacy works well with a phone client to fill odd moments (catching up) and capture odd thoughts.

I've downloaded Tweetie for my iPhone. I won't use Twitter if I'm stuck on my computer, so I didn't mind throwing a couple of quid at it. It's a nice little program isn't it.
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