Be Excellent To Each Other

Important Baby News
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Author:  Mimi [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

miki wrote:
I think my best advice is to remember it's all going to be ok and to not be overwhelmed with "I'm having a child" because it doesn't all come in one big swoop.
You're having a baby first, you don't need a high chair and stair gates etc etc yet, that all comes later and you don't have to look into all of that at once
Small baby first, and the things that go with that and then look at what happens after 3 months, 6 months a year etc. You don't have to know it all (or have all the stuff) in one go and you will grow into it and grow with your baby and they don't know anything either :D
I found a mummy forum really helpful when I was struggling it's nice to read 50 responses say "yup I had that - totally turned out ok"

I'm very much counting on it's immobility for a number of months to stop me even have to consider buying many things until some weeks in. I want a baby bath, a pram/pushchair (I have seen the slings/carriers etc and they look great and we may well get one, but when Russell goes back to work and I am at home with the baby for some time I want a way to get down to town and do a bit of shopping... I don't drive and I doubt I'll manage to do much shopping with a baby strapped to my chest and laden with bags of groceries, with 30 mins to walk each way.

But apart from obvious things (somewhere to sleep, a way to get around, clean the baby, etc) I hope to stay more to the way my cousin Darren and his girlfiend were when they had their first (both my male cousins and their partners were pregnant at the same time. One went mad with every type of gadget and expensive gizmo under the sun. I have never seen so much stuff... and the others just got what they needed. They seemed so much calmer and more relaxed).

Author:  Mimi [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

KovacsC wrote:
Mr Mimi might like this site

See, 'diaper' bags are not something I wholly get. My sister bought one to match her (ridiculously expensive) pram (because, at the time, you were nothing in Chiswick without a Bugaboo' and it was about £140. When I look at the bags (traditional ones and those rucksacks there) they just seem like normal bags that by calling them 'diaper bags' you can charge 5x the price for.

Plus I have a voucher for Boots for a free changing bag and mat if i buy a pack of nappies. It's plain black, and I am sure will do us.

Author:  DavPaz [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

'Diaper' bags tend to be wipe clean all over, for obvious reasons.

Author:  KovacsC [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

Mimi wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Mr Mimi might like this site

See, 'diaper' bags are not something I wholly get. My sister bought one to match her (ridiculously expensive) pram (because, at the time, you were nothing in Chiswick without a Bugaboo' and it was about £140. When I look at the bags (traditional ones and those rucksacks there) they just seem like normal bags that by calling them 'diaper bags' you can charge 5x the price for.

Plus I have a voucher for Boots for a free changing bag and mat if i buy a pack of nappies. It's plain black, and I am sure will do us.

Pockets for bottles, wipes, nappies. Etc

I had the flaming skull bag, it had a changing mat with it.

Author:  miki [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

I did buy a diaper bag for about 20 euros
I've washed it in the washing machine once or twice and it was thrown clear of the car in our accident and still served me well every day for about 3 years

also immobility is amazing! you just put the baby down anywhere and it stays! so practical :D

you can also get loads of stuff second hand and we bought our pram multi thing in some sort of "last years colours" sale pfff like I care

Author:  asfish [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

For the first one I would choose a hospital, not suggesting that thingd will be anything other that fine with your first but its better to have everything you need around you.

As my son was 2 weeks late he passed his Meconium (first sort of poo) in the womb, this can be nasty so he had to be transferred to a pediatric station for checks, he was fine and this was just a precaution.

Also after the birth my wife had blood pressure readings that were of concern for around 30 minutes, this was due to the drug they gave her (normal procedure) to pass the placenta.

Everyone is different, I was just glad we were in a hospital for our first and people we needed were at hand

Author:  Mimi [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

KovacsC wrote:
Mimi wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Mr Mimi might like this site

See, 'diaper' bags are not something I wholly get. My sister bought one to match her (ridiculously expensive) pram (because, at the time, you were nothing in Chiswick without a Bugaboo' and it was about £140. When I look at the bags (traditional ones and those rucksacks there) they just seem like normal bags that by calling them 'diaper bags' you can charge 5x the price for.

Plus I have a voucher for Boots for a free changing bag and mat if i buy a pack of nappies. It's plain black, and I am sure will do us.

Pockets for bottles, wipes, nappies. Etc

I had the flaming skull bag, it had a changing mat with it.

But, really, they are crazily overpriced. Also, my current backpack (silver, awesome, cost about £12) has about a billion pockets, is wipe-clean and waterproof, has pockets to hold drinks (bottles) front flap with about 5 different sections and pockets and inner dividers. I've looked at those ones on that site and it looks exactly the same.

Similarly, my sister's diaper bag looked just like my wipe-clean insulated picnic bag, which also had all manner of pockets and dividers for holding bottles and cans, and cost under £10 from M&S (or was given away free if you bought 4 picnic items).

I guess I don't have the money to pay large amounts of money for things so heavily marked up because they are marketed as something special.

It's like knitting: 'Blocking mats' cost £35 for four. The exact same product sold as the foam interlocking puzzle tiles that you can use in kids rooms, or the garden (or sometimes marketed for interlocking floor mats under gym equipment) can be bought from supermarkets for 2x4 for £10 in the summer, with the rest of the kids garden toys. I can see whay they purpose them, give them a new name and charge stupid amounts of money, but £140 (£100, £70...) is expensive for what is just a bag.

I'll look for one in Miki's price range. Well, I'll just get the free one.

Author:  asfish [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News ... =angelcare

Use this for nappy disposal

Author:  TheVision [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

We never bothered with one of those. Nappies always went in bags and straight in the bin outside. It didn't save a fortune but it saved £8 straight away.

As for expensive bags, my wife bought one which she used a couple of times. It was just too big and cumbersome! I'd stick with your bag. It sounds much better.

Author:  Mimi [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

asfish wrote:

Use this for nappy disposal

My sister had one of those - it did seem to be a big step up from nappy bags in terms of stopping smells at least.

Author:  miki [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

yeah we had one of those things, changing a nappy in the middle of the night I really didn't want to have to go downstairs and outside to throw it away so we used a thing like that upstairs and downstairs we would just dispose in the outside bin

Author:  Findus Fop [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

The only things I found to be truly indispensable were:

- The Bumba chair, to keep the little tyke still when need be.
- Our Philips Avent microwaveable bottle sterilizing doodad - fast and easy.

Everything else I think we could have muddled through without. 98% of the fun is doing it your own way, because there is no wrong way (unless it involves a cellar and a rabbit hutch).

Though in terms of the most essential non-essential items, I'd say one of these should rank highly:

Author:  Mimi [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

I think if I bought something like that I would pretty much have to INSIST that I had a matching one, though. I've just checked and they do not go up to my size, so i ill have to try and find a way around this....

In my head there is a difference between cute, non-essential things (like clothes) and non-essential gadgetry. I think if something genuinely makes life better or easier then that's a good reason to have it as long as the cost benefit makes sense, but things like a special machine that inverts or shakes baby bottles to mix milk to ensure an even temperature?

Author:  DavPaz [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 13:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

Skinner box

Author:  Mimi [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 13:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

I don't know what that is, but it sounds like simething I don't want to Google.

Author:  asfish [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 13:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

Mimi wrote:
asfish wrote:

Use this for nappy disposal

My sister had one of those - it did seem to be a big step up from nappy bags in terms of stopping smells at least.

I find they are OK, I have a changing table in the same room. If he has done a smelly one then some smell hangs around from the changing but that's it. We empty the bag regularly and I like the fact that they are all in one bigger bag

That said there appears to be equal number of people I know who hate and loves these!

Author:  myp [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 13:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

*waits for Zardoz to photoshop Frank Skinner's head onto a pic of goatse*

Author:  MaliA [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 13:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

Life would be a lot easier when out and about if we just stuck the shit in a sandwich bag and hung it on a tree branch like dog owners do.

Author:  asfish [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 13:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

For all things needed for the baby we got this ... wgod4bAA8g

One big back then "pods" for different things, the pods will clip onto a pram or pushchair. I still take one out with wipes and a nappies every day when I take my son to the park

Author:  asfish [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 13:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

MaliA wrote:
Life would be a lot easier when out and about if we just stuck the shit in a sandwich bag and hung it on a tree branch like dog owners do.

Or better still throw in on the grass around children's play parks like people do where I live. I have to take my son to National Trust places that have "no dog" areas before I will let him run around on grass

Author:  DavPaz [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 13:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

asfish wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Life would be a lot easier when out and about if we just stuck the shit in a sandwich bag and hung it on a tree branch like dog owners do.

Or better still throw in on the grass around children's play parks like people do where I live. I have to take my son to National Trust places that have "no dog" areas before I will let him run around on grass

No shit?

Author:  myp [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 13:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

MaliA wrote:
Life would be a lot easier when out and about if we just stuck the shit in a sandwich bag and hung it on a tree branch like dog owners do.

That's Yorkshire/Cornwall/Oxford for you. Delete as applicable.

Author:  MaliA [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 14:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

If you join NCT, see what they buy and use something for a week before making a choicentre. Let them make the hard decisions. :)

Author:  Mimi [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 15:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

MaliA wrote:
If you join NCT, see what they buy and use something for a week before making a choicentre. Let them make the hard decisions. :)

Sorry Mali, what do you mean by 'they'? As in other parents or people who run courses? IS choicecentre part of the NCT organisation?

Author:  MaliA [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 15:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

Mimi wrote:
MaliA wrote:
If you join NCT, see what they buy and use something for a week before making a choicentre. Let them make the hard decisions. :)

Sorry Mali, what do you mean by 'they'? As in other parents or people who run courses? IS choicecentre part of the NCT organisation?

Sorry. Shit phone.

Look at what other members of NCT group buy and have a go with their stuff (unless it is something, y'know, icky) before getting anything as it might be great for them but might be rubbish for you.

Author:  Mimi [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 15:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

Ah, get ya!

Yes, good idea.

See, I have a good phone, rubbish fingers :D

Author:  Mr Dave [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 16:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

asfish wrote:

Use this for nappy disposal

No, use this for nappy disposal... if you can free it.

Author:  DavPaz [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 16:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News



Author:  Mimi [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 17:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

asfish wrote:
For the first one I would choose a hospital, not suggesting that thingd will be anything other that fine with your first but its better to have everything you need around you.

Yeah, we had a chat about this the other day, and though the other place looks lovely, I think the feeling of security of knowing docs are on hand just in case has made us decide that this is what we will do.
asfish wrote:

As my son was 2 weeks late he passed his Meconium (first sort of poo) in the womb, this can be nasty so he had to be transferred to a pediatric station for checks, he was fine and this was just a precaution.

Also after the birth my wife had blood pressure readings that were of concern for around 30 minutes, this was due to the drug they gave her (normal procedure) to pass the placenta.

Everyone is different, I was just glad we were in a hospital for our first and people we needed were at hand

Thank you for your experience and opinion. It does help. I have heard from a few people (home births, midwife unit) and though I can see that some people have loved their experiences there I think I will just feel that bit safer.

Author:  Mimi [ Wed Apr 01, 2015 17:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

TheVision wrote:
We never bothered with one of those. Nappies always went in bags and straight in the bin outside. It didn't save a fortune but it saved £8 straight away.

As for expensive bags, my wife bought one which she used a couple of times. It was just too big and cumbersome! I'd stick with your bag. It sounds much better.

It's not just the price of the unit but the cartridges. I think it is one of those things I will get because I live in a flat, so in the days of 16 nappies a day it means going out to the big bins 16 times. When I am here alone it will mean toting the baby downstairs each of those times, and as (s)he will be born on the approach to winter in all sorts of weather. If I had a bin just outside a back door or something it might be different, but I guess it is handy for our living arrangements.

I think I'll give the free bag and Rucksack I've already got a go before worrying about any other bag. if they do not suffice then so be it, but the rucksack I have is so similar to structure and material design as those 'man style' ones that If we go out without a pushchair, etc then that should do the trick.

Author:  miki [ Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

In NL it is very common to have home births, but I preferred to deliver in the hospital.
My experience in the hospital was really good and pleasant (well apart from the delivering a baby thing)
after the birth I had some complications so it was good I was already there or I would have had to go there anyway - but that is hindsight of course
still, even without that complication I would have happily chosen the hospital again :)

Author:  Grim... [ Thu Apr 02, 2015 18:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

Mimi wrote:
(because, at the time, you were nothing in Chiswick without a Bugaboo' and it was about £140.

I've got one a Bugaboo Chameleon in the garage, do you want to buy it? I have no idea how much it's worth, though.

Author:  Mimi [ Thu Apr 02, 2015 19:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

I'll have a Google to see if it might be any good for what we need (my sister's was a nice buggy, not sure what model, but goodness me it was so so heavy, far too much for what I'd manage. Heavier than the double buggy the Twins had, even.)I'm hoping to get something light because we live in a flat, so if I could leave the frame downstairs and transport the top like some of them allow it might make it easier. If it looks to either be not too heavy or something I could manage alone, then I'll let you know to see if you want to google for a fair price. If it's within what we could afford and would still make sense in having to get a separate car seat etc then might be good. I'm still kind of clueless as to range of weights, sizes, prices etc so will try and have a look around a bit.

Author:  Grim... [ Thu Apr 02, 2015 20:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

It's really light (that's one of the reasons we chose it) and it comes apart.

However, we don't have the infant stuff (which doubles as a car seat, which makes life about five billion percent easier), only the "older baby" bits, so you'd have to get them separately, and they're probably really expensive (the ones on eBay that come with the infant bits and the toddler bits are around £600 second hand) so it probably won't be much use for a couple of years.

Author:  Mimi [ Fri Apr 03, 2015 11:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

Ah, that'd probably not be so good for us then, sadly. Even second hand that's be well out of our price range, especially if we then had to find alternatives for the first couple of years.

I've seen quite a few of the three-part 'travel systems' with a lightweight frame, car seat (which also sits in the frame to act as an early days traveller) Flat based pram and then buggy/stroller for when the child is a bit older. I've seen then from about £250-250 all-in, and should last until s(he)'s 3-4 years old (having to still up-size car seats, of course). I've seen some as low as £100-120, but they are not a brand that I have known before so I am not sure of the build quality of those.

I think having the units detach from the frame is a nice idea, as I should be able to store that under the stairs with just the upper unit to hoik around (currently under the stairs are all the things belonging to the neighbour below us: shopping trolleys, walking frames, etc... it shall take some gentle negotiation, but they are on the ground floor so will hopefully understand if I ask if we can move the walking frame if needed...

Author:  Jem [ Tue Apr 07, 2015 11:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

Mimi wrote:
I want a baby bath, a pram/pushchair (I have seen the slings/carriers etc and they look great and we may well get one, but when Russell goes back to work and I am at home with the baby for some time I want a way to get down to town and do a bit of shopping... I don't drive and I doubt I'll manage to do much shopping with a baby strapped to my chest and laden with bags of groceries, with 30 mins to walk each way.

That's exactly why I got one - because at the time I didn't drive, and trying to push a pushchair and keep it upright covered in bags of shopping and/or navigate public transport was an utter twat. It was much easier to stick my shopping in a rucksack on my back, baby in a wrap sling on my front and then carry any extras.

I must admit I am a bit of a special case though - aside from muslin cloths, which are invaluable when you have sicky babies (most are) - I was highly suspicious of baby products. I used a backpack instead of a nappy bag, didn't buy into the marketing for crap like wipe warmers and bottle stirrers (although that was because my boobies didn't need stirring ;) ) etc. You are right Mimi in that you don't have to buy a load of stuff just because it's labelled "baby".

Author:  Jem [ Tue Apr 07, 2015 11:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

Oh, that reminds me.. I still have my IKEA antilop highchair if you want it (free), no use to me now (and probably various other baby bits in the upstairs cupboard) - do you want me to have a look and send you a list?

Author:  ApplePieOfDestiny [ Tue Apr 07, 2015 13:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

I had no idea that wipewarmers were a thing.

Be aware though that on day one of mytyrannical reign of terror joyous fatherlike leadership, the producers, vendors and users of such product will be among the first against the wall.

Author:  Mr Russell [ Tue Apr 07, 2015 13:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

Jem wrote:
Oh, that reminds me.. I still have my IKEA antilop highchair if you want it (free), no use to me now (and probably various other baby bits in the upstairs cupboard) - do you want me to have a look and send you a list?

On the offchance that Mimi doesn't see this, I will say that it would be very much appreciated, and accepted with heartfelt thanks.

It turns out that our company doesn't pay anything above the legal minimum for maternity pay, so I was labouring under the misapprehension that they would keep paying a decent salary for the majority of the time Mimi was off. Instead we'll be taking a bit of a paycut.

Author:  nickachu [ Tue Apr 07, 2015 13:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

Mr Russell wrote:

It turns out that our company doesn't pay anything above the legal minimum for maternity pay, so I was labouring under the misapprehension that they would keep paying a decent salary for the majority of the time Mimi was off. Instead we'll be taking a bit of a paycut.

Should move to Sweden. Get 80% of your pay for 9 months paternity pay.

Author:  Grim... [ Tue Apr 07, 2015 13:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

Mr Russell wrote:
Jem wrote:
Oh, that reminds me.. I still have my IKEA antilop highchair if you want it (free), no use to me now (and probably various other baby bits in the upstairs cupboard) - do you want me to have a look and send you a list?

On the offchance that Mimi doesn't see this, I will say that it would be very much appreciated, and accepted with heartfelt thanks.

I'd imagine the postage would be about the same as a new one, would it not?

We've got (or had, don't know what we've done with it) one of those high chairs, and for some reason I kept tripping over it - the legs weren't ever where I expected them to be :S

Author:  Cras [ Tue Apr 07, 2015 13:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

One in each corner, from the seat to the ground?

Author:  GazChap [ Tue Apr 07, 2015 13:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

Grim... wrote:
I'd imagine the postage would be about the same as a new one, would it not?

I imagine we'll just bring it to Jazzy's party ;)

Author:  Grim... [ Tue Apr 07, 2015 13:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

Cras wrote:
One in each corner, from the seat to the ground?

Except they stuck out, and some wierd optical illusion made it look like they were straight.

Like you.

Author:  Jem [ Tue Apr 07, 2015 13:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

Grim... wrote:
I'd imagine the postage would be about the same as a new one, would it not?

Probably, but I'm up and down the country quite a bit over the next few months and I'm sure I'll be somewhere nearby at some point :D

GazChap wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I'd imagine the postage would be about the same as a new one, would it not?

I imagine we'll just bring it to Jazzy's party ;)

Or this :)

Mr Russell wrote:
It turns out that our company doesn't pay anything above the legal minimum for maternity pay, so I was labouring under the misapprehension that they would keep paying a decent salary for the majority of the time Mimi was off. Instead we'll be taking a bit of a paycut.

You will likely be worse off for a bit, but bear in mind that unless you earn a ridiculous amount you'll be entitled to child benefit and also child/working tax credits.

Author:  Grim... [ Tue Apr 07, 2015 13:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

Did it keep tripping you up?

Author:  Jem [ Tue Apr 07, 2015 13:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

Grim... wrote:
Did it keep tripping you up?

I definitely tripped over it a couple of times.

But I also trip over my own feet so it's not necessarily an indication of anything :p

Author:  Cras [ Tue Apr 07, 2015 13:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

Grim... wrote:
some wierd optical illusion made it look like they were straight.

Like you.


Author:  Mimi [ Tue Apr 07, 2015 14:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

Hi Jem,

that would be absolutely lovely, thank you!

Russell was quite right, though i didn't miss this thread, I was just 'working' (eating sweets, drinking tea) for which I do not get paid excessive, or even mildly fun amounts. I do however get lots of sweets.

Author:  Sir Taxalot [ Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Baby News

Our first did a poop inside mum as he was being delivered, and he took a while to come out.

Our second was born while mum was on the toilet (at hospital), she came out quite suddenly and ended up in the toilet bowl. It was a bit of a surprise really.

Lady T did it without any painkillers at all, either time. She's pretty tough sometimes.

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