Google must divulge YouTube log
witty subtitle not included

Viacom said it wanted the data to "compare the attractiveness of allegedly infringing video with that of non-infringing videos."

Hmm.. they want 12 terabytes of data just for that? I doubt that. Surely Viacom's beef is with the uploaders rather than the viewers.
Tangentially related but very funny: The Daily Show writers on the Viacom/Youtube court case and the writer's guild strike:-
This can fuck off, by the way. I used to hold Viacom in quite high regard when they had a crack at that dickhead from WoS, but now I think they're cunts.
Grim... wrote:
This can fuck off, by the way. I used to hold Viacom in quite high regard when they had a crack at that dickhead from WoS, but now I think they're cunts.

oh jesus, that made me laugh aloud.
ComicalGnomes wrote:
Grim... wrote:
This can fuck off, by the way. I used to hold Viacom in quite high regard when they had a crack at that dickhead from WoS, but now I think they're cunts.


I'm going to ask them for that data also, because it's only fair.
Google must divulge the viewing habits of every user who has ever watched any video on YouTube, a US court has ruled.

What the biscuity fuck? Watched any video? The people who upload them are one thing, and with people who share then over P2P networks there's at least some justifiable logic towards knowing their identity, but people who have looked at a clip taken from The Osbournes or the Colbert Report? Fucking hell. The person at Viacom responsible for this deserves to have a nail driven into their skull for each and every name on that list.
I take solace from the fact that they're going to have to sit through a fuck of lot of Rick Astley to determine which videos are really copyright infringing and which aren't.
Mark X wrote:
Google must divulge the viewing habits of every user who has ever watched any video on YouTube, a US court has ruled.

What the biscuity fuck? Watched any video? The people who upload them are one thing, and with people who share then over P2P networks there's at least some justifiable logic towards knowing their identity, but people who have looked at a clip taken from The Osbournes or the Colbert Report? Fucking hell. The person at Viacom responsible for this deserves to have a nail driven into their skull for each and every name on that list.

The idea is that they want to prove that YouTube is basically driven by copyrighted material. I think they're going to be disappointed, but the only way I'd know for sure is to see that log.

My breain is telling me it's 27TB big, but I'm not sure where I got that number from.
In the link I quoted, they're saying 12TB. I think they should print it out. :)
Grim... wrote:
s that they want to prove that YouTube is basically driven by copyrighted material. I think they're going to be disappointed, but the only way I'd know for sure is to see that log.

My breain is telling me it's 27TB big, but I'm not sure where I got that number from.

One things for sure: it's a bad time to be a work experience kid at Viacom HQ.

"You! Kid! Copy and paste all *these* into Excel, then cross-reference them with *this* list. I want it done by five."
devilman wrote:
In the link I quoted, they're saying 12TB. I think they should print it out. :)

Yeah, with a different font for each line to fuck up OCR readers.
Grim... wrote:
devilman wrote:
In the link I quoted, they're saying 12TB. I think they should print it out. :)

Yeah, with a different font for each line to fuck up OCR readers.

"Oh, sorry. We weren't concentrating and accidentally used Webdings as the font. Anyway, enjoy!"
Provide them with a desk at google and a screen showing the log file, that they then have to copy out by hand.
Craster wrote:
Provide them with a desk at google and a screen showing the log file, that they then have to copy out by hand.
Make the screen show it in binary. They don't get paper to copy it out onto, but they do get a mobile phone with bad reception to read it out to a colleague at HQ with a computer. ", I said 'ONE'"
Zip the logs and send it via 28.8k modem, on MSN transfer. If it fails, restart.
richardgaywood wrote:
Craster wrote:
Provide them with a desk at google and a screen showing the log file, that they then have to copy out by hand.
Make the screen show it in binary. They don't get paper to copy it out onto, but they do get a mobile phone with bad reception to read it out to a colleague at HQ with a computer. ", I said 'ONE'"

While being punched by a monkey.
Craster wrote:
While being punched by a monkey.
Well, yeah. Everything's better when someone's getting belted by a primate.
Sheepeh wrote:
Zip the logs and send it via 28.8k modem, on MSN transfer. If it fails, restart.

No, no, no. AOL.
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