Middle Age Spread
Doing something about it
Trousers wrote:
Four_Candles wrote:
Trousers wrote:
Another vote for ignoring BMI here. A couple of years ago I got down to within my ideal BMI and everyone was concerned I had some kind of debilitating illness that I wouldn't talk about.

I look at the BMI as a rough guide only, but that aside it's pretty accurate for me as I KNEW I was putting on weight, particularly around the waist and upwards. At least my trousers aren't as tight now, or my old shirts! :)

The jeans I wore last year are no good to me at all, the jeans I bought 3 months ago need a belt. It's probably my best measure of how much I have lost weight.

That and deliberately finding people I haven't seen for a couple of months and seeing if they say anything. Mainly they say "Oooh you look a bit less like Homer Simpson than you used to" but it's all progress innit?

Yup, slow but steady progress - that's the best way. Make sure that you're also getting the right vitamins and minerals.
Gilly wrote:
Weight stuff

Nobody else has bothered replying, so I'll just say that's awesome, and well done! :)
Trousers wrote:
Mainly they say "Oooh you look a bit less like Homer Simpson than you used to" but it's all progress innit?

I think on one particular day about three people seperately told me I was wasting away. Literally, I think it was down to the style of shirt I was wearing that was probably more slimming than usual.
I'm away for the week and there's a gym and swimmimg pool here. Last minute thing so went and bought some swiming shorts/trunks. Oprimistically I bought some medium ones.

When I got back to my accommodation I couldn't get the fucking things over my knees - let alone round my waist.

Turns out they were Boys aged 10-12 medium.

That would have been some pretty monumental weight loss if I'd got them on.
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
Gilly wrote:
Weight stuff

Nobody else has bothered replying, so I'll just say that's awesome, and well done! :)

Oh yeah, totally! I thought that, but didn't type it :)
Trousers wrote:
I'm away for the week and there's a gym and swimmimg pool here. Last minute thing so went and bought some swiming shorts/trunks. Oprimistically I bought some medium ones.

When I got back to my accommodation I couldn't get the fucking things over my knees - let alone round my waist.

Turns out they were Boys aged 10-12 medium.

That would have been some pretty monumental weight loss if I'd got them on.

Brilliant! :D
Trooper wrote:
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
Gilly wrote:
Weight stuff

Nobody else has bothered replying, so I'll just say that's awesome, and well done! :)

Oh yeah, totally! I thought that, but didn't type it :)

Yeah, well done Gilly, you'be done exactly what I hope to. :)
Trousers wrote:
I'm away for the week and there's a gym and swimmimg pool here. Last minute thing so went and bought some swiming shorts/trunks. Oprimistically I bought some medium ones.

When I got back to my accommodation I couldn't get the fucking things over my knees - let alone round my waist.

Turns out they were Boys aged 10-12 medium.

That would have been some pretty monumental weight loss if I'd got them on.

I did that a day before I went to Barbados. Ended up buying swimshorts for 8 year olds.
I am still in 36" jeans and have thrown my 40" jeans away.

I need to do more exercise, so I have stopped using the lift at work.
We have people who use the lift at work to go down 1 flight of stairs!

I think that unless you are injured, disabled, or carrying a heavy load or something you should not be allowed to use a lift unless you going up more than say, 5 floors.

Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Trooper wrote:
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
Gilly wrote:
Weight stuff

Nobody else has bothered replying, so I'll just say that's awesome, and well done! :)

Oh yeah, totally! I thought that, but didn't type it :)

Yeah, well done Gilly, you'be done exactly what I hope to. :)

Aw thanks everyone :)
Well, I've been to see my nurse today. She weighed me. I am the heaviest I have ever been. A stone heavier than I actually thought I was. Gutted.

Lets do this thing.
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Well, I've been to see my nurse today. She weighed me. I am the heaviest I have ever been. A stone heavier than I actually thought I was. Gutted.

Lets do this thing.

You can do it. :)

According to Wii Fit earlier, my ideal weight is 12st 9. Sod that.. I'm not sure I'd even look well at that weight.

In recent weeks I'd been getting a little breathless at work so I've kicked in the exercise again and while my weight is only coming down slowly (pesky takeaways), I'm at least a little more mobile again and a little less horrific sight in the mirror.
Ima gonna come use your balance board. :p

Just booked in for a health MOT.
Got an appointment with a personal trainer on Friday. Eek.

How are you getting on Trooper?
All good :) been under my calorie target every day so far, but it's only been 3 days :D
Not doing enough exercise, but my headphones arrive tomorrow, so i'll do the first day of the couch to 5k tomorrow afternoon.
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Ima gonna come use your balance board. :p

Just booked in for a health MOT.

You could have taken mine from the BB2. Never mind.
182lbs today, according to the scale. So 4lbs down already :) I'm expecting that loss rate to slow significantly now though.
Grim... wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Ima gonna come use your balance board. :p

Just booked in for a health MOT.

You could have taken mine from the BB2. Never mind.

Heh, I've got one thank you, I specifically wanted to use DM's. ;)

Well done Trooper, I've only gone over once so far and that was by accident - lesson learned there.

Just had my health MOT. Very healthy apart from my body composition, so that's a good start. :)
Aww crap, headphones and iphone armband are here. Now I have no excuse :D
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Ima gonna come use your balance board. :p

Just booked in for a health MOT.

You could have taken mine from the BB2. Never mind.

Heh, I've got one thank you, I specifically wanted to use DM's. ;)


Perhaps more at home in the 'Stupid things you have done' thread, but I was using Wii Fit the other day, with a couple of 2.5kg weights to exercise my arms, when I saw my phone flash up with a text message. I put the weights down on the sofa, grabbed my phone and watched on of the weights roll off and land on my foot. :facepalm:
Trooper wrote:
Aww crap, headphones and iphone armband are here. Now I have no excuse :D

First couch to 5k run done, pretty easy.
No problems fitness wise, but running hurts my shins and feet a bit. I assume that will get better over time once I build up some leg muscle, and I work out the best technique. I'm more of a plodder than a runner at the moment :D
Trooper wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Aww crap, headphones and iphone armband are here. Now I have no excuse :D

First couch to 5k run done, pretty easy.
No problems fitness wise, but running hurts my shins and feet a bit. I assume that will get better over time once I build up some leg muscle, and I work out the best technique. I'm more of a plodder than a runner at the moment :D

@DM because it was saying you weigh less than you are.

@Trooper Have you got proper running shoes? I used to have that problem until I got me some asiscs.

Did my 2nd yoga class today, can already do more than last week, but my flabby bits are getting in the way now. :(

Meeting James my personal trainer tomorrow, don't be surprised if you don't hear off me. :P
Very unrelated, but Brad Pitt's fitness person in Burn After Reading was one of the funniest things I've ever seen him do.
I do have proper shoes :)
Trooper wrote:
I do have proper shoes :)

Good, hopefully you just need to get your body used to it. :)
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
@DM because it was saying you weigh less than you are.

Ah. You might try reading my post again then. :)
*re-reads* Oops!

Also, I agree.
Trooper wrote:
I do have proper shoes :)

Take it easy with shins. They'll build up over time, just don't try and run through it, follow the plan, man.
Trooper wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Aww crap, headphones and iphone armband are here. Now I have no excuse :D

First couch to 5k run done, pretty easy.

How far did you go?
JBR wrote:
Trooper wrote:
I do have proper shoes :)

Take it easy with shins.

Just ask GazChap.
Grim... wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Aww crap, headphones and iphone armband are here. Now I have no excuse :D

First couch to 5k run done, pretty easy.

How far did you go?

First session was 60 seconds running, followed by 90 seconds "brisk" walking, repeated 8 times. Total was about 4.5k
I was tempted to go straight to week 2 as I didn't find it hard at all really, but follow the plan I shall :)
Trooper wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Aww crap, headphones and iphone armband are here. Now I have no excuse :D

First couch to 5k run done, pretty easy.

How far did you go?

First session was 60 seconds running, followed by 90 seconds "brisk" walking, repeated 8 times. Total was about 4.5k
I was tempted to go straight to week 2 as I didn't find it hard at all really, but follow the plan I shall :)

Well done mate, but being the sad twat that I am, that 4.5km distance didn't look right to me. If we assume 12kph for the running bit (which is pretty fast, to be fair) and 6kph for the brisk walk, that gives a distance of 2.8km.

(I'm a reet fat bastard at present; I managed 8.5km last night, same again tonight - but I have more that I need to lose than you mate! :D )
Cavey, have you logged on to myfitnesspal.com?
Captain Caveman wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Aww crap, headphones and iphone armband are here. Now I have no excuse :D

First couch to 5k run done, pretty easy.

How far did you go?

First session was 60 seconds running, followed by 90 seconds "brisk" walking, repeated 8 times. Total was about 4.5k
I was tempted to go straight to week 2 as I didn't find it hard at all really, but follow the plan I shall :)

Well done mate, but being the sad twat that I am, that 4.5km distance didn't look right to me. If we assume 12kph for the running bit (which is pretty fast, to be fair) and 6kph for the brisk walk, that gives a distance of 2.8km.

Plus 5 minutes either side brisk walk to warm up and warm down, then I was a 5 minute walk away from home, so I just carried on :D
Took 35 mins in total.
I can run 5k in under 30 mins without having done exercise in months. I don't know if I have some kind of level of natural fitness (i know my rotund figure says otherwise).

Recently I've been so lazy. Exercise annoys me because when I'm going hammer and tongs I can't get below 13st, but when I'm stuffing my face being a lazy bastard I never get over 14st. :S
Whilst I think of it, as I'm seeing him later, my friend J does a fair amount of boxing. He said that in between boxing sessions, going to the gym has really cut down on niggling inuries he was having. In his legs and back and things, as opposed to some 14 stone bloke twatting him in the face ("I don't mind it so much, my face doesn't hurt, but it makes my fillings jangle for about an hour afterwards). Once agian, do as I say, not as I do.
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Ima gonna come use your balance board. :p

Just booked in for a health MOT.

I had mine with Bupa.. I got a good old prodding and testing.

Everything is better than 3 years ago.
KovacsC wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Ima gonna come use your balance board. :p

Just booked in for a health MOT.

I had mine with Bupa.. I got a good old prodding and testing.

Everything is better than 3 years ago.

I'm very happy to hear that, dude!
The Last Salmon Man wrote:
but when I'm stuffing my face being a lazy bastard I never get over 14st. :S

See, what you need to do is stop being a lazy bastard and put some effort into stuffing your face. Trust me, that'll shoot you right past 14st.
MaliA wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Ima gonna come use your balance board. :p

Just booked in for a health MOT.

I had mine with Bupa.. I got a good old prodding and testing.

Everything is better than 3 years ago.

I'm very happy to hear that, dude!

Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Cavey, have you logged on to myfitnesspal.com?

No, I'd never heard of it sweetheart and have just checked it out now, it looks really good - thanks for that! :)

I do a lot of exercise (for my age), but I just love my food so much, including a whole bunch of stuff that's pretty bad news lol (chocolate for starters - I am quite the worst chocoholic I've ever known). Plus, I do like a good drink up on Fridays and Saturdays, though have managed to cut this back to sensible levels during the last few weeks at least.

I'll give this regime a go I think. I'd love to get something resembling my old six-pack back, instead of this party seven! :D
If anyone wants to friend me on myfitnesspal you are welcome to :) I'm trooperlooper on there.
I'm still alive!

Really enjoyed it actually. Nice chap, will try and stay with him. :)
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Got an appointment with a personal trainer on Friday. Eek.

Excellent! I have Friday PT sessions, and it's great. My trainer thinks up all kinds of weird and hurty things for me to do. Things I wouldn't necessarily do (or have heard of) of my own volition. A good trainer is wonderful.

The Last Salmon Man wrote:
Recently I've been so lazy. Exercise annoys me because when I'm going hammer and tongs I can't get below 13st, but when I'm stuffing my face being a lazy bastard I never get over 14st. :S

This is because... I dunno... just weighing yourself isn't the best metric of the benefits of exercise?
I just managed 51 press ups.

That's from hitting the gym this week rather than just working with my dumb bells in the apartment. Well that and I weigh less now which is a bit cheaty.

I get free gym membership with work so I might go down the personal trainer route to push myself that bit further.
Trooper wrote:
Current details:
Age : 36 years old

Weight :
13st 4
186 pounds
84.4 kgs

BMI : 25.96

Plan this week :
Join gym
Go to gym * 2
Throw out junk food and buy healthy stuff
Do week 1 of couch to 5k.

Lets see what has happened by next week.

Halfway through the week and a quick update.

12st 13lbs

Weight loss to date : 5lbs :D

BMI : 25.2

Exercise for the week so far:
58 minutes on the exercise bike
37 minutes jogging

Finding it pretty easy at the moment, both food and exercise wise, but Mrs T has been away. The food test will come when she is back and we get carried away in the kitchen and going out to dinner :D
I'm not going to bother doing the gym, i'm happy with the exercise bike and jogging for now. Plan is to do 20-30 mins on the bike one day, then do the couch to 5k run the next, and then back again. Should be pretty easy to do that as it doesn't take much time. If i'm not getting any fitter i'll need to up the work rate and do more exercise, but baby steps :)
Trousers wrote:
I just managed 51 press ups.

That's from hitting the gym this week rather than just working with my dumb bells in the apartment. Well that and I weigh less now which is a bit cheaty.

51 in one go?! Either way, that's really nice.

I get free gym membership with work so I might go down the personal trainer route to push myself that bit further.

Yay, do it.
throughsilver wrote:
Trousers wrote:
I just managed 51 press ups.

That's from hitting the gym this week rather than just working with my dumb bells in the apartment. Well that and I weigh less now which is a bit cheaty.

51 in one go?! Either way, that's really nice.

Fuck no - 3 sets of 17.

throughsilver wrote:
Trousers wrote:
I get free gym membership with work so I might go down the personal trainer route to push myself that bit further.

Yay, do it.

I think I will - I'm 42 now and need to work a bit smarter in the gym so some guidance would be the best course of action.
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