Doctor Who
The boy/girl in the Blue Box!
KovacsC wrote:
Awww thanks.

I would have been 7 or 8.

Who fell off Godral Bank. Was it Peter?

Tom Baker regeneration into Peter Davison.
Grim... wrote:
How are generations even measured? Oh, yeah, of course.

I'm a millennial! Huh.

The definitions are a bit arbitrary, but I think most would put you as an X, not millennial. Some folks talk about a crossover generation - those who didn't have phones growing up but had them as adults.
I had a phone growing up.

It was tied to the wall, granted.
DavPaz wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Awww thanks.

I would have been 7 or 8.

Who fell off Godral Bank. Was it Peter?

Tom Baker regeneration into Peter Davison.

Yes. As he kept seeing that white figure.
Cras wrote:
Grim... wrote:
How are generations even measured? Oh, yeah, of course.

I'm a millennial! Huh.

The definitions are a bit arbitrary, but I think most would put you as an X, not millennial. Some folks talk about a crossover generation - those who didn't have phones growing up but had them as adults.

Gen Xennials they’re called. I’m one of them.

Analogue childhood, digital adulthood.
They're a very much made up thing, mind - though so are all generational boundaries. Also the name is appalling.
I remember Tom Baker (just) and I pretty much watched everything from Peter Davidson onwards.

As for generations, I guess I'm technically a Gen X, but I really felt too young to be part of that, and I'm just a bit too old to be part of that Xenial thing as well.
KovacsC wrote:
I seem to remember Tom Baker as a kid then Peter Davidson. I am officially old at 44

I'm 43 and although I was aware of Doctor Who as a child, I don't remember us ever watching it as a family (probably only had one TV back then). Although this was back when hardly any TV programmes were subtitled and I can't remember when we had our first teletext TV, so it wouldn't have been of much interest to my parents, which usually determined what was watched.
I remember that I couldn't be arsed with it once Tom Baker and K-9 went.
KovacsC wrote:
I seem to remember Tom Baker as a kid then Peter Davidson. I am officially old at 44

Yep, I watched the regeneration episode in 1981. I'm also convinced that I'd seen some Pertwee episodes, but I'd have been way too young to see them on first run, and I didn't think the BBC did much in the way of repeats back then.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
I seem to remember Tom Baker as a kid then Peter Davidson. I am officially old at 44

Yep, I watched the regeneration episode in 1981. I'm also convinced that I'd seen some Pertwee episodes, but I'd have been way too young to see them on first run, and I didn't think the BBC did much in the way of repeats back then.

I think they must have repeated them, because I am sure I remember him a bit as well.
I only very vaguely remember McCoy in a Dalek story. No idea what was going on as I was somewhere between 5-7.
No Christmas Day show this year. It'll be on New Year's Day instead, which means that I'll probaby be watching it with a hangover rather than through a mulled-wine haze.
'Ker-blam' felt like a condensed four-part classic Who story. I could just about see where four twenty-minute episodes and their individual pacing would have been joined up. And, of course, the big baddie was bubble wrap.

Enjoyed the use of the team this week. Perhaps the villain's big speech was not as heartfelt or powerful as perhaps it should have been, which is a shame because up until then I rather liked the character and thought he complimented the others well.
The violence against postal workers was a bit gratuitous imo.
That... was not good.
I didn't like the portrayl of King James. I wanted a loud, angry, God-bothering Scotsman who commanded attention whenever he was on screen. Instead, we got Carry-on style pantomine learing.
Not preachy enough
Wasn't Charles 2nd.
I quite liked it. It wasn't awful. Seen worse.
MaliA wrote:
I quite liked it. It wasn't awful. Seen worse.

I quite liked the setting and the story. Heck, it got me looking up Pendle Hill afterwards. Just the King felt out of place in a non-lighthearted episode.
Kern wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I quite liked it. It wasn't awful. Seen worse.

I quite liked the setting and the story. Heck, it got me looking up Pendle Hill afterwards. Just the King felt out of place in a non-lighthearted episode.

Isn't that's just what Alan Cummings does though really? I didn't mind him, I thought the main weakness was Mrs Savage, I thought she was very 1 dimensional.
MaliA wrote:
Wasn't Charles 2nd.

I want a spin-off where Captain Jack and Charles 2nd save the Universe, one actress at a time.
Kern wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I quite liked it. It wasn't awful. Seen worse.

I quite liked the setting and the story. Heck, it got me looking up Pendle Hill afterwards. Just the King felt out of place in a non-lighthearted episode.

It seemed like an act though. He seemed quite dark inside once you scratched the surface. Not surprising considering his upbringing.
Lonewolves wrote:
It seemed like an act though. He seemed quite dark inside once you scratched the surface. Not surprising considering his upbringing.

I might have to revisit the relevant Rex Factor episodes (he's the only one to be reviewed twice) and other sources to learn more about his character then rewatch to see if my view changes. I've just always taken the religion and witchcraft stuff as the dominating part of his personality rather than the playfulness, but yeah, he was a big fan of Shakespeare and the arts so perhaps I've been getting him wrong.

Still, just as well the Doc didn't bring up her relationship with Liz I. That might have been awkward.
Why would it have been awkward? They weren’t closely related and there was not much controversy in his accession in England AFAIK.
'My mother was beheaded'

'Yeah, she always felt a bit bad about that. I tried not to raise it, even when she hadn't done the bins and it was her turn'
I need to do some reading.
The story was interesting, the acting was pretty good, the writing was atrocious, it could have been so much better than it was.
Trooper wrote:
The story was interesting, the acting was pretty good, the writing was atrocious, it could have been so much better than it was.

Pretty sure where I’m landing on the series as a whole.

Doctor is well done, stories are interesting in principle but somehow the writing leads to me not giving a flying toss.

I’ve watched the last three episodes that I’ve seen (I have three on catch up which is a first) through the glaze of doing other stuff, which is new.
It was gash. Love Jodie and her pussycats but the plots are rehashed guff. Exactly how many ancient alien armies are sealed beneath the rural UK? More than one.

Inside No. 9's "The Trial of Elizabeth Gadge" did the whole witch trials plot much better.
Filling in mine as we speak.
DavPaz wrote:
It was gash. Love Jodie and her pussycats but the plots are rehashed guff. Exactly how many ancient alien armies are sealed beneath the rural UK? More than one.

Inside No. 9's "The Trial of Elizabeth Gadge" did the whole witch trials plot much better.

I was a bit harsh on it after a few beers it seems :)
I think I’ve decided Chibnall is a bit of a hack. The best episodes this series have been the ones he hasn’t written or co-written with others.

I did worry as his previous episodes weren’t all that great either. I just hope it can be good despite him rather than because of.

I really enjoyed tonight’s.
The music in the Norway episode is breathtaking
The whole episode was breathtaking. Except maybe the frog
DavPaz wrote:
The whole episode was breathtaking. Except maybe the frog

It’s not often Doctor Who goes surreal so I quite liked it.
Lonewolves wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
The whole episode was breathtaking. Except maybe the frog

It’s not often Doctor Who goes surreal so I quite liked it.

It was a bit Douglas Adams and totally unexpected :)
Who does not like a talking frog
KovacsC wrote:
Who does not like a talking frog

DavPaz wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Who does not like a talking frog


DavPaz wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Who does not like a talking frog


Well played.
I enjoyed the last episode. I liked how it was tied to the 1st one.

I wonder what the terrible evil is?
KovacsC wrote:
I enjoyed the last episode. I liked how it was tied to the 1st one.

I wonder what the terrible evil is?

Brussel Sprouts. Clearly.
My Jodie figure arrived yesterday! Now my NuWho collection is up to date. Still working on the classics.
I was going to say whats up with her face (It looks decidedly... lopsided) but then I saw the guitar.
Mr Dave wrote:
I was going to say whats up with her face (It looks decidedly... lopsided) but then I saw the guitar.

You thought the guitar was her face?
Mr Dave wrote:
I was going to say whats up with her face (It looks decidedly... lopsided) but then I saw the guitar.

That's quite clearly a bass.
Pundabaya wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
I was going to say whats up with her face (It looks decidedly... lopsided) but then I saw the guitar.

That's quite clearly a bass.

It was 99p from China so I’m happy with it for that price. :D
Do you overlook a bowling green?
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