Last night's episode of Eastenders
Did you see it?
markg wrote:
What the hell?

This is all getting very silly. I can sort of see why CUS is annoyed by a lack of consistency, can't imagine why anyone would want to complain about Dimrill, have sometimes perceived cliqueyness on here before but mainly because I didn't 'get' one of CUS's posts and perhaps incorrectly assumed it was in-jokey. I still think this forum's great though. I suggest we ban any more hand-wringing threads about what is wrong with the place and just get on with things (and each other).


And I find Dimrill to be one of the nicest people in the world (apart from when he conjures up unpleasant mental images... which is actually quite alot. Let's burn him).
Hang on a second. People complained about other people to the mods?

You moany buggers.

This thread raises valid point(s), in my opinion, but we all need to calm down. To that end, I'll be locking this thread until 2pm. If anyone starts a new thread or starts deliberately discussing this somewhere else instead I'll ban them for 24 hours. A whole bunch of you have broken the first (and only, really) rule of this forum today.

I know you hate being moderated, but it's not always a bad thing.


Also - we are looking into the whole cleek thing. It was done a few days ago, but we're not sure why yet.
Aw man, I was going to say the thing about Eastenders not being on on Wednesdays but the/an other Nik got there first.

It's always the/an other Nik.

Edit: I would like to point out that I can't stand the wretched programme, but my girlfriend insists on watching it. It has in fact taken me about 14 months to finally start recalling this factoid, instead of (every Wednesday) asking her, in the most miserable tone I can muster (which is very miserable) if she's wanting to "watch Benders tonight?"
I think we're all moaned out now.

BikNorton wrote:
if she's wanting to "watch Benders tonight?"

I call it 'DeadEnders'. Sometimes it's followed by 'Holby Shitty' (which used to be known as 'The Miki Show' until Miki suddenly wasn't in it any more).
ComicalGnomes wrote:

I find this worryingly amusing. is great.
It's suffering from what I like to call 'Pimp That Snack' syndrome, in that it doesn't get updated with new stuff enough.
I think someone made a cup of tea. Or at least said they would.
Someone sold half their cup of tea to Phil Mitchell.
Then he took it back again through nefarious means.
Nah, I think the BBC pay for it.
"It's your Faaaahmly, Phil! Faaaahmly!"

Brrrrr. Barbara Windsor. Brrrr.
Myp - teh funny :P

Chris - She's looking really old now, and he character is getting really frail (Lisa is an avid watcher unfortunatly, keeps her out of my hair for a bit though!).
My brother and I still call each other "Bruv" thanks to Phil and Grant starting it.
Only good thing about Eastenders:

Calling Grant from Eastenders "Grunt from Eastenders" consistently, and thus annoying my friend Pete.
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