Yeay! Mr Grinch is here!
He's lovely you be nice!
I invited Mr Grinch here in my epic quest to improve this place.

You be nice to him he is awesome.
He stole Christmas, the horrible cunt.
We've all been there.
myoptika wrote:
He stole Christmas, the horrible cunt.

In my defense I gave it back not too long afterwards.

Besides which, I'm not usually as mean as the name implies.

Lave wrote:
I invited Mr Grinch here in my epic quest to improve this place.

It's the honesty used ther (my emphasis) that I find so endearing, sir.
I never got a welcome thread.
LewieP wrote:
I never got a welcome thread.

There was already a bargain thread here...
You didn't need want one Bargains man!
This is just like a new wres...*sounds of a scuffle*
You're a lemon.
I agree with Dimrill.
CUS wrote:
I agree with Dimrill.

I feel this is an in-joke that I just don't get.

::edit:: I should really have quoted Dimrill but am now too lazy to change it.
Mr_Grinch wrote:
CUS wrote:
I agree with Dimrill.

I feel this is an in-joke that I just don't get.

Alas, if you have to explain the joke then it's not funny anymore.
Although to be fair, that's not an alteration to its level of funnyness.
Or most in-jokes here.
Anyway, welcome Mr_Grinch. I hope one day you'll trust us enough to show us the mystery object you have held up out of view.
Btw, I have always wondered (or maybe I have already asked, but forgot)

What's the origin of your handle?
LewieP wrote:
Btw, I have always wondered (or maybe I have already asked, but forgot)

What's the origin of your handle?

Mine? It's a stupid, boring and not very funny story.

So I shall tell it.

It all started way back in my college years (cue wavy lined, blurry fade). There was a group of us that sat around in the corner of the college social room, largely unpopular and generally a bit odd. We were given the nickname "The wifeswappers" which utterly confused and annoyed us because none of us actually got laid.

Anyway, we sat around the vending machines and made anyone that tried to get a drink feel uncomfortable, not deliberately, we just had that effect. Whilst hard up one day I tried to put all of my loose change in to the vending machine only to discover that putting a penny in it blocked it up. All money that went in afterwards failed to drop to the coin slot.

Further to this discovery I found out that jamming a knife or fork down the coin return dished out all the lost cash. So, to fund my newly found drinking habit one day I put a penny in to the can machine at the start of the day. Throughout the day people put 50p in, a pound in, or whatever and got nothing in return. At the end of the day I returned with my trusty knife, jammed it down the coin slot and pocketed the money.

One of my friends called me "The Grinch that stole the money from the drinks machine", I was looking for a nick to use on IRC at the time and thought that sounded ok.

So a rather un-interesting tale I'm afraid. For the sake of comedy, if you like, you can pretend I was raped as a child by a man dressed as Santa Claus and have since then had a hatred for the season.
You sir, are pure green inventive evil.
That is incredible.
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