Iiiiiiiiiiiit's Thursday!
Game time!
Okay, today's game is Blueprint:

You have to move the pieces around so that when you hit 'start' the ball ends up hitting the star-like target. It's a lot like the Incredible Machine, if you remember that.

You only get a certain number of tries on each level.

Good luck!
My first go - a pretty beatable 20800.
When you run out of retries for a puzzle you lose COMPLETELY?

That's MAD. You pick a puzzle which you have trouble with? (Say, one with lots of movable pieces instead one or two. No way to know, no level preview!) BANG U LUSE.

Bill's Tomato Game (which this game more closely resembles*) gave you three hundred retries (on the earlier puzzles, I don't think it ever went below ten), and Continues after that.

(*actually it's more like the little known Shareware Amiga game X-Balls)

I got 44080.
It's the trial and error game where error is IMPERMISSIBLE.

You don't get more points for doing the harder puzzles, and some of the easy puzzles are harder than the hard puzzles. :/
Mr Dave wrote:
I got less than 22,000.


I preferred Bill's Tomato Game.

Mr Dave wrote:
I got pwned.
Your game choices are inferior Grim..., I gave up on level 3.

I will bear this in mind for next weeks game.

But the penguin one last week was super-ace and no-one played it.
I played it, but my score wasn't so good.
I played the penguin one lots, I just wasn't very good at it.

Oh, alright then :)
I liked this but got stuck on a level. 15,100
Zardoz wrote:
I played it, but my score wasn't so good.


My brane couldn't handle it and I kept dying very early.
I wanted to play the penguin one, but was busy at work :(

Can't get the one with the quarter pipe, the ramp and the two blocks covering the target...
The one that's like this?

             [ ] @
              o [ ]

or like this?

                [ ][ ]

Ball top left.

Target near bottom right. Directly above target are two blocks you can't move, so you need to drop the ball down and fire it across. You have a triangle ramp (aimed down and right) and a quarter pipe (aimed down and right).

Obviously you're meant to drop the ball down and then give it a flick to the right, but I can't get it to do what I want to.
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
The green triangle goes below the ball, and the pipe goes to the left of the target.

I think Grim... picked this game because of its suspect 'object on treadmill' physics simulation.
MrD wrote:
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
The green triangle goes below the ball, and the pipe goes to the left of the target.

I think Grim... picked this game because of its suspect 'object on treadmill' physics simulation.

That much I worked out, but I tried 9 different positionings of teh ramp and pipe, and none worked. The ball gets stuck on the top of the pipe no matter where I put it (or it misses the pipe entirely).
We are talking about the same puzzle, right?
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!

(The spoiler is working, but you may need to wait for a while for the image it contains to appear - Grim...)
(I was replacing the image to add where the ball starts. OR MAYBE I was uploading the picture simultaneously to the post. OR MAYBE your internet is sux. My forum image uploading-fu is FLAWLESS, good sir. - MrD)
Actually, I thought the ball had to go on the outside of the pipe... not through the pipe... my mistake.
33100 Jumping on the don't-really-like-it bandwagon
Wowsers bowsers! My score was only from doing 8 of the 28 levels in a row. 'spose my tenacity in wanting the game to be better than it was won the day.

Does this mean I have to choose next weeks game? 8)
Nope, it just means that you are champion for a week.
Okie doke.

You don't get more points for doing the harder puzzles.

For the record, this is wrong. Some of the hard puzzles are easier than the easy ones though. Try these puzzles


and you can get an easy 85,000 score.
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