I am a Frenchman, and yet hate garlic.
for example
CUS wrote:
I apologise for not being sufficiently middle-class / alcoholic.

That's okay, I'm sure you've got enough on your plate being a junkie. :hat:
myoptika wrote:
Well, I thought that went without saying.

It made a point though. Changing the item to cheeses, someone might have pointed out that cheeses are often named after areas, at which point a clever wag* mgiht have responded in fashion by saying, "I'm off to Cow's milk' on holiday, before going to @Sheep's milk' and 'Goat's milk' on the way home".


*no, don't even go there
Dimrill wrote:
That's okay, I'm sure you've got enough on your plate being a junkie. :hat:

Touch me!
CUS wrote:
I have drunk Black Tower and somehow survived. Supposedly, it tastes of pineapple. Fuck off, it's shit.

Wine buff FTFY.
CUS wrote:
"Darling.... shall we get the hints of autumn fruits with a subtle citrus garland, or shall we go for the crisp, bold fruit flavours with the dry, oaky walnutting?"
"Oh babe, you know I wanted a subtle intimidation of acorns with vague rumours and apocrypha of oak!"
"Now now, we agreed that we wanted a warm but subtle rush of spring flavours."

I like Black Tower. Supposedly, it tastes of pineapple. Fuck off, it's grapes.

People do this* with ale too, though. There are plenty of ales with hints of various fruits or whatnot that haven't been anywhere near the drink. "Chocolate ale", for instance, when made well, has no chocolate in it. The chocolatey taste is due to the variety of hops or barley or malt or whatever it is.

Golden Glory and Blandford Fly are two Badger ales that I defy anyone to drink and not go "oooh! the flavour!"

My dad brews copies of ales he finds, and this sort of thing is quite interesting. As it is with wine. It's amazing the things that have an effect on the taste, and what the results can be.

This is what I think, in my opinion, what may be different from yours, of course.

*And by "this", I mean discuss the flavours of the thing, not sound like your little parody of what you think middle class life is like. Although I shall use "apocrypha" to describe something drink related soon.
I agree with Monsieur Christophe.
Curiosity wrote:
Wine buff FTFY.

I don't care, I like it. I don't care that it used to be trendy, then fell out of fashion, and whatever else. It has the sweetness/dryness mix to my liking, it's not too strong, and it's easily obtainable. That's all I care about. Y'know... it's food. I don't pay £15 for a bottle of cola, and I like the taste of Fentimans MUCH more than wine.

That said, I have bought some Rioja (the Waitrose own, oh yes!), which I look forward to trying in a week or two, on the strength of you alkies going on about it.

Mr Chris wrote:
I think, in my opinion, what may be different from yours, of course.


not sound like your little parody of what you think middle class life is like.

Come shopping with me some time - I'll find you that conversation. It's usually quite loud, and there's lots of 'Aren't we affectionate?!' pats and strokes between the couples involved. It makes me laugh every time.
I must be incredibly middle class then.
Black Tower is like drinking a cd when you could have the limited edition vinyl.
Rioja is luvverly.

However, these days the tannins in red wine give me a stinking hangover after only one glass, so I tend not to drink it that often any more. White wine FTW - which is handy what with the weather being really hot and cold drinks being nice.
myoptika wrote:
Black Tower is like drinking a cd when you could have the limited edition vinyl.

More useful, more practical, not intended for a niche quantity of obsessives who will only look at it and never open it for fear of damage?
I've really gone off white wine over the last couple of years - anything you can recommend to rekindle my love for it? Anything around the £8 mark is good for me.
I've become a big fan of Soave recently - IIRC Waitrose have some nice ones, but I'll check next time I'm there and let you know.
myoptika wrote:
I've really gone off white wine over the last couple of years - anything you can recommend to rekindle my love for it? Anything around the £8 mark is good for me.

Generic New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc.

For that price, any of Montana, Oyster Bay, Villa Maria etc will be fine. Get suck into the 3 for 2 deal at any Threshers type place and you can get 'em for fractionally above a fiver each. In fact, I think your local Morrison's does Sacred Hill Sauvignon for about 7-8 quid.

For something a little different (and 'off-dry') you could always try a Vouvray.
myoptika wrote:
I've really gone off white wine over the last couple of years - anything you can recommend to rekindle my love for it? Anything around the £8 mark is good for me.

MacGuigan's Chardonnay is really nice, that's about 6 quid and we tend to get a coupe of bottles of it a week.
CUS wrote:
That said, I have bought some Rioja (the Waitrose own, oh yes!), which I look forward to trying in a week or two, on the strength of you alkies going on about it.

Depends on the vinter for me with Rioja. I normally can't stand the average stuff, so I go for bottles of Reserva which have had chance to actually age a bit. Berberana, Marques de Grinon and San Lorenzo have all been spectacular for me.
Oh for fuck's sake. *throws bottle out window at cat*
I'm a great big fan of Rioja. That being said, I only really use it to cook with.
Mr Chris wrote:
Golden Glory and Blandford Fly are two Badger ales that I defy anyone to drink and not go "oooh! the flavour!"


Golden Glory is teh awesome. Really, really nice.
Craster wrote:
I'm a great big fan of Rioja. That being said, I only really use it to cook with.

I'm a big fan too, though obviously not of whatever filth that CUS bought.
Golden Glory actually has peach blossom in it, but Golden Champion tastes all elderflowery because of the types of hops used.

Curio: I am in Morrisons now, so have picked up a bottle of Sacred Hill - will let you know how it goes down!
myoptika wrote:
Golden Glory actually has peach blossom in it, but Golden Champion tastes all elderflowery because of the types of hops used.

Curio: I am in Morrisons now, so have picked up a bottle of Sacred Hill - will let you know how it goes down!

:D Make sure it is proper cold before you drink it.
myoptika wrote:
I've really gone off white wine over the last couple of years - anything you can recommend to rekindle my love for it? Anything around the £8 mark is good for me.

Gewurtztraminers are the only whites I'm a particular fan of.
Craster wrote:
Gewurtztraminers are the only whites I'm a particular fan of.

MaliA wrote:
myoptika wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I'm a scientist, but I'm alright, really.

[citation needed]


Just out of interest, did you register that or are the domain squatters scouring the web looking for unregistered domains now?

Let me put it this way, I clicked it when he posted it and there wasn't a site there then because I nearly bought it myself to put up a site implying he sucked cocks.
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