Boardgame Thread: Let's organise a beexordgame night.
Shut Up And Sit Down's review of 7 Wonders is very good, about 14 minutes into here: ... al-with-it

(In fact, if you're interested in board games, pretty much all of Shut Up And Sit Down is very good).
We really need to play more board games at the cottage this year.
When is this?
Curiosity wrote:
We really need to play more board games at the cottage this year.

How's the game you're writing coming, Curio?
You should play the game that we played over Christmas. OK, I don't know if it's technically a 'board game' (though it has a board, and counters, and dice and cards, but it's a bit like 'Call Balmy Bluff'. I think it is called Balderdash, or Absolute Balderdash... Something like that. Also, invite Russell's dad because he is the funniest player in the world with an absolute deadpan face when you're reading out his fake descriptions and definitions. Also: drunk.
(it might not be called that, mind)
Oh, that should read Call My Bluff :)
Bank holiday boardgame day!

Introduced my wife to Settlers Of Catan, which seemed to go down well. Not least because she won. Then more people started turning up and after warming up with a quick round of Liar's Dice (which Elaine won again) we played Cosmic Encounter. I drew the Laser as my special power, which was a bit of a double-edged... lightsabre? I got to pick my opponent's attack card at random which meant they were leery of attacking me because the result was a lottery, but meant I couldn't negotiate even if I wanted to. Almost everyone got to 4 of the 5 colonies they needed to win with relative ease, then everyone started allying with whoever was defending to stop whoever was attacking winning the game and the whole thing descended into hilarious chaos with weird powers interact and edicts flying back and forth across the table grabbing defeat from the jaws of victory and, eventually, the other way around. Cosmic Encounter is so great that I'm seriously considering splashing out for the recent Fantasy Flight reprint to replace my shonky £4 second-hand eighties-era GW copy. :D

A nice sedate game of 7 Wonders to calm everyone down and a break for dinner, then it was into double-plus-hilarious-chaos with The Resistance - which is very similar to Werewolf or Mafia, except with no player elimination and no need for a referee/adjudicator. I sat out the first game to make sure that everyone was bedded in with the rules then was on the winning side for the next two, managing to root out the filthy spies in the one game then suckering the resistance dupes into sending two of my fellow spies on a critical mission in the next.

We rounded off the evening with a game of Risk: Legacy. Risk: Legacy is BONKERS. Effectively, it's similar to the the old boardgame standby most of us grew up with except that every game you play, you're making PERMANENT changes to the board, the territory cards and the armies that effect every future game you play. The game comes with sealed packets of cards and components which are opened when certain events happen (ie, when someone wins their second game or the first time a faction is eliminated) and permanently change the rules of the game. I don't want to go into too many details because so much of the fun comes from the surprise of opening those packets and working out how that's going to impact the game going forward, but suffice to say we got to open one of the wells of components last night and our collective minds got blown. :D

My throat is now raw from being The One Who Knows The Rules And Therefore Has To Spend The Entire Day Talking. Totally worth it.
We had an enjoyable game of Zombies and then a super fun game of "The Big Idea". This proves that venture capitalism is A GOOD THING. I lost both. MrsA won both.
Rodafowa wrote:
Almost everyone got to 4 of the 5 colonies they needed to win with relative ease, then everyone started allying with whoever was defending to stop whoever was attacking winning the game and the whole thing descended into hilarious chaos with weird powers interact and edicts flying back and forth across the table grabbing defeat from the jaws of victory and, eventually, the other way around.

That happens in every single game is the major downfall of Cosmic Encounters. It can be mitigated by not offering as many alliances, as noobs to the game have a tendency to just offer alliances to everyone possible. Even so, by the end the leader is always ganged up on in some way.
There seems to be a whole world of boardgames that I didn't even know existed. My board game past is littered with half finished games of The Game of Life and Trivial Pursuit.

How accessible are these games to a novice, I used to do some HeroQuest and Blood Bowl stuff in my past, so i'm not too far out from the more complex games, but what is good to start with for me and Mrs T to pick up and play without our brains exploding or putting the wedding at risk...
Ticket to Ride.

Dave Gorman described Carcassone as "the gateway drug to European board games"
Trooper wrote:
There seems to be a whole world of boardgames that I didn't even know existed. My board game past is littered with half finished games of The Game of Life and Trivial Pursuit.

How accessible are these games to a novice, I used to do some HeroQuest and Blood Bowl stuff in my past, so i'm not too far out from the more complex games, but what is good to start with for me and Mrs T to pick up and play without our brains exploding or putting the wedding at risk...

Possibly get her to watch a few eps of Tabletop and see if any of them look interesting (these are basically 25 / 30 minutes worth of the game so should give her at least an idea of what its like?)


Settlers of Catan

Zombie Dice / Get Bit / Tsuro

zaphod79 wrote:
Possibly get her to watch a few eps of Tabletop and see if any of them look interesting (these are basically 25 / 30 minutes worth of the game so should give her at least an idea of what its like?)

:D That is a guaranteed way of getting her to not be interested in the slightest! ;)
myp wrote:
Formula One!

noooooooo. unless you want to die of old age.
I would love to die of old age, thanks. What would you rather die of?
myp wrote:
I would love to die of old age, thanks. What would you rather die of?

i missed the end of the sentence.
namely "while playing"
myp wrote:
I would love to die of old age, thanks. What would you rather die of?

Heart attack whilst banging ten hot chicks on my 5000 th birthday.
Curiosity wrote:
myp wrote:
I would love to die of old age, thanks. What would you rather die of?

Quietly in my sleep after banging ten hot chicks on my 5000 th birthday.

Those Whil Wheaton shows are dull as hell. I can't see how people enjoy continually cutting scenes of people laughing.

Also, Trooper, just google for "gateway board games". You'll probably come out with the list MaliA gave you anyway. (edit: If you're interesting in Ticket To Ride, get TTR:Europe rather than the vanilla US one. This isn't out of jingonism, but because the US one is original and has 3 rules less tha the European one, but those 3 rules make it go a long way.)
Pod wrote:
Those Whil Wheaton shows are dull as hell. I can't see how people enjoy continually cutting scenes of people laughing.

Also, Trooper, just google for "gateway board games". You'll probably come out with the list MaliA gave you anyway. (edit: If you're interesting in Ticket To Ride, get TTR:Europe rather than the vanilla US one. This isn't out of jingonism, but because the US one is original and has 3 rules less tha the European one, but those 3 rules make it go a long way.)

last night, I dreamt that Wil Wheaton came over to my castle to play boardgames.

I quite like the US one, but agree the Europe one is better. The Germany edition has a further rule, which I don't like so much. The 2-3 player Scandanavia one is totally awesome and really, really, competitive.

Munchkin is quite fun, too.
MaliA wrote:
Ticket to Ride.

Dave Gorman described Carcassone as "the gateway drug to European board games"

I've played Carcassone on me iPhone, and it was ok.

What's the best option out of that list, or a list like that, for 2 people board games?
Carcassone's the only one on that list that works with 2 players. Sadly, most games need three or, better, four, to work properly.

A fun two-player game is 'Quoridor' - basically a game of trying to screw your opponent over by blocking them from moving across a board. GReat fun, and liable to cause many fights.
Trooper wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Ticket to Ride.

Dave Gorman described Carcassone as "the gateway drug to European board games"

I've played Carcassone on me iPhone, and it was ok.

What's the best option out of that list, or a list like that, for 2 people board games?

For only 2 players, I'd get the Scandanavian version of ticket to ride. Zombies works with 2, but it isn't as fun. Carcassone is quite good with 2 players, but 3 seems optimum for many games.
Abalone is a superb two player game.

As is chess.
Craster wrote:
And fucking.

I'm good at that, I always win.
Craster wrote:
And fucking.

Try telling that to my wife.
Curiosity wrote:
Craster wrote:
And fucking.

Try telling that to my wife.

"It's rude to speak with your mouth full".
Curiosity wrote:
Abalone is a superb two player game.

As is chess.

Craster wrote:
And fucking.

We only ever had a chess club at school. Mind you, I went to an all boys school, so that's probably a good thing.
MaliA wrote:
I quite like the US one, but agree the Europe one is better. The Germany edition has a further rule, which I don't like so much. The 2-3 player Scandanavia one is totally awesome and really, really, competitive.

Munchkin is quite fun, too. ... de_series#

Does the Marklin edition have tunnels as well? I can't tell from that description
Trooper wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Ticket to Ride.

Dave Gorman described Carcassone as "the gateway drug to European board games"

I've played Carcassone on me iPhone, and it was ok.

What's the best option out of that list, or a list like that, for 2 people board games?

Carcassone: Hunters and Gatherers is designed with fewer players in mind, I believe. I've played it a few times but can't remember what's so different about it that would help with 2 players. Still: It worked fine with 2 people, as that's what I usually played it as.

Memoir 44 is great and is a 2 player game. You can probably play it as a gateway game, maybe. Dominion also works very well as a two player game, and is one of my favourite games SO BUY THAT.
Personally I find that even base Carcassonne works best as a 2-player game. Second the recommendation for Dominion though, it's awesomesauce.
Pod wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I quite like the US one, but agree the Europe one is better. The Germany edition has a further rule, which I don't like so much. The 2-3 player Scandanavia one is totally awesome and really, really, competitive.

Munchkin is quite fun, too. ... de_series#

Does the Marklin edition have tunnels as well? I can't tell from that description

I meant to check yesterday, but forgot. I'll check tonight.
YOU'D BETTER. :boots:

Trooper, did you get anything yet? REPORT BACK.
Pod wrote:
YOU'D BETTER. :boots:

Trooper, did you get anything yet? REPORT BACK.

Cock. Sorry mate. I will at lunchtime.
Nothing yet, I put the proposition past Mrs T, and got a non-favourable response. I shall have to change my approach to the test subject and bring her around to the idea by more nefarious means.
MaliA wrote:
Pod wrote:
YOU'D BETTER. :boots:

Trooper, did you get anything yet? REPORT BACK.

Cock. Sorry mate. I will at lunchtime.

It doesn't have tunnels, however, there does exist the wildcard that is only for use on routes of 4 saces or more. It also has 'Passengers', of which one gets 4, and there are points to make them go around the track. Which is ok,but inflates the points.
Ticket to Ride for iOS is currently free ... 57988?mt=8

And its on the latest episode of Tabletop

Mr Wheaton has done very well for himself.
Morte wrote:
Mr Wheaton has done very well for himself.

He 'annoyed me' on STTNG (okay to be fair his character annoyed me on it) - however everything i've seen him on / involved with in the last few years comes across like he's a nice guy who's doing what he does because he wants to do it.

If I saw he was involved with a show or a project then right now i'd go out of my way to see it.
zaphod79 wrote:
He 'annoyed me' on STTNG (okay to be fair his character annoyed me on it)

He was, like, fourteen or something. I was quite annoying at fourteen.
Craster wrote:
zaphod79 wrote:
He 'annoyed me' on STTNG (okay to be fair his character annoyed me on it)

He was, like, fourteen or something. I was quite annoying at fourteen.

Makes sense, you're quite annoying now.
I totally did not see that coming.
Annoying and stupid.
His 'beard' is fucking rubbish.
I like him though because he starred in one of the best films ever ever. Plus my opinion of him was never sullied by Star Trek because I've never watched that shite.
WTB wrote:
His 'beard' is fucking rubbish.

Fuck you!
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