Photographs Wot other People Took
Photographs you love...
Bobbyaro wrote:

All arty stuff, but people with sensitive IT teams should be aware that there are boobies.
Sorry, I should have said.
People who like boobies should also be aware that there are boobies.
I was sent a link to this website today by one of our suppliers. He's an absolutely smashing guy and some days is one of the only influences that keeps me sane in my office (though I have never met him and he is based hundreds of miles away). I was chatting to him about the cottage and the yearly getaway, and he said he had some time booked off soon for a photography trip. Anyway, turns out our milkman has a hidden talent, and his own website which he sent me the link to.

I spent a good hour just staring into some of these pictures today:

Absolutely stunning. I'm so impressed and, quite honestly, shocked. I tried to email him to say how amazing I thought it was, so I really hope my email came across as sincerely felt as I meant it to, because I think these pictures are wonderful.
That swimsuit lady is rather nicely shaped.
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Apologies if this has been posted before;

Some of those photos are amazing....
Grim... wrote:
That swimsuit lady is rather nicely shaped.

Indecently so. all the stuff in those pictures wasn't really all that long ago, crazy.
The 'beautiful suicide' is haunting..
Oops, I meant to include a warning about that for people- sorry.
Some pictures of the passenger area of the Hindenburg ... ign=buffer

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
And while I'm posting in here, I assume everyone has seen this?

To capture the perfect wildlife image, you usually have to be in exactly the right place at precisely the right time.
But in this instance, David Slater wasn’t there at all and he still got a result. Visiting a national park in North Sulawesi, Indonesia, award-winning photographer Mr Slater left his camera unattended for a while. It soon attracted the attention of an inquisitive female from a local group of crested black macaque monkeys, known for their intelligence and dexterity. Fascinated by her reflection in the lens, she then somehow managed to start the camera. The upshot: A splendid self-portrait.


Now here's an interesting question I've seen debated on the Internet, without solid conclusion. Who owns the copyright on that image?

Wikipedia says "nobody"
If I wanted to have some already taken photos made better, whom should I be speaking to?Happy to pay. Mainly color balance and brightness issues. There are some photos from our wedding that we are (massively - SWMBO) disappointed with. It is a bit of a long shot, but sure something is possible?
My Brother took this picture of a seal, on the banks of the River Thames, near Hammersmith!


It's a bit grainy, presumably because he had to zoom in with his phone camera, so as not to scare it away. I was just amazed at how far the Thames has come since the 80!
That's cool, hope the seal was ok and not lost/stranded. Was it as much a surprise to your brother or has he seen seals before there?
There's a SEAL?! In the THAMES?!
Michael Jackson is dead.

Get a 360.

You scrubber.
Zardoz wrote:
That's cool, hope the seal was ok and not lost/stranded. Was it as much a surprise to your brother or has he seen seals before there?

I'll have to check, but I don't think it's a common sight.

I remember hearing that seals were becoming more common in the more estuary part of the Thames, and actually this website, suggests they are even getting up as far as Richmond.
MaliA wrote:
If I wanted to have some already taken photos made better, whom should I be speaking to?Happy to pay. Mainly color balance and brightness issues. There are some photos from our wedding that we are (massively - SWMBO) disappointed with. It is a bit of a long shot, but sure something is possible?

A photographer
MaliA wrote:
If I wanted to have some already taken photos made better, whom should I be speaking to?Happy to pay. Mainly color balance and brightness issues. There are some photos from our wedding that we are (massively - SWMBO) disappointed with. It is a bit of a long shot, but sure something is possible?

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