The Mario Kart Club of cunning gentlemen
oh don't feel bad, our gp should have been a draw i suppose, but better luck next time...

and now zardoz has it, we can red shell him (i've got only 4 places left(/30) on my friend roster though, so i might delete question marks soon)
Yeah, sorry R, waht happened was I had just walked through the front door and Mrs A's nephew was on the phone wanting to race and all sorts so I probably disappeared as she was doing things. Sorry about that.
I super willing to play, but I've still a load of question marks on my friends list :(

I've found that lugi/standard bike m/automatic is my perfect combination I think, I'm up to a ranking of 5400 (from a low of 4200).
Lave wrote:
I super willing to play, but I've still a load of question marks on my friends list :(

Am I on your list? I've certainly added you, and everyone else from the Wiki, but I still have quite a few ?s.
Yeah, I'm pretty certain you are.

Just skim read the whole thread to get up to speed. Right then, question time:

Where is the Wiki with everyones codes on?

What time does everyone play?

How do I get out of driving to Yorkshire tomorrow?

Might be around tonight (late on though) and same on Sunday.

Can't wait to shell your lil tushies.
zardoz, see the first post for all codes (or the wiki in my sig)

most people seem to be around around 21-22 gmt (22-23 cet)
We'll be needing your code, Zardoz ;)
Right, I really will get around to posting my mario kart code at some point so I can be the new whipping boy. I won't be around tonight, but hopefully sometime over the weekend?

Edit - Right found it.
Mimi wrote:
We'll be needing your code, Zardoz ;)

Yeah, no worries I'll post it here as soon as I can.
Managed a sub 1.20 this morningon Luigi circuit. If anyone wants me to send them the ghost give me a shout as I reckon my line is good but with plenty of scope for improvement.
How do you send your ghost to people, Trousers?

Does the recipient have to send it back afterwards?

Is it a rentaghost?


Er... First question was a genuine one, by the way.
Does everyone use the wheel, then? Or are you all using one of the other control methods?
jonarob wrote:
Does everyone use the wheel, then? Or are you all using one of the other control methods?

I was over the moon to find that I could use the gamecube pad with this, thinking the wheel would be useless - but I can't imagine racing without the wheel, now! I love it! It works perfectly and just feels so natural. I am useless at racing games (I can't bear to break - foot down, hit all corners) but the wheel makes everything so natural, and it's a good leveller as it's so natural that even racing newbies like me can manage.

Gamecube pad is back to dust-gathering duties.
Mimi wrote:
How do you send your ghost to people, Trousers?

You just get Audrey from Corrie some flowers.

Alternatively you select the person from the rankings list and then you get the option to send them your ghost. I just did it to you (fnaar) let me know if you get it ok.
Got this today. Not massively impressed to begin with, but the Wiil is great and my MK code is 5155-3192-9481.

Having been on XBox Live for a fortnight I now loathe these codes.

Add me, race me, beat me!
Trousers wrote:
Mimi wrote:
How do you send your ghost to people, Trousers?

You just get Audrey from Corrie some flowers.

Alternatively you select the person from the rankings list and then you get the option to send them your ghost. I just did it to you (fnaar) let me know if you get it ok.

OK, I'll give racing your ghost a go this evening! Cheers, Trousers.
on wotr they're switching to the cube, not as nice as the wheel perhaps, but better at drifting..
Christ, you can't skip the credits at the end.
Seriously, what the fuck? Why can't I skip them? They've been on for ages.
After a couple of hours play, I've decided to turn it in for a bit. I was in first place, 100cc Grand Prix, then some cunt got me with a blue shell, AT THE FINISH line, and I came in FOURTH. God, it's so unfair sometimes. But also, excellent. I hate it.
nice race mimi & craig, bit softer competition than yesterday luckily, and had only time for four races, but at least my rating is back up after yesterday's disasters (3x- 120 or so)..

i'm liking daisy circuit more and'sa bit a mixof monaco and paris (when delfino square is mixed Arezzo and Venice..)
Does anyone else think they could've made a better effort with the older tracks? Kinda spruced em up a bit more than they did? Without changing the gameplay of course.
Nope. In fact I just said to someone on MSN that I really like that (in particular) the old SNES levels haven't been touched at all (save for the power-up boxes). I love that the old Mode 7 graphics are still flat and scaled to hell for 16:9. They're great.
lave, you finally appeared on my list, didn't know you was will
Right then - tonight at 20:00hrs (8PM)? I've gone up a weight, and play with Luigi now.
Thanks for those races, Daniel :)

Sorry we had to nip off so sharpish, but I was in the middle of cooking our lunch and we just popped on for a few rounds.

Any idea why the Luigi circuit was backwards? It had come up as our selection, but neither Craig nor I has actually unlocked mirror mode yet and this hadn't happened before.
Went off after one more race myself :)

I've noticed mirror levels coming up a few times now, but not unlocked them myself either.

I've also seen some people with scores that are frankly terrifying, e.g. 9500 points in a week!
My brothers got the game yesterday and sent me the picture of one of them standing on the winners podium after having completed all of the 50cc races in just over an hour...
Just me tonight then, and the IRC server isn't working. I'm feeling Eeyorish.
Whomper wrote:
Just me tonight then, and the IRC server isn't working. I'm feeling Eeyorish.

Sorry, Whomper - Craig's watching the snooker and I am 'cooking'*

About to order a Chinese takeaway
Played a bit of Continental, managed to up my rating a bit - consistently finishing on the podium, which is gratifying, and got a 1st on Coconut Mall. Even managed to get third on the hateful Rainbow Road, which I met for the first time earlier today.

Makes me eager to have another bash against you lot. How about Tuesday?
Im tempted to buy this once ive finished bully and sold it, I was playing it last night at my friends house and now i need it. even though it is just more of the same, I'd have thought a greater amount of customisation in multiplayer would have been excellent, like not restricting you to 4 race tournaments, even a mixture between race and battle and also to select which powerups should be available, seems like something that would be easy to do aswell.

Zardoz 4038 6304 4621

Do we have to enter codes 'at both ends' or can I be lazy and wait for you veterans to add me?
Both ends, missus.
Fucking Nintendo, why can't you be more like 360?

Ok, cheers Daniel.
I have registered several people at random from the first post and will probably add the rest when I work out what I'm doing.
I should probably point out that my mii is called Alan (er, as am I).
I have now played this for the first time.

It is good fun, though it's all a bit of a blur at the moment. The steering is a little wooly and takes some getting used to, but I can feel it start to click into place (apart from when I drive off the edge of cliffs for no reason... all the time... oops).

I shall definitely be up for playing this with you lovely people in the coming week, once I have worked out how to connect my Wii to the interweb. You will be able to laugh at my incompetence.
A limit of 30 friends is a bit rubbish, innit?
zardoz, added you in the first post, will add you later today
getting dangeroursly close to the 30 friends now

edit: have added you now, zardoz, if you don't want to add everybody manually, don't forget you can send invites to your wii friends (as i have done now with you.. ) you do that on the MK-channel either within the game or on the wii menu if you have installed that, it flashes up under the menu
not a rllmukfan norammlky, but the MK Wii thread contains lots of tips and info ... 71&st=2200

E.G.some tactic tips
Obviously Red/Green Shells are countered by Bananas or another shell
POW's can't hurt you if you're in the air
Bullet Bills, Giganto, and Invincibility I just watch the indicator of someone coming from behind and get out of the way
Blue Shells - brake to take other people out if possible
Firstly, you can avoid POWs by waggling the remote (or the wheel?) at the right moment (or just keep waggling as soon as you see it appear). You still lose your power-ups though. You don't lose any speed but there's about half a second when you can't turn, occasionally you might not want to do this if it results in you falling of the edge. Secondly, you can occasionally avoid red shells by taking a corner exceptionally tightly so that it smacks into a wall and blows up, similarly, doing a quick chicane round a banana on the track can result in the shell hitting the banana instead of you.
Also of note, is that you don't have to wait for the item block roulette thingy to go through its full cycle before you are given a weapon, you can press the fire button a second or so after you originally pick it up. If you're getting trailed by a red shell then holding down and tapping fire could save your bacon, likewise if you're in the middle of the pack then hammering fire could give you an extra second's invincibilty/golden mushroom/embigulator mushroom right near the finish line for epic, last-gasp overtaking situations

futhermore, my 360 is on to me
myxboxblog wrote:
Romanista was absent yesterday... I was smelling something that reminded me of sweat... he better not be playing with a Nintendo Wii... burning calories while playing games is just wrong.
romanista wrote:
myxboxblog wrote:
Romanista was absent yesterday... I was smelling something that reminded me of sweat... he better not be playing with a Nintendo Wii... burning calories while playing games is just wrong.

This is excellent!
okay, time trial challenge of the week: Daisy Circuit!
I've been being beaten by Mrs A's nephews. This is not a good thing. Turns out, I was pressing 'BRAKES!' when I thought I was pressing 'DRIFT!'. Whoops.
Whhops! :p

How do I send my time trial to people, by the way? Trousers sent me his (I think I got it to two seconds slower than he, but I have not tested my manual driving yet...) but I can't seem to send mine to other people. Also - where are they stored? On my Wii, an SD card or on Nintendo's servers? Should I read the manual?
How do I also play as my Mii?
You have to complete the star cup (in single player) at 100cc to play as your Mii.
Oh, also - I saw someone racing as a Mii with his arms sticking out to the side in a 'no hands!' kind of manner - anyone got any idea of how he did that?
Mimi wrote:
Oh, also - I saw someone racing as a Mii with his arms sticking out to the side in a 'no hands!' kind of manner - anyone got any idea of how he did that?

Steering with his Kniis
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