Beautiful Katamari
I'm sure there was a topic?
Also, I seem to have replied to a thread in the reviews section, despite not having access. FYI, it's possible to view review threads via the "search" function.

Anyway, what I said was;

I finally picked this up today on the cheap. It's great, but how fucking annoying is the King when he's telling you stuff, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GAME? What the fuck were they thinking?
Mmm! And the "collect certain things" levels are right fucking shite. That's most of them.
jonarob wrote:
how fucking annoying is the King when he's telling you stuff, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GAME?

Never, ever, diss The King!

Hmmm. I just did the 10,000 KM one, completed it and got a "bonus" bit in space. Completed that and then I got told off and have to do it again to block the blackhole. Something about me wanting to keep the Katamari or something. Is that supposed to happen?
The bonus bit, yes. You have to get it to a stage where it's large enough to plug the black hole. It doesn't tell you this, I don't think, I just found out by being sucked in at some point.
Well I didn't get sucked in. Then it told me off for wanting to keep the big katamari I'd just made, and made me start again. Only this time, instead of 10,000KM as my goal, it says "block the blackhole". I'm wondering if this is the way it has to be done, or if I fucked something up?
I traded this in last week. I loved the first Katamari and the PSP one (wasn't a fan of Katamari 2 though) but this one just felt empty and soulless. I also particularly objected to Namco's ridiculous DLC pricing.
Shame, I was looking forward to picking this up on the cheap, as I've never played the previous iterations.
Bluce_Ree wrote:
I traded this in last week. I loved the first Katamari and the PSP one (wasn't a fan of Katamari 2 though) but this one just felt empty and soulless. I also particularly objected to Namco's ridiculous DLC pricing.

I love Katamari - it's sheer stupidness makes me smile like a Cheshire cat, but the PSP version made my hands hurt after about two minutes. i kept trying and tying to go back to it after a few days, but a short roll and aaarrgghhhh... The PSP is made for people with giant hands.
PSP Katamari is worth persisting with just to see the excellent ending.
Yeah, but I'd end up looking like I had contracted 'Beadle hand' on each side, and I don't think that they pay-off would be worth it for what I could probably see on Youtube. I just cannot use the PSP, it is painful beyond belief, the stupid thing.
The ending of Beautiful Katamari was excellent. The minigame was almost as fun as the main game!

Also, the DLC pricing is a fucking disgrace, I agree. Especially factoring in the "you can't complete the game without it" factor. Cunts.
Mimi wrote:
The PSP is made for people with nomal hands.

You can apply the same to the first Xbox joypad.
I got this the other week, too. It's..... OK. Seemed like fun but are there any more level/areas or is it always starting off in that one town? I've done 5 missions or so.

Might sell it on cheaply if anyone here wants it (once I feel I'm done with it - may be very soon).
Grim... wrote:
Mimi wrote:
The PSP is made for people with nomal hands.

You can apply the same to the first Xbox joypad.

They were also huge and horrible to use.

I like the gamecube pads most of all - they seemed designed to actually fit a person's hands properly.

I canot put into words how much I hate the shape of any playstation pads.
Mimi wrote:
I canot put into words how much I hate the shape of any playstation pads.

Some are better than others...
Unusable for any length of time.
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