The clittycally-insane Cull of Jewty 4 Mordor Wharfe Hare
IGN.COM - 9/10
Ha ha that is so funny!

Surely they didn't just pick up on this and someone must have reported it? It is pretty dumb of MS not to actually check first though.
CUS wrote:
Mr. G sir, I apologize once again for my continued delight in what is the finest name I have ever known.
Dr G. And you're welcome :p

If people would like to post on there that they know me and this is a real name, that'd be useful. I'm having trouble convincing the skeptics that I'm not in it for the money. I'm also having trouble finding the money.
Bobbyaro wrote:
Ha ha that is so funny!

Surely they didn't just pick up on this and someone must have reported it? It is pretty dumb of MS not to actually check first though.
No, I emailed Kotaku/Joystiq/Eurogamer/Destructoid this morning :p
Hmmm, there probably is some crap in the TOS that you can't use your real name as your tag though. Maybe.
I already corrected the Dr/Mr thing, but they haven't posted my comment yet. :(
My comments are getting posted right away, I think.
Yeah, my account hasn't been approved yet. I just signed up.
I've never worked out how you post on kotaku. But I'll try again. For you.
That is most amusing. At some point I will add to the clamour.

Some top CoDdage last night. The double health confused the hell out of me, and led me to complain that my knife didn't work. It also made those close combat moment very funny, as instead of being voer in a second, people ran around each other in circles, a la Halo or whatever.

Some good games of Ground War Domination too. Well, the ones in which we didn't get utterly obliterated in, anyway. We even got within 4 points of the team that permanently had helicopters shooting the bejeesus out of us.

Also, Headquarters on Shipment is FUN FUN FUN!

(and the G3 is poop poop poop)
Step forward Pundy. Come on now, don't be shy. Tell the nice doctor what you told us last night.
Did Pundy file a complaint on my tag?
He might have done....
Mohh! I wondered aloud on the mic t'other day about what would happen if someone did complain about me. Guess we know now!
Can everyone complain about my name because it looks like 'caca' please? Pretend you're Spanish.
myoptika wrote:
Can everyone complain about my name because it looks like 'caca' please? Pretend you're Spanish.

Can I complain about your face, for the same reason?
I'd like to see him change that too. Have you seen the one he's using on LastFM? *shudder*
Curiosity wrote:
myoptika wrote:
Can everyone complain about my name because it looks like 'caca' please? Pretend you're Spanish.

Can I complain about your face, for the same reason?

My face does not pretend it's Spanish.
Pundabaya wrote:
No comment.

You tit.
hmm, well, he did say he wanted to experiment, and I did say at the time. But honestly, I thought it'd take more than one complaint. Otherwise 'you beat me, wahhh, wahhh, well you'd better find another gamertag, you twat' would be a legitimate trolling tactic.

So, that leaves two options: Either other people have complained, or MS looked at the gamertag, saw 'gay', and didn't bother to check. Either way, it sucks.

Anyway, Ric Homopine is welcome to do it back, I'm interested to see whether one complaint will do it (and am sick of yankee pre-teens being unable to pronounce it)
Pundabaya wrote:
Anyway, Ric Homopine is welcome to do it back, I'm interested to see whether one complaint will do it (and am sick of yankee pre-teens)

Pundabaya wrote:
hmm, well, he did say he wanted to experiment, and I did say at the time. But honestly, I thought it'd take more than one complaint. Otherwise 'you beat me, wahhh, wahhh, well you'd better find another gamertag, you twat' would be a legitimate trolling tactic.
Apparantly, the way it works is that, one complaint or a hundred, it gets examined by a human. Clearly I am offensive to some Microserf somewhere. Colleagues have asked me to point out at this juncture that my name is actually my least offensive part.

Anyway, Ric Homopine is welcome to do it back, I'm interested to see whether one complaint will do it (and am sick of yankee pre-teens being unable to pronounce it)
Yeah, it sounds too much like cunt-a-bay-ah. COMPLAIN COMPLAIN

On the upside, I got a free new gamertag and now it's more similar to my PSN one. And I got on the front page of Kotaku! So overall I win.
You need to update your sig. Oh, and I'm still waiting for my complaints.
richardgaywood wrote:
Pundabaya wrote:
hmm, well, he did say he wanted to experiment, and I did say at the time. But honestly, I thought it'd take more than one complaint. Otherwise 'you beat me, wahhh, wahhh, well you'd better find another gamertag, you twat' would be a legitimate trolling tactic.
Apparantly, the way it works is that, one complaint or a hundred, it gets examined by a human. Clearly I am offensive to some Microserf somewhere. Colleagues have asked me to point out at this juncture that my name is actually my least offensive part.

Anyway, Ric Homopine is welcome to do it back, I'm interested to see whether one complaint will do it (and am sick of yankee pre-teens being unable to pronounce it)
Yeah, it sounds too much like cunt-a-bay-ah. COMPLAIN COMPLAIN

On the upside, I got a free new gamertag and now it's more similar to my PSN one. And I got on the front page of Kotaku! So overall I win.

Yes, but your new one sounds aggressively Welsh, which I find offensive.


Also, how do you pronounce the new gamertag? I'm going with "Doctor Glenda"
The problem is that I will now picture Mr Gaywood as a sheep, as the name Glyndwr is tied to sheep in my mind.

Mainly as one of my uni housemates had a huge fluffy sheep called Glyndwr which he slept with. (Guess which country he came from, people)
myoptika wrote:
You need to update your sig.
I'm leaving it that way in silent protest.
Mr Dave wrote:
Mainly as one of my uni housemates had a huge fluffy sheep called Glyndwr which he slept with. (Guess which country he came from, people)
Mr Dave wrote:
Mainly as one of my uni housemates had a huge fluffy sheep called Glyndwr which he slept with. (Guess which country he came from, people)
Curiosity wrote:
Yes, but your new one sounds aggressively Welsh, which I find offensive.
I missed a chance. If only last night I had known the Welsh for "Cocking Microsoft are a bunch of cunts" I could have continued this merry dance.

Also, how do you pronounce the new gamertag? I'm going with "Doctor Glenda"
"Glyn-doo-er", roughly, although I suspect "doc" will be more common. I originally started using Glyndwr as an alias because it ties Americans up in knots, they have no idea how to pronounce it.
Mr Dave wrote:
Hmmm. Damn, that's hard then. Japan?
Botswana, idiot.

I'm just going to keep calling you Gaywood.
myoptika wrote:
I'm just going to keep calling you Gaywood.
I find that offensive. I'm going to complain to the mods. You are using offensive language.
Getting further and further away, guys. I don't think you're taking this seriously at all.

I'm hurt. :droool:
richardgaywood wrote:
Also, how do you pronounce the new gamertag? I'm going with "Doctor Glenda"
"Glyn-doo-er", roughly, although I suspect "doc" will be more common. I originally started using Glyndwr as an alias because it ties Americans up in knots, they have no idea how to pronounce it.

No. Then I will get confused as I my name also starts with "Dr".

Oh, and was the sheep from Wales, Mr Dave?
Both the sheep and the owner. They were very close.
Curiosity wrote:
No. Then I will get confused as I my name also starts with "Dr".
I'm pulling rank, on the trifling grounds of actually having a PhD.
richardgaywood wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
No. Then I will get confused as I my name also starts with "Dr".
I'm pulling rank, on the trifling grounds of actually having a PhD. long for? I've been using my name for years and years...
Curiosity wrote:
richardgaywood wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
No. Then I will get confused as I my name also starts with "Dr".
I'm pulling rank, on the trifling grounds of actually having a PhD. long for? I've been using my name for years and years...
Bah! Just because you made a word up a long time ago don't make it right, "Curiosity, if that is your real name.

Also, they're going to come for you.
Incidentally can you change your name on your gold account thingy? I heard you can - but it costs money - which is fecking ridiculous.
Kotaku won't actually log me in. Would it be approriate to "Complain" vis Xbox live on your "new" gamertag so the human who made the decision can see it? And possibly change it back? After all, it's MS we need to be bitching at, not Kotaku!

Unless you don't mind having your new 'tag, obviously.

And you'll be forever Doctor Richard Gaywood, to me. ;)
Lave wrote:
Incidentally can you change your name on your gold account thingy? I heard you can - but it costs money - which is fecking ridiculous.
This is true, unless it's offensive, when you get to change it for free.

Exciting update -- some web guy from the portal division from Microsoft has emailed me asking if I would like my old tag back. He's making no promises but can talk to the relevant people. I've asked him to go for it.
richardgaywood wrote:
Lave wrote:
Incidentally can you change your name on your gold account thingy? I heard you can - but it costs money - which is fecking ridiculous.
This is true, unless it's offensive, when you get to change it for free.

Exciting update -- some web guy from the portal division from Microsoft has emailed me asking if I would like my old tag back. He's making no promises but can talk to the relevant people. I've asked him to go for it.

Be sure to mention how highly stressful this whole thing has been to you. You should at least get a year's free membership.

Also, if it does get changed back, you are going to have SO many friend requests from mad people who don't like MS.
It's a shame that no one who doesn't play CoD 4 won't read this thread and hear about this.
I'm quite surprised The Register doesn't seem to have picked up on it.
The Lady says she being invited to play again. I send our apologies but she's trying to finish the single player of CoD4. She's near the fucking end and it's only taken two days. Jesus feck.

And I'm having to work when I want to "finish the fight" it's not fair MR GRUMPY FACE.
Myoptika is officially shite for SPURNING us on CoD4 in order to play cricket. Not real cricket even. What a loser.
Been a good day for fishing, levelled from 23 to 28.

It took me longer to get from 1 to 6.
Aye, I've done 46-50 as well :D
Prestige is just around the corner...
Dimrill wrote:
Myoptika is officially shite for SPURNING us on CoD4 in order to play cricket. Not real cricket even. What a loser.

I'm just not feeling CoD4 at the moment. My reactions are just all over the place right now.
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