Married Chums!
Getting a bit personal now
Grim... wrote:
Seriously, I shit you not. They weren't any of those things.

Yeah, wo'eva, Cassanova.
I can't imagine acting like an arrogant cock is a long term solution at least, but confidence is an incredibly powerful tool. I'm far to honest though, the scientist in me I guess.
"Pictures, or it did not happen."

(Grimm...'s conquests, not the scientist in Lave, I mean)
I'm so honest that I don't even bother, because they wouldn't be interested. Plus fiancee etc and all that.
It does make me wonder if Grim's... wifey was picked up in this way ;)

The only thing I remember about Titler is that when once I made some very vague comment about something, I got a giant diatribe accusing me of all sorts. I recall finding it quite baffling having said nothing to prompt it, and was later criticised for saying 'Fucking hell, I'm not reading all of that' when he continued to wax textual for many posts more.
No, I've known my wife since I was 16 and she was 14 (we met on the school bus).
I wasn't ever nasty, so don't be going all Titler on me :)
I knew a guy who had a pretty impressive record pulling random women in night clubs. He basically did what Grim... was talking about - picking someone and verbally bludgeoning them into submission with a mixture of charm, wit, confidence and an immunity to being knocked back. I never knew how many told him to get stuffed, so it maybe it only worked 5% of the time, but he wasn't bothered about the 19 who turned him down on the way to his one success.
I find actions speak louder than words.

*winks at Dimrill*

*Jackson style crotch grab and point*

*Blows finger*
I'd like to try that, but one rebuttal and what little confidence I do have would desert me forever, I fear. In the past I've found the 'drunkenly falling forwards with eyes closed and lips puckered' in the direction of a girl I'm talking to works fairly well, but in truth it's more of a head butt than a kiss. After a successful night on the razz it can take days for my bruised forehead to return to its normal colour.
Grim... wrote:
No, I've known my wife since I was 16 and she was 14 (we met on the school bus).

Chatting girls up is _easy_, you just pick the ones that are obviously sexually repressed, get them really drunk and then let them know that you're bisexual.

'course it only really works if you're a girl yourself...
Kizzy is excellent, right?
And not a swampdonkey!

(Oddly enough I always find bringing up lesbian sex in forums is a good way to make friends...I wonder why?)
Kizzy wrote:
And not a swampdonkey!

(Oddly enough I always find bringing up lesbian sex in forums is a good way to make friends...I wonder why?)

You're ace, Kizz.

Glad you're feeling better, by the way.
Grim... wrote:
Plissken getting married has reminded me of a discussion we had at work a few weeks ago.

Out of us married bods, how many of you had sex on your wedding night?

I did not, for two reasons;
(1) It was 5am, and I was knackered
(2) The wife was incredibly drunk

Out of the eight married people in the discussion, not one consummated their marriage on the same day as they got wed.

Yup idid, but it was only four oclock and we tried to not get drunk at our own wedding
You got jiggy at four oclock in the afternoon on your wedding day?

Sure beats tea and cake, man. Good show!
Mr Chris wrote:
Nooo! I completely missed this (mainly because I avoided WoS for a while whilst Titler was posting) and I want to read it. Someone find it. NOW.

It was your thread, you knob.
Craster wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
Nooo! I completely missed this (mainly because I avoided WoS for a while whilst Titler was posting) and I want to read it. Someone find it. NOW.

It was your thread, you knob.

No it fucking wasn't. If you mean the Harry Potter one. He didn't post on it.

Otherwise, no idea what you're on about.
It was the Potter thread.
No it fucking wasn't. hat thread was about 12 months before Titler started posting.

Find titler on this thread, numbnuts: ... /t1421.htm

I can't access it as I'm not a subscriber, but you can.
I can't, I don't have my Subscriber status.
The Scientologists have stolen it.
Craster wrote:
I can't, I don't have my Subscriber status.

Fine, but I can 100% promise you it wasn't that thread. It started out as being about HP, then ended up about 90s music. With nary a Titler in sight.
OK, I've checked it. It was in that thread.

(Is what I should have said).
Craster wrote:
OK, I've checked it. It was in that thread.

(Is what I should have said).

We can just ask Grim... to check, and he'll ban you for being a big lying cunt.
I can't believe how hard you all sem to find it to believe that Grim...'s described method works. Do the women you know not all go out almost exclusively with total arseholes, or something?

Being a total dick 95% of the time and then being mildly pleasant once will hook in so many stupid and/or masochistic women. Grim... was merely doing deliberately what many much less excellent men do involuntarily. The gits.
sinister agent wrote:
I can't believe how hard you all sem to find it to believe that Grim...'s described method works. Do the women you know not all go out almost exclusively with total arseholes, or something?

Um... no?

This women going for the bad boy thing seems, in my experience, almost entirely wrong. It's only the absolute minority of completely unhinged women who do this. Rather than the majority of slightly unhinged women who go out with nice people like me.

Do you and Grim... go to Yates's a lot or something?
sinister agent wrote:
I can't believe how hard you all sem to find it to believe that Grim...'s described method works. Do the women you know not all go out almost exclusively with total arseholes, or something?

Um... No...

Do you have a girlfriend, Sinister Agent?
Mimi wrote:
sinister agent wrote:
I can't believe how hard you all sem to find it to believe that Grim...'s described method works. Do the women you know not all go out almost exclusively with total arseholes, or something?

Um... No...

Do you have a girlfriend, Sinister Agent?

Ahaha, I walked right into that one.
Kizzy wrote:
Chatting girls up is _easy_, you just pick the ones that are obviously sexually repressed, get them really drunk and then let them know that you're bisexual.

'course it only really works if you're a girl yourself...

That depends on exactly how drunk you get them.
sinister agent wrote:
I can't believe how hard you all sem to find it to believe that Grim...'s described method works. Do the women you know not all go out almost exclusively with total arseholes, or something?

'Tempered arrogance' is the phrase that you are looking for and it works.
Clearly I need to work on my tempering.
I believe you will find the sainted Bill Hicks summed it up best with his song "Chick dig dicks".
Kizzy wrote:
And not a swampdonkey!

(Oddly enough I always find bringing up lesbian sex in forums is a good way to make friends...I wonder why?)

You should post on here Kizzy.

Don't bother guys.
"I'm a lesbian in a man's body"
Mr Chris wrote:
"I'm a lesbian in a man's body"

I'm a man in a lesbian's body.
I need to dispose of a lesbian's body.

I'm willing to cure any lesbians, they must however show me their symptoms first.
Craster wrote:
I need to dispose of a lesbian's body.


You called? :P
I'm confused now. Is Digitgamer a lesbian-only games forum? I don't find men sexually attractive either - can I join? Mind you, I still have sex with them.
CUS wrote:
I'm confused now. Is Digitgamer a lesbian-only games forum? I don't find men sexually attractive either - can I join? Mind you, I still have sex with them.

Nooooo, but there is a ladies only section to the forum, and there was some surprise a couple of years ago as to the amount of bi/lesbian ladies on there.
Lots of women claim they're "bi" because they once got drunk and snogged a mate, though.
Mr Chris wrote:
Lots of women claim they're "bi" because they once got drunk and snogged a mate, though.

That's just stupid. If I have a salad for lunch it doesn't make me a vegetarian.

Edit - I've just realised what a stupid analagy that is, I'm going for a lie down.
I am crap at chatting up people. I have a 0% success rate. I have found the only way is to sit back and wait to be asked. I have (or rather had, although there have been a few that I've had to turn down because my morals got in the way) a much better success rate that way.

Mr Chris wrote:
Lots of women claim they're "bi" because they once got drunk and snogged a mate, though.

I'll accept that definition.
Aye, lots of women do claim that...generally though, they get found out and slapped down.
(No I'm not bi..not my kinda thing)
I find mild bastardry is a perfecly workable way to play the clubs - the other week in Clwb a lass came over and was all nice about my hair and asked if I had a girlfriend - I said no, whilts moving my hair away from my face to very visibly display my wedding ring and she didn't clock it so we spent the next few hours chatting and flirting. Then I fronted up and she was fine with that - she was a lovely, bright, tipsy lass... and a redhead, and a sauce, perfect company... and I trust me every bit as much as my wife does so as far as I'm concerned there's no harm in a bit of that sort of thing - anyone who takes nightclub antics at all seriously needs working over, frankly - so long as both parties are bright enough to recognise 'going out on a friday' type stuff as the bullshit it is.

So good for Grim, I like his style. Especially as I consider 'getting phone numbers' (though I tend not to do that literally) as an end in itself - I expect the killjoys don't get flirted with by many confident people all that often, which is a shame as it would do them some good. Playing up to someone's attractive qualities to make you both feel good about yourselves is commendable and healthy, and it matters not whether that is someone's sound knowledge of classical Russian literature or their arse. Nice is nice, let's all say so and celebrate it. Especially as the only people there's nothing nice about are cunts*.

* Not being willing to flirt with the horiffically ugly can be excused as you wouldn't want to get their hopes up, that would be exploitative. Only aproach 'targets' who aren't likely to get damaged, as a general rule. Is that common sense or just being a shit? I can never make up my mind.
Well, each to their own but I wouldn't be that happy about my other half chatting up random girls on a night out.
My attitude towards 'chatting up' is that, someone willing to get off with someone on the basis of a minimal, probably half-drunk conversation in a loud pub/club probably isn't the kind of person I'd want to know anyway. Having a chat and just getting a number is more reasonable, but generally I like to meet people by everyday happenstance rather than by hurling myself drunkenly in their direction.

Still, engaged now, so the point is indefinitely moot :)
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