The clittycally-insane Cull of Jewty 4 Mordor Wharfe Hare
IGN.COM - 9/10
Davydd Grimm wrote:
CUS wrote:
myoptika wrote:
If so, I amusingly vote that we play that solidly for the rest of the week.


What he vomited.

I don't have Burny Pee anymore. Unless I borrow one of the two copies in the house.

Let me know if you want to anytime.
A couple of entertaining matches last night, even if none of them involved a spontaneously exploding man.

Also, from the Pride Comes Before a Fall Department - we played Creek and after all of my eulogising about it, I did terribly and ended up with a negative kill/death ratio.

Dimrill wrote:
Does this mean you've given Burning Pee back then?

Yes. BUT I'll buy it for £25 when the new shiznit comes out.

Also: Get bent Ramsea.

Also also: You're joking right Dave?
So what guns do everyone use? I'm pretty clueless.

The skepto-collective typically use the M16 with Red Dot Sight as standard.

When sniping I've unlocked upto the R700 sniper rifle so did use that, but I've found that the M16 with COG scope thingy actually works better for me.
My five classes generally contain whichever weapon I am trying to 'level up'.

That said, within each class I like:

Assault Rifles

M16 or M4 Carbine (both with red dot). The M16 seems to have more brute force behind it, and it more accurate, but the M4 makes up for a potential lack of precision and damage by being far more useful in close quarters. They're easily my two favourite assault rifles.


The P-90 for me is the best here. Loads of ammo, rapid fire, lots of damage. The MP5 is also very good, and the AK74-u is perhaps a little more versatile (it seems to have a longer range).

Sidenote - a lot of very good players seem to kill me extremely quickly with the Skorpion. It seems to have limited range but excruciating strength when you can actually use it.


They're all good. I probably like the SAW the most, but the three all trade off on rate of fire, damage and accuracy.


If you want to kill someone in one shot, the W1200 (or whatever it's called) is the beast, though there seems to be a weird pause between firing and it hitting. If, however, you're likely to encounter more than one person at a time, the other is better as whilst you only get 4 shots, you can normally kill someone with two pops, and you can fire those four off very, very quickly. Teh W-1200 fires about one shot every ice age.

Shiner Rifles

They're all kinda fun. I do like the M21, as whilst a shot to the body will rarely kill anyone, you can easily squeeze off several shots at once, as the fire rate is high and the recoil ultra-low. At the other end of the scale, I also like the Barrett, as it tends to knock people flying... but the recoil can be a pain.

As for perks, I have Claymores selected on my Assault, LMG and Sniper classes, and Triple Frags on my other two. I have Stopping Power selected on every class. For Perk 3, I have Last Stand on my Assault Rifle class, Martyrdom on SMG and Shotgun, Bullet Penetration on LMG and Iron Lungs on Sniper.
What a tremendously detailed and useful post!

I try to steal a P90 whenever I get a chance, as they are pretty awesome. A P90 and a sniper rifle would be my favourite load out if you could do that.

Also, I wonder if I've unlocked the M21 sniper rifle, because I've been wondering what sniper rifle people are using in the kill cams I see that has no recoil because the R700 has you almost turn around its so bad.
Lave wrote:
What a tremendously detailed and useful post!

I try to steal a P90 whenever I get a chance, as they are pretty awesome. A P90 and a sniper rifle would be my favourite load out if you could do that.

Also, I wonder if I've unlocked the M21 sniper rifle, because I've been wondering what sniper rifle people are using in the kill cams I see that has no recoil because the R700 has you almost turn around its so bad.

The M21 is the second sniper rifle. If you add the 'Steady Aim' perk then it makes a passable close combat weapon if you're lucky.

Also, if you get the 'Overkill' perk, then you can carry any two primary weapons, such as a sniper rifle (or a shiner rifle, as I apparently called it) and an SMG, or two assault rifles, etc.
Curiosity wrote:
Lave wrote:
What a tremendously detailed and useful post!

I try to steal a P90 whenever I get a chance, as they are pretty awesome. A P90 and a sniper rifle would be my favourite load out if you could do that.

Also, I wonder if I've unlocked the M21 sniper rifle, because I've been wondering what sniper rifle people are using in the kill cams I see that has no recoil because the R700 has you almost turn around its so bad.

The M21 is the second sniper rifle. If you add the 'Steady Aim' perk then it makes a passable close combat weapon if you're lucky.

Also, if you get the 'Overkill' perk, then you can carry any two primary weapons, such as a sniper rifle (or a shiner rifle, as I apparently called it) and an SMG, or two assault rifles, etc.

Ah ok, I'll try the M21 again then.

What? Wow, I want that! Does that have a negative side? Does it make you slower or something?
Lave wrote:
Ah ok, I'll try the M21 again then.

What? Wow, I want that! Does that have a negative side? Does it make you slower or something?

The only downside with the M21 is that it is less powerful. You'll definitely want to couple it with Stopping Power, and even then you normally need two body shots. But it's fun to use.

The negative side of Overkill is that you lose Perk 2, which is (IMO) the best Perk (Stopping Power, Juggernaut, etc). The fun thing is that if you (and always do this) equip the smaller of your weapons as your primary, you get to run further than you would normally. So you get to run around with the P-90, like a greased whipper, knowing that you have a .50cal sniper rifle strapped to your back.

My favourite sniper rifle is the first one you get, I think its called the M40A3. It may not be the most powerful and isnt automatic...but the speed you can lead a target and pop them in the head is great. With stopping power this gun is superb.

Lave, the only downside of starting with 2 rifles at a time is that it "wastes" another potentially more effective perk. I much prefer to start with a pistol and rifle and then swapping the pistol with the rifle of the dead guy i've just killed. (edit: i got side tracked and curiosity beat me to it)

Also, I find it takes too long to switch from a sniping rifle to an assault rifle quick enough to shoot an approaching enemy...whipping out a pistol seems much more effective. Also, the pistols are probably a bit under rated...I find when sniping, its not uncommon for me to kill more with my pistol than with my sniper.

Most useless perk for me is the Eavesdrop perk...its pretty pointless in public games but admittedly it may be of some use in a match game. The bombsquad perk also seems to be of little use but to be honest, Ive never used it. Dead silent also seems pointless...theres rarely a time when I hear someone coming from behind and they dont kill me.
Curiosity wrote:
Lave wrote:
Ah ok, I'll try the M21 again then.

What? Wow, I want that! Does that have a negative side? Does it make you slower or something?

The only downside with the M21 is that it is less powerful. You'll definitely want to couple it with Stopping Power, and even then you normally need two body shots. But it's fun to use.

My understanding is that you need 2 shots to kill with the M21 anyway, so adding stopping power doesnt really make a difference. I read somewhere that M21 does 50% in one shot and 70% with stopping power. That might be a load of crap tho as I dont actuallly use the M21.

And also, I didnt know about the running speed changed depending on what your primary weapon is...but if you choose a sniper rifle as your primary weapon then you can wear the guille suit which I find quite handy.

Is it the R700? I think its the 4th sniper rifle? OMG, what a piece of shit that is.
Ramsea wrote:
My favourite sniper rifle is the first one you get, I think its called the M40A3. It may not be the most powerful and isnt automatic...but the speed you can lead a target and pop them in the head is great. With stopping power this gun is superb.

I found it too slow to use well, and not powerful enough to make up for it (unlike the R700 EDIT - amusing, given your last post). that said, I only used it for a short while. I might give it another go soon, on your recommendation.

Most useless perk for me is the Eavesdrop perk...its pretty pointless in public games but admittedly it may be of some use in a match game.

I agree. Might be useful in clan type matches for serious players.

The bombsquad perk also seems to be of little use but to be honest, Ive never used it. Dead silent also seems pointless...theres rarely a time when I hear someone coming from behind and they dont kill me.

I don't use Bombsquad any more, but it can be useful for certain matches, especially Search + Destroy where you sometimes need to move quickly and don't respawn if you die. Dead silent can be good if combined with UAV Jammer and silenced weapons. You're a ninja!

That said, I don't use it.
Curiosity wrote:
Ramsea wrote:
My favourite sniper rifle is the first one you get, I think its called the M40A3. It may not be the most powerful and isnt automatic...but the speed you can lead a target and pop them in the head is great. With stopping power this gun is superb.

I found it too slow to use well, and not powerful enough to make up for it (unlike the R700 EDIT - amusing, given your last post). that said, I only used it for a short while. I might give it another go soon, on your recommendation.

I think I was of that opinion too at first, but I think this mostly came down to is the fact when I first used it I was new and fairly rubbish at the game. I've found going back to it, after gaining a bit of skill, its a delightful weapon.
I think I have about 15 kills in total with sniper rifles. I'm laughably bad with them, and I get annoyed when the killcam shows other people pwning my n00b ass lol with them.

P90 with Stopping power for me, thanks.
agree the first sniper with stopping power is the best sniper rifle, IMHO.
LaceSensor wrote:
agree the first sniper with stopping power is the best sniper rifle, IMHO.

I shall give it a whirl tomorrow night. Not tonight, though, as I will be drinkign with people in a bar.
Davydd Grimm wrote:
I think I have about 15 kills in total with sniper rifles. I'm laughably bad with them, and I get annoyed when the killcam shows other people pwning my n00b ass lol with them.

A little tip I got from FLIS, when you kill someone with a sniper rifle, stay zoomed in for a few seconds after the shot as it will make it a bit more difficult for the dead guy to pinpoint your position from the killcam.

Curiosity wrote:
LaceSensor wrote:
agree the first sniper with stopping power is the best sniper rifle, IMHO.

I shall give it a whirl tomorrow night. Not tonight, though, as I will be drinkign with people in a bar.

What? Are these actual real life people? I've heard of this before but I thought it was all hearsay.
Ramsea wrote:
A little tip I got from FLIS, when you kill someone with a sniper rifle, stay zoomed in for a few seconds after the shot as it will make it a bit more difficult for the dead guy to pinpoint your position from the killcam.


What? Are these actual real life people? I've heard of this before but I thought it was all hearsay.

Nope, it's just people from here, strangely enough!
That Flis. Cunning, cunning as a fox.

What happened tonight? After that guy beseeching us to cuss up the 'gay homo faggot from Ohio' people got very quiet and started to vanish.
It just felt... wrong, tonight. I don't know. Everyone seemed to be having a shit time, I know I was playing like a rubbish player. Kudos to you for your constant chirpiness in the face of sullen silence, man :p

I muted that guy almost straightaway.
What happened tonight? After that guy beseeching us to cuss up the 'gay homo faggot from Ohio' people got very quiet and started to vanish.

Maybe somebody changed the past.
It was like that yesterday too. Too quiet.
Sorry, I just don't seem very chatty at the moment chaps. Hopefully normal service will be resumed soon.
Bezzie cuddles all around then!
You missed my charm and oh-so-interesting running commentary on how often I am dying.

Could anyone actually get a decent connection last night? I was playing about 7 of the clock, and I didn;t get a single complete game. The majority of these I had red/orange signal strength as well.

A little tip I got from FLIS, when you kill someone with a sniper rifle, stay zoomed in for a few seconds after the shot as it will make it a bit more difficult for the dead guy to pinpoint your position from the killcam.

Also, try to minimise the amount of things that could give you away from your position. If possible look straight up to the sky, or zoom right into a box that is right next to you, so all they see is a dark blur.
Popped on last night after midnight*, no one about though. Had a very nice and shooty blast at the single player game instead.

*Due to me having a date with some flat pack furniture.
Found this which has nice maps of each level"

Map Wiki thingy

And this forum which has them in higer res
Forumy higher res link.

Just dumping the links here as they are useful, and so I don't forget them.

That and we could draw "AWESOME STRATEGIES" on them. Like american football players.
Zardoz wrote:
Popped on last night after midnight*, no one about though. Had a very nice and shooty blast at the single player game instead.

*Due to me having a date with some flat pack furniture.

I was so tempted to invite you to a game of Perfect Dark Zero. But I didn't, that's how nice I am.

Edit: Look, my signature says I even loaded it up to do so.
Have I pissed in your vinegar bottle Dave? :p

Out tonight, so maybe a little CoD on Sat/Sun?
I'm going to invite everyone to play cricket with me tonight.
Zardoz wrote:
Out tonight, so maybe a little CoD on Sat/Sun?


...but also tonight.
might play later, ie after 9.30. got a show before.
myoptika wrote:
I'm going to invite everyone to play cricket with me tonight.

GTA, yes.
Burny Pee, yes.
CoD4, yes.
Cricket, No.
myoptika wrote:
Your loss.

As a sport to play, I love cricket.
As a sport to watch, I also love cricket.
As a computer game, I've not ever enjoyed cricket. It just doesn't have the same breadth in that form, I find.

Remember me? I'd like to shoot you in the face from 11.00pm onwards tonight.

I would like to be shot in the face from 11.00pm onwards. (And I also look forward to killing Zardoz with my martyrdom grenades at every possible opportunity)
Mr Dave wrote:
I would like to be shot in the face from 11.00pm onwards.
Yes, that's all well and good -- but what about CoD4?
Good grief I was playing terribly last night!

I feel handicapped without my favourite perks... stupid Prestige Mode! I need my friggin' claymores and red dot sights! Now!

Not sure I'll be able to play tonight, but will definitely be playing on Tuesday and Wednesday, as the missus is out of the country.
Curiosity wrote:
I feel handicapped without my favourite perks... stupid Prestige Mode! I need my friggin' claymores and red dot sights! Now!
No red dot sites would suck. I feel very confident in saying that, in the unlikely event I ever reach rank 55, I am not going to to Prestige.

And you didn't do as badly as my. I stank out loud last night! I think I had 2 kills / 14 deaths on one map.
richardgaywood wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
I feel handicapped without my favourite perks... stupid Prestige Mode! I need my friggin' claymores and red dot sights! Now!
No red dot sites would suck. I feel very confident in saying that, in the unlikely event I ever reach rank 55, I am not going to to Prestige.

And you didn't do as badly as my. I stank out loud last night! I think I had 2 kills / 14 deaths on one map.

I've just been doing well lately, and was sober, so getting to 0/13 at one point of the game in Chinatown really annoyed me. Especially when about eight of the kills were from one guy hitting me with a sniped head shot every time I spawned.

Also, having used the big, chunky LMG for so long, I didn't realise how much more accurate/damaging it is than the SAW (the first one).

Still, at least the MP5 is still awesome.
You can use the AC-130 Hercules Spector Gunship in multiplayer, yes?
I saw Zardoz pop onto Live last night via the webshite, but by the time my eggbox had connected to the network he'd gone again.. like a fart.
Dimrill wrote:
I saw Zardoz pop onto Live last night via the webshite, but by the time my eggbox had connected to the network he'd gone again.. like a fart.

Mine don't disappear that quick.
I shall be trying my best to "Blast ya in da fass" tonight and probably tuesday... oh yes!
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