Be Excellent To Each Other

Diablo III - Out now!
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Author:  WTB [ Mon May 21, 2012 16:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!


Author:  Hearthly [ Mon May 21, 2012 16:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
It's almost like ultra-high resolutions and 120 frames-per-second update rates aren't the be-all and end-all of gaming!

I never said they were, man.

Author:  ElephantBanjoGnome [ Mon May 21, 2012 17:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

Just downloading this with a guest pass. I liked Dungeon Siege but I'm not sure if I'm bored of the format. Guess we'll see.

Author:  Hearthly [ Mon May 21, 2012 18:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

9/10 at Eurogamer. ... o-3-review

Why the hell do I not like this game?

Author:  Grim... [ Mon May 21, 2012 19:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

Where's my guest pass? :(

Author:  Mr Dave [ Mon May 21, 2012 19:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

AtrocityExhibition wrote:
9/10 at Eurogamer. ... o-3-review

Why the hell do I not like this game?

Either because "You haven't played enough of it to reach the good parts" or "It's not very good"

Me? I was never going to get it with the dodgy DRM. Sadly, I think it'll be viewed as a success.

Author:  Pod [ Mon May 21, 2012 19:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!


I didn't want to buy a physical copy, because they're £50+, with some absurd £218 collectors thing on play. Fuck that. So I tried to buy from Blizzard, but I couldn't remember the password for my account. I tried to reset the password, but to do that I need to enter my RealID name. PROBLEM. Searching my email for the activation mail, I figured out the first name I used was "Pod". Great. Can you guess what "second name" I used to sign up was? No, neither could I. I suspect I just mashed the keyboard. Anyway, after a 1000 failed attemps I tried to make a ticket to reset my password, but to do that I had to make a new account to file the ticket from.

They reply, after 6+ days, and tell me that in order to reset the password I've have to prove it's my account by answering the security question: "What's the city of your birth". NRGH. Given the "Pod McFKaijasjdk" type of name I signed up with, what's the likelyhood of me putting my REAL city of birth on that form?! Can't they just press the reset-password button and have the verification email sent to my email address? Isn't that proof enough? It's good enough for my steam accoutn worth billions of pounds,[1] why is it not good enough for my account? They also wanted a picture of a photo ID so they could change the details. BAH to that.

ALSO : They don't even tell you a price until you log in, which I couldn't do as I didn't have an account. Also: There isn't even a bloody demo. I've had to get friends give my passes... of course, do I get them sent to the proper account that I can't access or the fake account which isn't using my email address?!

NRgggggggggggggggh. RealID is the worst idea ever.

[1] at face value. If you take them at the value of original purchase during sales, it's probably about £30 :P

Author:  Malabelm [ Mon May 21, 2012 19:58 ]
Post subject:  Diablo III - Out now!

I just set up a new account, because I couldn’t be arsed going through that. I had one of those dongle things to sign in on my old account, except it was an app on my phone, and I deleted it ages ago without unlinking it, so I’m locked out. Bollocks to jumping through those hoops again (I’ve done exactly this before), so new account it was.

Author:  ElephantBanjoGnome [ Mon May 21, 2012 20:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

I always put in a fake DOB, but I always use the same fake one in the so-far-never event someone asks me what it is.

Author:  WTB [ Mon May 21, 2012 20:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

I lost my OG WoW account in similar circumstances. I was in the damn beta! :'(

They simply "couldn't find" my dormant account. I had to buy everything again a couple of years ago.

(I'd long since chucked my physical copy of WoW out as part of a 12 step program or something, so using my CD key to find my lost account - which I'm fucking certain they must've deleted by the way, seeing as I definitely used my real address in order to pay for a WoW sub with my debit card - wasn't an option.)

Author:  Hearthly [ Mon May 21, 2012 20:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

Is it just me who keeps login information for absolutely everything in an encrypted + password protected Word doc, of which I have several copies dotted around the place? (Including a USB key that I keep hidden in the car, in case the house burns down.)

We have so much information out in 'the cloud' as it were, surely it makes sense to protect that information with good passwords (and authenticators where possible) and keep backups of the logins + passwords + other details?

Author:  WTB [ Mon May 21, 2012 20:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

A little extreme maybe, but it certainly makes sense IN HINDSIGHT! However, I now prefer to store that information in my brain. My WoW account was a one-off because I didn't use it for four years or so and couldn't even remember which email address I'd used let alone the password. This made it very difficult to recover, despite giving them my full name and address. :(

Author:  Hearthly [ Mon May 21, 2012 20:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

WTB wrote:
A little extreme maybe, but it certainly makes sense IN HINDSIGHT!

But this isn't the sort of thing you need hindsight for.

I'm not saying I use mega-uber logins/passwords for everything, because I don't, there are logins at certain sites/forums that I consider 'disposable' and/or easily recovered/recreated.

But for anything even halfway important, I add the details to my Word doc, send the backups across the network, and update my USB key, it takes about 5 minutes once per month - we're not talking NASA stuff here.

Don't trust your brain, because it will forget stuff. Trust computers, they're really good at data.

Author:  WTB [ Mon May 21, 2012 20:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!


Author:  MaliA [ Mon May 21, 2012 21:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

I use a blue notebook which kept by the keyboard. Gas passwords and answers to the security questions in it. Simples.

Author:  Zardoz [ Mon May 21, 2012 21:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

MaliA wrote:
Gas passwords and answers to the security questions in it.

What did I have for lunch?
3gg 8utt135

Author:  ElephantBanjoGnome [ Mon May 21, 2012 21:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

The only thing epic about this game so far is the installation time.

Author:  Bamba [ Mon May 21, 2012 22:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

AtrocityExhibition wrote:
But this isn't the sort of thing you need hindsight for.

I'm not saying I use mega-uber logins/passwords for everything, because I don't, there are logins at certain sites/forums that I consider 'disposable' and/or easily recovered/recreated.

But for anything even halfway important, I add the details to my Word doc, send the backups across the network, and update my USB key, it takes about 5 minutes once per month - we're not talking NASA stuff here.

Don't trust your brain, because it will forget stuff. Trust computers, they're really good at data.

I basically have everything in my Gmail account which, because it's so easily searchable, means it never takes any time to find whatever the most recent email was about any kind of account. Of course this does mean my Gmail login is a massively dangerous single point of failure, but I try not to think about that...

Pod's story there though is a different kind of begging for trouble altogether. Why would you go out of your way to enter nonsense when setting up an account that you might need access to later?

Author:  Grim... [ Mon May 21, 2012 22:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

Bamba wrote:
Why would you go out of your way to enter nonsense when setting up an account that you might need access to later?


Author:  Cras [ Mon May 21, 2012 22:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

Because that's how you learn important life lessons.

Author:  Grim... [ Mon May 21, 2012 22:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

I'm talking about it in the eBay thread now. This one is so 2012.

Author:  Agent Starling [ Mon May 21, 2012 22:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Is it just me who keeps login information for absolutely everything in an encrypted + password protected Word doc, of which I have several copies dotted around the place? (Including a USB key that I keep hidden in the car, in case the house burns down.

But what if I set fire to your house and then drove off in your car. So much for your fancy security protocols! ;)

Author:  Grim... [ Mon May 21, 2012 22:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

AtrocityExhibition wrote:
I'm not saying I use mega-uber logins/passwords for everything, because I don't

Why not, though? If you picked three good passwords and used them for everything, you wouldn't need to keep your Word Doc or your USB key in your car.

If you're determined to have different logins for different sites, wouldn't something like KeePass ( ) with its database stored in your Dropbox (or Gdrive) folder be better?

Author:  WTB [ Mon May 21, 2012 22:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

I want to hear more about MaliA's little notepad. What else has he got in there, eh?

Author:  Hearthly [ Mon May 21, 2012 22:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

Grim... wrote:
AtrocityExhibition wrote:
I'm not saying I use mega-uber logins/passwords for everything, because I don't

Why not, though? If you picked three good passwords and used them for everything, you wouldn't need to keep your Word Doc or your USB key in your car.

If you're determined to have different logins for different sites, wouldn't something like KeePass ( ) with its database stored in your Dropbox (or Gdrive) folder be better?

But if that 'good' password got compromised at one site, I'd then have to worry about all the other sites I'd used it at.

I'm far happier using two tiers of passwords, lower tier for things I don't overly care about, higher tier for everything else. Lower tier is in my brain, (or at sites with easy recovery mechanisms, verification to an email address for example), higher tier I keep backed up and encrypted.

The higher tier stuff I do learn over time - (my 'gaming credit card' for example has a total 'junk' password on it in terms of it being meaningless letters and numbers and symbols, but I can pick 3rd 6th 8th characters or whatever out of it just in my head when it does verified by Visa).

Also, wherever it's available, I go for second-step authentication, so a authenticator on my phone, a hardware authenticator for my bank account, and so on.

Author:  Hearthly [ Mon May 21, 2012 22:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

Agent Starling wrote:
But what if I set fire to your house and then drove off in your car. So much for your fancy security protocols! ;)

/immediately draws up plans to send an off-site backup to his dad.

Author:  Grim... [ Mon May 21, 2012 23:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

AtrocityExhibition wrote:
(my 'gaming credit card' for example has a total 'junk' password on it in terms of it being meaningless letters and numbers and symbols, but I can pick 3rd 6th 8th characters or whatever out of it just in my head when it does verified by Visa).

Did you catch this thread?

Author:  Achilles [ Tue May 22, 2012 2:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!


Author:  Trooper [ Tue May 22, 2012 7:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

Act 4 completed on normal last night. Took roughly 20 hours, all in all. Throughly enjoyed it and will start nightmare difficulty at the weekend :)

Author:  ElephantBanjoGnome [ Tue May 22, 2012 12:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

I'm not feeling this at all. The lack of conventional saving makes it very annoying when the connection times out and I'm reset to whatever the last checkpoint was.

Author:  Bamba [ Tue May 22, 2012 12:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
the connection times out and I'm reset to whatever the last checkpoint was.

The fact that people are willing to pay money for a product that treats them this way genuinely boggles my mind. I know it's been said a million times before by a million other people throughout the lifecycle of this game but seriously, the whole thing can get to fucking fuck and I wouldn't support it even if it was used in some kind of Jesus game that combined all my favourite things from Portal, Prince of Persia, Arkham City and Zelda.

Author:  Zardoz [ Tue May 22, 2012 12:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

The Eurogamer review makes it sound awesome.

What has Edge said about it?

Author:  Mr Dave [ Tue May 22, 2012 12:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

Zardoz wrote:
The Eurogamer review makes it sound awesome.

What has Edge said about it?

I am highly doubtful it wouldve got the same score and review had it been called scrofulous and not been made by blizzard.

Author:  myp [ Tue May 22, 2012 12:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

I can't believe you're all playing this trash when you would probably be better off waiting for Diablo IV.

Author:  metalangel [ Tue May 22, 2012 12:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

Bamba wrote:
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
the connection times out and I'm reset to whatever the last checkpoint was.

The fact that people are willing to pay money for a product that treats them this way genuinely boggles my mind. I know it's been said a million times before by a million other people throughout the lifecycle of this game but seriously, the whole thing can get to fucking fuck and I wouldn't support it even if it was used in some kind of Jesus game that combined all my favourite things from Portal, Prince of Persia, Arkham City and Zelda.


Author:  Trooper [ Tue May 22, 2012 12:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

WoW is a desolate landscape at the moment, the people playing D3 are most likely a majority of WoW players.
They are used to the 100% online nature of gaming.

Author:  Mr Dave [ Tue May 22, 2012 12:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

Trooper wrote:
WoW is a desolate landscape at the moment, the people playing D3 are most likely a majority of WoW players.
They are used to the 100% online nature of gaming.

also:theu didn't have to pay (more) for it.

Author:  Zardoz [ Tue May 22, 2012 13:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

Also: They'd bend over and butter their own arses if Blizzard told them to.

Author:  itsallwater [ Tue May 22, 2012 14:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

I'm enjoying it. Like the fact I can carry on playing on any laptop with it installed and have a few friends to play it with. I did however enjoy the previous 2 which I played to death.

Author:  Bamba [ Tue May 22, 2012 17:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

Trooper wrote:
WoW is a desolate landscape at the moment, the people playing D3 are most likely a majority of WoW players.
They are used to the 100% online nature of gaming.

In WoW, if your net connection momentarily craps out does the entire raid just end and see you dumped back at the start again? Assuming not then then Diablo 3's experience is actually a measure worse than WoWs despite the fact there's no reason it needs to work that way at all. Even as a seasoned WoW addict it's surely going to be a kick in the balls?

Author:  Trooper [ Tue May 22, 2012 18:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

Bamba wrote:
Trooper wrote:
WoW is a desolate landscape at the moment, the people playing D3 are most likely a majority of WoW players.
They are used to the 100% online nature of gaming.

In WoW, if your net connection momentarily craps out does the entire raid just end and see you dumped back at the start again? Assuming not then then Diablo 3's experience is actually a measure worse than WoWs despite the fact there's no reason it needs to work that way at all. Even as a seasoned WoW addict it's surely going to be a kick in the balls?

Mutliplayer wow and single player D3 are two different things.

Single player wow - net connection craps out, you come back to a dead character and a corpse run. (which doesn't take more than a few minutes)
Single player D3 - net connection craps out, you come back to a live character at the last checkpoint. (which isn't any more than a few minutes ago)

Multiplayer wow - net connection craps out, you come back to the realm and have to be invited back into the raid.
Multiplayer D3 - net connection craps out, you come back to the realm and have to be invited back into the party.

Author:  Bamba [ Wed May 23, 2012 9:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

Trooper wrote:
Mutliplayer wow and single player D3 are two different things.

No, they're not, but they should be:

Any kind of WoW: net connection craps out, you need to do some level of buggering about to get back to where you were because you're playing in an entirely online world so constant connection to that world is an utter neccesity.
Single player D3: net connection craps out, absolutely nothing happens because you're playing a bloody single player game which exists entirely on your own local machine and so connectivity to the outside world matters not a jot.

I'm being slightly facetious here and I do appreciate what you're saying, plus and it was good to get that detail about exactly how the two games function so thanks for that. My general point stands though which is that any level of 'punishment' to the player for losing their net connection puts WoW and D3 on the same side of a line that single player D3 simply shouldn't be anywhere near.

Author:  Trooper [ Wed May 23, 2012 12:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

Bamba wrote:
Single player D3: net connection craps out, absolutely nothing happens because you're playing a bloody single player game which exists entirely on your own local machine and so connectivity to the outside world matters not a jot.

My general point stands though which is that any level of 'punishment' to the player for losing their net connection puts WoW and D3 on the same side of a line that single player D3 simply shouldn't be anywhere near.

I agree entirely, however you were describing what you want D3 to be in terms of what you thought it is, not actually what it is. I was clarifying what it actually is and how it works if that makes sense. :D

There should be a completely offline single player mode, but that is never gonna happen...

Author:  Bamba [ Wed May 23, 2012 12:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

Trooper wrote:
I agree entirely, however you were describing what you want D3 to be in terms of what you thought it is, not actually what it is. I was clarifying what it actually is and how it works if that makes sense. :D

Yeah, that totally makes sense and I think, in my ignorance, I over-egged my argument a bit too much so I am genuinely grateful to get clarification from someone who really know how both games work! :)

Author:  ElephantBanjoGnome [ Wed May 23, 2012 14:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

Meh. I finished Act 1 and it became slightly more interesting as I levelled up. But if that's already a quarter, or even an eighth, of this game, then nothing could posssibly compel me to spend £45 on it, or even £25.

Oh and on my first attempt at the final boss it froze in a seeming server lag. My character could move around but everyone else was frozen. When I eventually escaped the game I saw a second of glitching and then I was dead without being able to see why. All round pretty shite.

Author:  WTB [ Wed May 23, 2012 14:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

6.3 million copies sold...

Diablo® III Sets PC-Game Launch Record
The forces of Sanctuary already stand more than 6.3-million strong and growing

IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. today announced that as of the first 24 hours of Diablo® III’s release, more than 3.5 million copies had been sold, setting the new all-time record for fastest-selling PC game.* That number does not include the more than 1.2 million players who received Diablo III as part of signing up for the World of Warcraft® Annual Pass promotion. Altogether, more than 4.7 million gamers around the world were poised to storm Sanctuary on day 1 of Diablo III’s release -- representing the biggest PC-game launch in history.

“We’re definitely thrilled that so many people around the world were excited to pick up their copy of Diablo III and jump in the moment it went live”

.As of the first week of the game’s availability, that number had already grown to more than 6.3 million.* The above figures also do not include players in Korean Internet game rooms, where Diablo III has become the top-played game, achieving a record share of more than 39% as of May 22.†

“We’re definitely thrilled that so many people around the world were excited to pick up their copy of Diablo III and jump in the moment it went live,” said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. “We also regret that our preparations were not enough to ensure everyone had a seamless experience when they did so. I want to reaffirm our commitment to make sure the millions of Diablo III players out there have a great experience with the game moving forward, and I also want to thank them for their ongoing support.”

“Regarding today’s announcement, we recognize that setting a new launch record is a big achievement,” Morhaime continued. “However, we’re especially proud of the gameplay feedback we’ve received from players worldwide. We’re pleased that Diablo III has lived up to players’ high expectations, and we’re looking forward to welcoming more players into Sanctuary in the days ahead.”

Diablo III went live on May 15, with more than 8,000 retailers throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and the regions of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau opening their doors to players at midnight or concurrently with the local release time in celebration of the launch. In addition to being able to buy the game at retail stores, gamers in the regions above as well as in Mexico, Argentina, Chile, and Brazil are also able to purchase Diablo III digitally via the official Diablo III website (

Commenting on the game’s sales achievement, Bob McKenzie, senior vice president of merchandising at GameStop, stated, “Diablo III was one of our biggest PC launches ever and will help make this a record year for Blizzard at GameStop.”

According to John Love, director of video games at, “Not only did Diablo III break the record for most preordered PC game of all-time on, but it also shattered the record for best day-one sales for any PC game ever on” Blizzard thanks its retail partners around the world for their support and commitment to the Diablo series.

Diablo III is available for Windows® XP/Windows Vista®/Windows® 7 and Macintosh® at a suggested price of $59.99 USD for both the retail DVD-ROM version and the digital version sold directly from Blizzard. The game has received a Mature rating from the ESRB.

Players in the Latin American countries listed above and in Russia will be able to purchase Diablo III at local retail locations starting June 7. Digital availability via for the Russian version of the game will also begin June 7. In addition to the English version, Diablo III is fully localized into Latin American Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, European Spanish, Italian, Polish, Russian, Korean, and traditional Chinese.

Diablo III is the latest chapter in Blizzard’s critically acclaimed action–role-playing-game series. The game continues the epic Diablo storyline, with players taking on the role of one of five heroic characters -- barbarian, witch doctor, wizard, monk, or demon hunter -- and embarking on a perilous quest to save the world of Sanctuary from the corrupting forces of the Burning Hells. As players adventure through rich and varied settings, they’ll engage in pulse-pounding combat with hordes of monsters and challenging bosses, grow in experience and ability, acquire artifacts of incredible power, and meet key characters who’ll join them in battle or aid them in other ways. Diablo III features the intuitive interface, fast-paced action, and visceral gameplay that Diablo players have come to expect and enjoy.

Designed from the ground up to leverage the full functionality of the® platform, Diablo III also provides gamers with industry-leading matchmaking and communication tools, allowing adventurers to seamlessly join forces for cooperative play. also provides the infrastructure for the Diablo III auction house, a feature-rich marketplace that Sanctuary’s heroes can use to trade their hard-earned treasures. To learn more about the auction house and the other features of Diablo III, please visit the official website at

With multiple games in development, Blizzard Entertainment has numerous positions currently available -- visit for more information and to learn how to apply.

* Based on internal company records and reports from key distribution partners.

Author:  Hearthly [ Wed May 23, 2012 17:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

That'll teach 'em!

Author:  WTB [ Wed May 23, 2012 17:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

Heh, exactly! :(

Author:  Hearthly [ Wed May 23, 2012 18:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

WTB wrote:
Heh, exactly! :(

6.3 million people have really stuck it to the man. (Me included!)

Author:  Cras [ Wed May 23, 2012 18:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo III - Out now!

If only more of them had played the beta.

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