Excellent Content
Craster wrote:
If I haven't read it, I haven't read it. It makes damn all difference whether I didn't read it yesterday or didn't read it the day before.

This. I frequently read one or two threads and bugger off, then come back a few days later and read another that I couldn't be arsed to read formerly.
That really used to piss me off at WoS so no, please leave it like it is.


I can work either way but I love the way SA will say "75 posts in this thread you haven't read" and it'll stay like till I do (read the thread)
There is a mark all read thing up in the top right.
Is there?

Grim... wrote:
There is a link at the top right of the forum to clear them all.

I agree with Mr Dave. I particularly like our new smilies that he dreamt up and asked Dimrill to draw. Top idea, that was.
richardgaywood wrote:
I agree with Mr Dave. I particularly like our new smilies that he dreamt up and asked Dimrill to draw. Top idea, that was.

<CUS>I'm leaving</CUS>

<CUS>I'm back</CUS>
What? I've not said anything about leaving. Only that I'm glad to not be a mod anymore. And I have no idea what that has to do with RGW's post that you quoted.
I agree! I'm leaving over the shameful treatment of CUS!

I'm back.
Is CUS upset about Myp having all the good ideas before him, or something?
I have absolutely no idea. Looks like some kind of 'Hahaha, let's annoy CUS now that he's no longer a mod, like cowards' twattery, but I'm afraid I don't 'get it'.
Is it a joke based on other people repeatedly coming up with CUS's ideas like a cookery sub-forum, and CUS being annoyed by this?
(The going / coming back being short-hand for being in a strop).

I think that could be it.

I could be wrong though, it's happened before. I suppose if CUS actually came up with the idea of Dimlies it would be less opaque, but I don't know whether that was the case or not.

Has this helped?
Um. I thought that was understood to be a joke? As far as I can remember... we had a cookery sub-forum, then it became Recommendations, then that became Guides, and then someone (Gaywood, I think) said 'Shall we have a cookery sun-forum? Hey, what about sub-forums in general?' Which irked me as I'd been asking that previously, and came to the conclusion that possibly more specific topic icons would do the trick. The irking came because my asking this was largely ignored beyond discussion of whelks, whereas it seemed that if Someone Else suggested such things, then it was leaped upon as a Good Idea. I found this A Bit Off.

The cookery thing became some kind of short-hand reference to this that is not of my creation. Or at least, that was my understanding of it, and I've certainly long since become completely ambivalent to the whole thing. Is that what this is about? Oh dear.

kalmar wrote:
I suppose if CUS actually came up with the idea of Dimlies it would be less opaque, but I don't know whether that was the case or not.

No, Myoptika did, as I recall. Which is why Gaywood's above post thanking Mr. Dave for their creation is amusing. I'm guessing there was some kind of girly conversation in which CUS is Evil because... he said Myoptika nicked his ideas? Maybe? That would make sense in light of the quotes here, but I can't understand how that train of thought would be reached. That said, the amount of cliqueyness on this board IS considerable (even within cliques and sub-cliques), so I'm not surprised.

What does this have to do with the Excellent Content of the site anyway, you goons?
I agree with CUS.
Hmm. *settles back in chair, pours drink, suppresses twitchy grin* Yes, I am completely right. Agree with me, and make your lives easier.
I love it when gentle ribbing of one's foibles becomes a massive search for maliciousness.
I agree with Me.
Dimrill wrote:
I love it when gentle ribbing of one's foibles


Anyway, back to the regularly scheduled excellence, what?
Dimrill wrote:
I love it when gentle ribbing of one's foibles becomes a massive search for maliciousness.

An inexplicable diversion from a Very Serious thread to mocking me for some private joke that I don't understand, is a gentle ribbing eh? No, that's flaming. I think you need to choose your words more carefully.

Anyway, Excellent Content. I'm looking forward to uploading some of the Audio Reviews that I've been doing and mentioned to a few people (on Live! I think), which they've obviously since forgot about because I'm storming off in a huff, or something. I was thinking it might be amusing to make an occasional podcast or something, you see. Oh, sorry, am I back on topic?
It's just so much easier to call people cunts.
Oh Cussy Wussy, you are a sensitive and paranoid little soul. I'm not going to explain my "jokes" or "comments", because they're plainly self-evident to everyone but you.
Myoptika wrote:
Oh Cussy Wussy, you are a sensitive and paranoid little soul. I'm not going to explain my "jokes" or "comments"

The important thing is that you put the double-quotes around jokes. Well, quite. Can I now draw your attention to my above post regarding an idea I had for the site, or do you want to continue this sudden and inexplicable fun-making fun of my mental illness for a while longer?
myoptika wrote:
Oh Cussy Wussy, you are a sensitive and paranoid little soul. I'm not going to explain my "jokes" or "comments", because they're plainly self-evident to everyone but you.

I didn't really get it either but I don't want to prologue the off-topicness, so don't bother explaining it just for me. Thx.
CUS wrote:
I was thinking it might be amusing to make an occasional podcast or something, you see.

That would be ace. Some people on YY did some (in some cases) staggeringly excellent radio shows.

You can find them here, start at the bottom of the page if you're going to sample them. Swith's in particular are very good.

CUS wrote:
No, Myoptika did, as I recall. Which is why Gaywood's above post thanking Mr. Dave for their creation is amusing.
This is what I was getting at. CUS suggested things and then people ignored him and then goons like me and myoptika suggested them again and people said "hey, good idea" and CUS got irked. This would irk me too. And then I made light of it by reversing the setup and casting myoptika into CUS's role and Mr Dave into myoptika's.

I'm not taking the piss out of CUS. More like I'm taking the piss out of people who reinvented his suggestions. I'm one of those, note, with the cookery thing.

What does this have to do with the Excellent Content of the site anyway, you goons?
Fack all, admittedly. Soz. :kiss:

Umm, yeah. Audio content will be awesome. I shall categorise appropriately.
Ah? Ah, I see. That makes the following all the more amusing to me, then. Thank-you for your explanation, you are a gent. ('A Gent's what?' - Ancient Joke Book Ed.)

Kalmar - coo. What was the reception like to the 'radio shows' over at YakYak? Were people interested? Was there polite interest but no actual real listeners beyond an initial patter of attention? Or is it still going strong? Sorry for all the questions, but YakYak scares me.
CUS wrote:
Kalmar - coo. What was the reception like to the 'radio shows' over at YakYak? Were people interested? Was there polite interest but no actual real listeners beyond an initial patter of attention?

Basically, yes. It was done by forum people, for forum people, without any real expectation of it having wider appeal, so that's not necessarily a bad thing. An excuse for people to muck about and play their favorite records really, although as I say some are definitely more than that.

Unfortunately the interest of the people doing the shows does seem to have passed, the novelty wore off I guess.

That list dates back a few years, the only continued production is in the annual festive 50 show which has "listener input" sort of thing, and is pretty good.
richardgaywood wrote:
CUS wrote:
No, Myoptika did, as I recall. Which is why Gaywood's above post thanking Mr. Dave for their creation is amusing.
This is what I was getting at. CUS suggested things and then people ignored him and then goons like me and myoptika suggested them again and people said "hey, good idea" and CUS got irked. This would irk me too. And then I made light of it by reversing the setup and casting myoptika into CUS's role and Mr Dave into myoptika's.

It's sad it had to be explained really. Jokes are no longer funny once you have to explain them. :(
The Aristocrats! That might be the exception that proves the rule, though.

Myoptika - I still don't understand what sub-forums have to do with me leaving and coming back though, or why you & Dudley mentioned that. As far as I can see, you've plucked it from out of the air, so I was just wondering why. Especially since - it had seemed - to be worthy of the thread diversion. As I said, I don't get it.
I'd say he plucked it out of the Mods forum, but I could be wrong.
Anyways, back to this arrows issue, what about when I've read a thread and there are no further posts on that thread then next time I log on, what about if the ones with arrows huggle-up together and that aforementioned post jumps to the top of the ones without arrows which, by this time, are also snuggling up together? Aye? Whatabout that bezzie mates?
Right then people. The alpha release of the BETEO site is here.

What is done:
    About a third of the reviews forum
    A pretty complete categorisation system
    Two of the photo competitions

Stuff that is blatantly broken:
    The theme is hella-ugly
    Most of the article categories are not yet in the nav bar, only the ones with content in
    Image hosting is not currently in Joomla e.g. Dimrill's retoons are coming from dimrill.com. This is a must-fix. I need to find a good image management plugin for Joomla as the one that comes with it is weaker than a flask of weak lemon drink.
    Wide images can break the layout -- proper image hosting will fix this I think though.
    There is no login syncing from the forum to the site -- this is technically possible, I need to collaborate with Grim... on this bit

Stuff that I would like but is more of a "phase 2" kinda list (so these are up for debate too if you disagree with my thoughts):
    Automatically append to each article on the site a "discuss on the forum" link. I want each article to be able to provoke discussion, but I do not want to split discussions between the forum and the site; I want to disable commenting on the site and use the forum instead.

(I will come back and edit this post to expand these lists as people make suggestions below. At the moment none of these lists are exhaustive.)

So why am I pointing people to it now? Partly because I've been making slow progress and I wanted to make sure people didn't start to think of this as a pipe dream that is never going to happen. Partly because if I know people are looking at it it'll spur me to get on with it! But mostly because there is enough content there now to see how the site works and I want to get people thinking about a theme for it. GoddessJasmine and Mr Russ have both volunteered to
pleasepleaseplease increase the width of the viewing window to at least 1024pix. 800 pix with masses of whitespace is very squishy :)
ComicalGnomes wrote:
pleasepleaseplease increase the width of the viewing window to at least 1024pix. 800 pix with masses of whitespace is very squishy :)
:arrow: "The theme is hella-ugly"! All styles will be revised when we've selected/made/kludged a theme together.
I'd prefer a bit of unilateral determination on your part chap, if you stop to consult everyone about everything we'll be here for years. No offense, sterling efforts thusfar and all, but I reckon it'd be better to knock up something you are happy with, and then see what everyone thinks.
ComicalGnomes wrote:
I'd prefer a bit of unilateral determination on your part chap, if you stop to consult everyone about everything we'll be here for years. No offense, sterling efforts thusfar and all, but I reckon it'd be better to knock up something you are happy with, and then see what everyone thinks.
I see what you're saying, however my graphics skills are weak. What I want from this thread is someone to volunteer to produce a theme. Two people have already expressed an interest (GoddessJasmine and Mr Russ) but I thought I'd throw it open in here incase anyone has any strong opinions. I figured we could bandy it around for a day then I could work with that person to get the theme in place. So it's not quite as wishy washy as it sounds -- but I'm new in this community and I don't want to go stomping around.
I'm more than happy to produce any graphics required.

Not wishing to step on anyones toes mind.
Ah, just spotted these posts. GJ showed me the theme and I noticed it was one of the joomla defaults. I'm currently a member of rocket theme and yootheme so if you see any templates on the RT demo site I do have license to use one more template from there.

Joomlatemplatesearcher.com might be a good starting point too.
Zardoz wrote:
I'm more than happy to produce any graphics required.

Not wishing to step on anyones toes mind.

Would give a vague cohesiveness to the whole, certainly.

Also: Needs link to forum :p
Mr Dave wrote:
Also: Needs link to forum :p
Had one. Seems to have gotten lost somewhere. I'm still doing the left menu; it involves a lot of tedious point-and-clickery in the admin tools. Will reappear soon.
A very old joke from SomethingAwful that became a running gag in alt.digitiser, the newsgroup formerly inhabited by Trousers, MeatAngle, me, The Rev Owen, CthulhuSteev, DBSnappa, and a few others that lurk around here. It was spiritually quite similar to this place.

The Google is strong with me today.
More Retoons! Well, more one-page-drawing-reviews.
richardgaywood wrote:
ComicalGnomes wrote:
pleasepleaseplease increase the width of the viewing window to at least 1024pix. 800 pix with masses of whitespace is very squishy :)
:arrow: "The theme is hella-ugly"! All styles will be revised when we've selected/made/kludged a theme together.

/smacks forehead

Anyway, I hate the whole thing. Start again, but do it in Chinese so we can reach a bigger audience.
Grim... wrote:
Anyway, I hate the whole thing. Start again, but do it in Chinese so we can reach a bigger audience.

Take out all the vowels, too. You need the yoof vote.

It's a solid start, cheers!
I was wondering, as far as reviews go - has anyone suggested / discussed reviewing things that aren't games?

Movies for example. Not necessarily big-name New Movies (or!), I think there are enough obscure movie lovers here to make an interesting section.

Given that the site is named after a cult classic that spans a few generations and brings them together, it seems somewhat appropriate, no?
CUS wrote:
I was wondering, as far as reviews go - has anyone suggested / discussed reviewing things that aren't games
I'd figured this would happen -- I've put a "movies, games, and books" sections into the site's categories (which are listed further up this thread).
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