The clittycally-insane Cull of Jewty 4 Mordor Wharfe Hare
IGN.COM - 9/10
Drive is doing what I told it to, which is backup the contents of My Documents.
Really enjoying playing through this campaign again. None of the sequels are a patch on it.
Thank you PS Plus membership!
It took ages because we had to download a 75GB game.
Curiosity wrote:
It took ages because we had to download a 75GB game.

That you’d already downloaded
Lonewolves wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
It took ages because we had to download a 75GB game.

That you’d already downloaded

And subsequently deleted.
Curiosity wrote:
It took ages because we had to download a 75GB game.

Oh man, console gaming eh? PC gaming is much better. To play Civ VI I only had to download 5 GB.
Id forgotten how ace the campaign is. Haven't had this much single player fps fun in years
How the fuck is the remaster 12x larger than the original version though, eh? EH?
Twelve times more pixels
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
How the fuck is the remaster 12x larger than the original version though, eh? EH?

They’ve got a character from MW2 in the jeep that you snipe the man in All Ghillied Up
This is like falling in love again... and I haven't even switched on the multiplayer
Can’t wait for the kids to go to bed so I can load this up again.... I am a terrible parent. But I need to unlock all the weapons again!
I have played this again last night and it is indeed good fun. Claymores! Oh how I missed claymores!
Curiosity wrote:
I have played this again last night and it is indeed good fun. Claymores! Oh how I missed claymores!

Truly, the sticky bombs of the noughties.
Sadly* I have a house full tonight or I’d be up for more.

* very sadly
Wow, multiplayer is a bit shit
MrChris wrote:
Wow, multiplayer is a bit shit

You’re a bit shit.
The feel of it is just.... off. Hard to describe, but the controls feel like they're in treacle. Ill have another go tonight, but it wasn't as playable as I remembered.

And coming from 32 v 32 battlefield games the maps also feel a bit small.
Just played the prop mode. It is weird!!
Once you get the feel for it back, it’s still enjoyable. It doesn’t ‘feel’ as natural as current gen games, which have improved how you interact with the environment no end, but the actual shooting parts is ace fun. Especially on Hardcore mode when you only need to hit once or twice and so there’s no bullet sponge annoyance.
I played some and spawn camping was rife. I had a fair few matches where players dropped out as the helicopters, grenades, noob tubes and whatnot decimated the other team.
ThEy KiLlEd 10% oF tHeM?!
Playing the campaign, I'd forgotten the ferris wheel. Fuck that bit.
markg wrote:
Playing the campaign, I'd forgotten the ferris wheel. Fuck that bit.

That’s where I dropped it from normal to easy 12 years ago I think. Let’s see what happens this time.
Lonewolves wrote:
markg wrote:
Playing the campaign, I'd forgotten the ferris wheel. Fuck that bit.

That’s where I dropped it from normal to easy 12 years ago I think. Let’s see what happens this time.

I can't quite believe that I completed this game in Veteran mode back in the day. That's not going to happen with the remaster.

Anyone else surprised, revisiting CoD4, by how quiet it is? Not all the time, obviously. Lots of explosions and men shouting, much of the time. But there are so many scenes with no background music, and just the sound of silenced weapons or men moving quickly through moonlit shrubs.

FPS games just sem to yell at you constantly these days, and CoD4 is almost refreshing in that regard. Which is a bit weird.
Tempted to buy a PS+ sub just to give it a whirl again.
markg wrote:
Playing the campaign, I'd forgotten the ferris wheel. Fuck that bit.

The most iconic part!
Yeah, the bit before that is great but there's an insane difficulty spike right at the end. The fuckers just don't stop coming.
Really want to play it again now.
Zardoz wrote:
Tempted to buy a PS+ sub just to give it a whirl again.

So you can just pay for it (fine) - however if you want to see if it would be worth it there are plenty of ways to get a free trial for PS+ - the most basic one is

Make a new account
Login as that new account - play a game and try to upload something (screenshot / saved data etc) - this will say you need PS+ to do this and give you the option for a free 2 day trial

If you've not had PS+ on your main account in a while i've read people doing this and getting offered a free trial even when they had PS+ in the past and let it lapse.
Cheers Zaphod :)

Might just do a short paid for sub.
CD-Keys do a 14 day for £1.99. That's better than Blockbusters!

Ah, new accounts only...
Zardoz wrote:
CD-Keys do a 14 day for £1.99. That's better than Blockbusters!

Ah, new accounts only...

New email account then.
I am probably going to go on for some old school gameage at 9:30 if anyone cares to join me.
I just managed to totally change time in “One Shot, One Kill”. :)
markg wrote:
Playing the campaign, I'd forgotten the ferris wheel. Fuck that bit.

Did it first time. It’s either easier or I’m a much better gamer than 12 years ago.
What difficulty?
markg wrote:
What difficulty?

Normal. I had to drop it down to Easy for that last section first time around playing this game as I just got swamped every time.
Ah, I'd started on hardened, it's all been pretty easy up until then.
markg wrote:
Ah, I'd started on hardened, it's all been pretty easy up until then.

I’ve never enjoyed CoD campaigns above Normal as it seems to be more “run to the next checkpoint to stop enemies spawning” than any considered gunplay.
Believe in me, tonighhhhhhhhht.

9pm, PS4. Be there or be someone who isn’t Riles, Curio, Sat or me.
TUNA = Curio
DORY = Cookie
KLEE = Pundy
Pike = Bobby
Hake = Wullie
Carp = Nickachu

Really old low res video of diving for the flag in BLOPS1

And diving off the tower

On the tower one APOD gets a kill / is killed so his tag is on screen its just too low a res for me to make it out - and was it Bobby that had the fish name book - someone read out different types so new people could pick their fish
zaphod79 wrote:
TUNA = Curio
DORY = Cookie
KLEE = Pundy
Pike = Bobby
Hake = Wullie
Carp = Nickachu

Really old low res video of diving for the flag in BLOPS1

And diving off the tower

On the tower one APOD gets a kill / is killed so his tag is on screen its just too low a res for me to make it out - and was it Bobby that had the fish name book - someone read out different types so new people could pick their fish

Ah! That’s when I was “Off”. Fairly sure I was usually hake. I’ve a new name for next week anyway.
So I’m pretty sure someone was
Squid ? ( or something like that) Jely ?
Star (sdg?)
Also - LOL at the tower video!
I’ve decided to dedicate my clan tag to the memory of Cavey - I will be SOLE.
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