A guard just watched me through a glass display case while I strangled his mate. Never blinked. Phew.
Anybody who's beating themselves up as to whether the pre-order bonus DLC are worth getting: don't. They're completely not. Three little bone charms you can wear that almost insignificantly alters your stats.
I am so very, very bad at this game.
Like Michael Jackson?
Ah, it was Brad Dourif voicing him. Thought so. mm. *nods*
It's downloading so very slowly off Steam :/

XCOM whistled down.
I am fucking loving this.
I finished it, what a ride.

I have a handful of minor complaints, but overall one of the best games I've played in ages. It's nice to play a game with lots of player agency again. I think it out bioshocks bioshock, it's the game Assassin's Creed thinks it is, and it could give Splinter Cell and Arkham Asylum a run for their money in the stealth and combat stakes.
I know the guy who did the (UK) box art! I take this as confirmation of my excellence!
LewieP wrote:
it's the game Assassin's Creed thinks it is

What a load of rot. Assassin's Creed is about flowing platforming as much as killing.

While this game is good, I'm still waiting for it blow me away and transcend what I thought a thought of gaming thoughts would think about forever (c) Tom Shiteread.
AC is a game about walking to a place, watching a cut scene, following a guy (but not too close), playing a tower defence minigame, collecting flags that are strewn all over the place, running up to a guy and pressing a button to trigger a cinematic where you kill him and then doing the same over and over again.

Dishonored is a superhero assassin simulator.
LewieP wrote:
AC is a game about walking to a place, watching a cut scene,

Exactly the same here, except you watch rubbery characters intone exposition to you.

playing a tower defence minigame

In the fourth iteration of, yes. And it was so appalling I doubt we'll see it again. I'll wait until Dishonored 4 to pass judgement on that.

collecting flags that are strewn all over the place,

Hardly what the game "is about". By that logic Grand Theft Auto 4 was all about riding in a police car and taking down small gangs to a time limit.

running up to a guy and pressing a button to trigger a cinematic where you kill him and then doing the same over and over again.

Well I've been playing this since yesterday at three, and the repetition of watching guards is wearing me too. I haven't actually killed my main targets myself yet, opting for indirect sneaky means to take them out. Instead of cinematics I've got rubbery faced exposition in their place. Pick your poison.

The only thing it shares with Assassin's Creed is there's killings afoot. Or is this the game the sentient being Arkanoid thinks about while eating yoghurt?

If you're going to spout hyperbole about game comparisons, it would make more sense to use the Hitman games, as this plays closer to them than anything else. Small sort-of open world levels with patrolling guards. Hiding bodies/unconscious victims. Making your escape to a pre-determined exit point. Distractions. Traps. Hidey holes. etc etc
Dimrill wrote:
Or is this the game the sentient being Arkanoid thinks about while eating yoghurt?

What in fuck's name are you gibbering about?
Dimrill wrote:
Exactly the same here, except you watch rubbery characters intone exposition to you.

Funnily enough, it reminds me of Kingpin as much as Hitman. Except no weirdly undulating faces. This is the game the sentient being Kingpin looks at across the street while it's on the toilet.
This afternoon I spent five hours unpicking just one level. No kills, no alerts, on hard. Satisfying.
Finished! Good. Very good. Susan Sarandon! Brad Dourif! Carrie Fisher! Michael Madsen! who'd thoughted it.

The Bioshockyness of the graphics makes you believe this could sit in that same Universe. It'd be lovely if there was a circle of developers adding to the same world without taking possession of it. Like Lovecraft & friends did with the Elder Gods. Of course, litigation and corporate suits would mean that could never happen.

Now to go back and see if I can ghost the early levels. I found the rhythm at the party level, so all missions after that I managed to ghost and not kill all the way to the end.
Dimrill wrote:
The Bioshockyness of the graphics

Yes! I can't put my finger on why, but yes. It's the water effects, I think, and the yellow highlight on pick-upable objects. That, and the strong sense of place (albeit a different place) -- and the whiff of steam punk.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
The Bioshockyness of the graphics

Yes! I can't put my finger on why, but yes. It's the water effects, I think, and the yellow highlight on pick-upable objects. That, and the strong sense of place (albeit a different place) -- and the whiff of steam punk.

The texturing on lots of the non-interactive objects, like mechanical stuff stuck to the walls in some places, is really similar too.
Oh for fuck's sake. Every achievement needs to be done in one complete run-through. Mission Select doesn't unlock them. Bad programmers. Bad.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Yes! I can't put my finger on why, but yes. It's the water effects, I think, and the yellow highlight on pick-upable objects. That, and the strong sense of place (albeit a different place) -- and the whiff of steam punk.

All the previews and concept art reminded me of Half-Life 2, but then the guy who designed City 17 was in charge of the Dishono(u)red art team.

Dimrill wrote:
Oh for fuck's sake. Every achievement needs to be done in one complete run-through. Mission Select doesn't unlock them. Bad programmers. Bad.

Is that because of the cumulative 'chaos' thingy?
Just started playing it last night, great game

Not that orginal in style as you go to one area eachtime, speak with somebody then get a mission etc

The missions are fun and there are a number of ways to do them (sneak, kill everyone etc)

Also a mixture of magic and tech to use.
metalangel wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
Oh for fuck's sake. Every achievement needs to be done in one complete run-through. Mission Select doesn't unlock them. Bad programmers. Bad.

Is that because of the cumulative 'chaos' thingy?

Not only that, but I missed out on one non-lethal option early on in the game, went back and did it and no achievement pop. Also reports of no-kills-entire-game and no-alerts-all-game achievements not popping by replaying the missions. Considering it took me five hours of creepy crawling to do one level, I'm not sure I've got it in me to do them all again.
Having the second mission require re-playing through a lightly changed chunk of the first mission's map is a curious choice.
Yes, it fair put me off, that. I thunked it were going to be re-treading old ground for every mission. It may me do a "phhhhhhh" sounds with the hole below my nose. Luckily it weren't.
I had the same reaction to that too. Wonder why they did it.
Also, razor trapping a patrolling guard then rewiring a Wall of Light before luring guards into it as a rewired turret bombards them is hellishly tempting, despite my "minimal casualties" ideals. I keep thinking of the graffiti in Corvo's cell; "we are all born innocent, until we make ourselves guilty."
Considering its been clocked already, what's the total play time on this thang that I don't got (yet)?
Depends how you play. If you jam the difficulty to easy and mindlessly slash your way through like a Cookie, 3-4 hours. If'n you take your time and creep silently 15-25.
Ta muchly. I think I'll stick to enjoying the game as intended. If I wanted to piss my hard earned coins away I'd throw them at yuppies with ties and feet.
It hit a point where I thought it was about to end, and I was all like "Woah, this game was great but very much on the short side", then it actually carried on for about half as long again. It's much shorter than something like Deus Ex, but definately not so short that it should put you off. I've seen some people say they spent 3/4 hours on the first proper mission, whereas it was more like an hour for me.
It was 3/4 hours for me. I stealthed everywhere, killed almost no-one, and rinsed it for every side item and coin I could find (although I still missed a chunk according to the taunting stats at the end of the level).

Yesterday I finished the game and got the low chaos ending, but I was DISSAPOINTED. (There wasn't even a cheevo for doing it on hard :'(). I was going for ultra stealth, and when I finished mission 7 (the flooded district) I saw a CIVILIANS DEAD: 1. I couldn't figure out who or what that was, but mission 7 is the longest in the game. I couldn't be fucked re-doing it so I just completed the last two mission and got Shadow.

After seeing Dimril say that I can't just use the menu option to replay that mission I loaded up one from the start of mission 7 today and then BREEZED though to the end. Once you know where to go and where most people are you can absoutely fly through the levels. I think the very last mission takes about 10 minutes. (The level were you infiltrate the fortress early is also very very quick if you know the way in and out). The house power even browned out half way through and that didn't deter me.

When I first did it I was strangling everything, much like in missions 1 to 6. But this time, to avoid ANY problems with rats/ledges/whatever killed that person, I didn't touch a single person, including the flooded level boss. The only skils I had were blink, eye-vision, stop time, the jumping/speed powerup and a stealthy boots option I found later. It meant I would just sprint around the places like a ghost :)

I am ultra proud. I wish I did that from the start (the not-choking thing). Anyway: I am now a clean handed ghost in addition to being a shadow.

Whenever I play through to get the high chaos ending I might just slit all the throats, or whatever is required to get the remaining cheevos.

According to steam the only rarer cheevos are these, and two of them seem really simply?
Versatile Kill characters with each weapon and offensive gadget 0.3%
Mostly Flesh and Steel Finish the game without purchasing any supernatural powers or enhancements, besides Blink 0.3%
Harm's Way Cause 5 unintentional suicides 0.2%
Inhabitant Stay in possession of others for most of a 3 minute period 0.2%
Pod wrote:
Harm's Way Cause 5 unintentional suicides 0.2%

Easy, possess an person near a wall of light, stand just outside it and unpossess. They'll take a step forward to throw up, frying themselves.

Pod wrote:
Inhabitant Stay in possession of others for most of a 3 minute period 0.2%

Easy, possess a rat and hide in a vent for 3 minutes. Pops as soon as you exit and become a big boy again.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
It was 3/4 hours for me. I stealthed everywhere, killed almost no-one, and rinsed it for every side item and coin I could find (although I still missed a chunk according to the taunting stats at the end of the level).

I was trying to stealth everywhere too, but making a bit of a mess of it. I was doing side quest stuff, but not exploring a huge amount at first. Not til I got a bit more confident and upgraded a few things.

For the coins, it includes money on guards person too, so you have to pickpocket everyone and find all the coins elsewhere to get 100% I think.
Dimrill wrote:
Pod wrote:
Harm's Way Cause 5 unintentional suicides 0.2%

Easy, possess an person near a wall of light, stand just outside it and unpossess. They'll take a step forward to throw up, frying themselves.

Pod wrote:
Inhabitant Stay in possession of others for most of a 3 minute period 0.2%

Easy, possess a rat and hide in a vent for 3 minutes. Pops as soon as you exit and become a big boy again.

EXACTLY! As is the one about shooting people with each type of weapon. We can be members of the elite. We can be the 0.4%, Dimrill. YOU AND I. I'VE NEVER FELT AS POWERFUL AS I AM NOW.

For the coins, it includes money on guards person too, so you have to pickpocket everyone and find all the coins elsewhere to get 100% I think.

If not being a sneaky person, just kill them all and take their phat loot. There's also lots of coins in really random places, and the level 2 vision spell really helps with that. (It highlights pickupable objects in green, as well as highlighting the fancy paintings)
And people say cheeeeweeeeeevs don't matter.
Well that's my Clean Hands, Ghost and Shadow run done. Sneaky. I forgot to mention how out of place and crap the end credit music is.
Dimrill wrote:
I forgot to mention how out of place and crap the end credit music is.

Is it like the hip-hop that played over the credits of the 1930s-set Mafia?
metalangel wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
I forgot to mention how out of place and crap the end credit music is.

Is it like the hip-hop that played over the credits of the 1930s-set Mafia?


Dimrill wrote:
Well that's my Clean Hands, Ghost and Shadow run done. Sneaky. I forgot to mention how out of place and crap the end credit music is.

I just finished my KILL EVERYTHING ONE. Including the girl. I killed the boat dude, but the ending credits showed me weeping over his grave. NOT LIKELY. HE SAID A NASTY THING TO ME. Only 'Harm's Way' and 'Only Flesh and Steel' not picked up, and I can't be bothered to do them. I did try Harm's Way, but couldn't figure it out.
metalangel wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
I forgot to mention how out of place and crap the end credit music is.

Is it like the hip-hop that played over the credits of the 1930s-set Mafia?

Random tangent: the entire soundtrack for Mafia 2 though was mind-bogglingly good.
Bamba wrote:
metalangel wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
I forgot to mention how out of place and crap the end credit music is.

Is it like the hip-hop that played over the credits of the 1930s-set Mafia?

Random tangent: the entire soundtrack for Mafia 2 though was mind-bogglingly good.

As was the one for Mafia 1... a different track for each area, from a bustling tune for the downtown area to increasingly sleepy melodies the further you got into the suburbs and wealthy neighbourhoods.

Like LA Noire, it had a lot of historical inaccuracies (Playboy wasn't being printed until 1953, the Thunderbird wasn't built until 1955) but I guess they figured an 18 year old who was shipped off to war in 1943 would be in his thirties - and thus too old - at the end of the 50s and so they had to accelerate the rise of 1950s culture to 1951.

I tended to just ignore those niggles because they capture the atmosphere so well, albeit with the noticeable Eastern European influences on the look of the city that had also been present in the original.
Pod wrote:
I did try Harm's Way, but couldn't figure it out.
Rewire a Wall of Light. Stand on one side with a bunch of guards on the other. Make noise, causing the guards to run into the Wall and get zapped.

Edit -- apparently not. Letting a guard fire before stopping time, possessing him, then moving him infront of his own bullet sounds like fun though.
Wow, those last two missions change a lot for the high chaos version.
By 'the last two' do you include the bit at the pub? Everything up until Daud is basically the same, which I was a bit dissapointed by as I the game continually tells you how that lots of things change.

At the very end I reloaded
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
to let the girl fall
, expecting it to say 'MISSION FAILED, reload', like when you
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
slice up one of the goodies during a normal pub visits
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Pod wrote:
I did try Harm's Way, but couldn't figure it out.
Rewire a Wall of Light. Stand on one side with a bunch of guards on the other. Make noise, causing the guards to run into the Wall and get zapped.

Edit -- apparently not. Letting a guard fire before stopping time, possessing him, then moving him infront of his own bullet sounds like fun though.

I tried again and did it. I think the mistake last time was that I rewired the wall. Even though it still fried the guests, that didn't count for some reason.
Yeah, I think it's because you mess with it and make it a trap, it's not technically a suicide. It took me about half an hour of constant retrying, because of psychic guards somehow knowing it's your fault they died, or from the guests scattering and running away to gods know where.
Dimrill wrote:
Yeah, I think it's because you mess with it and make it a trap, it's not technically a suicide. It took me about half an hour of constant retrying, because of psychic guards somehow knowing it's your fault they died, or from the guests scattering and running away to gods know where.

It helps if you disable the alarm in the closet. Only 2 or 3 guards come. I think these are the guards already 'on' the map, whereas the alarm causes spawns or something. (As I definitely killed more guards than I saw when sluething round the place).
Hmm. Good point. I never thought to do that. I walked the two music-box Overseers into the closboard and slat their thruts, then waited until there were 3-4 guests in the area before starting my slaughter. Luckily one had decided to cower in the dining room. Took three possessions to get her back to the Wall :S
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