Be Excellent To Each Other

Photography Challenge IV: PRIMARY COLOURS
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Author:  Mimi [ Mon May 19, 2008 0:11 ]
Post subject:  Photography Challenge IV: PRIMARY COLOURS

This month's theme is PRIMARY COLOURS as chosen by CURIOSITY .

Here's how to take part:

1]Take a picture, (or up to a big whole two) based on the theme (think direct, think laterally - it doesn't matter - it's your idea and creativity that people are looking forward to seeing)

2]Upload it anonymously to the Picasa account (obviously, don't call it 'Mimi's picture of primary colours' or anything too obvious)

3]Try not to make it too obvious that a picture is yours in particular by announcing your upload, etc.

Upload your pictures of PRIMARY COLOURS to the same-titled folder in thePicasa Web album, the sign-in details are below: (It may appear that you are signing into gmail by clicking the link above - do not fret, Piacasa are owned by google, so just sign in with the info below and when submitted you will arrive at the album.)


This challenge closes at the end of Sunday 1st June, 2008.

Good luck, peeps!

Author:  GazChap [ Mon May 19, 2008 0:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

Pre-emptive "Don't take photos of schoolkids in their uniforms lest you get arrested for being a filthy paedo" warning ;)

Author:  Grim... [ Mon May 19, 2008 11:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

Do you photo lot want a bit chunked onto the forum to deal with the anonymous uploading and viewing of photos?

Although I do love the 'Dude, the password is excellent' picture.

Author:  Curiosity [ Mon May 19, 2008 11:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

Would it be easy to do?

Adding files to the account is very easy if you have Picasa (though it does require logging out of my regular google account to do so), but not everyone might have and/or want it.

So, it's not necessary for me, but if others are put off entering and having fun by the nature of the mechanisms, then that would probably be lovely.

Author:  Mimi [ Mon May 19, 2008 11:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

You do not need Picasa - it's a Picasa web album, so you do not need to download/install anything to use it. I don't have a Picasa uploader or anything like that - there are standard web uploaders so all you need to do it navigate to the page that is linked to, sign in with the info and upload that way. If you do happen to have a Picasa uploading tool then you can use it, but it is in no means necessary.

You simply go to this page, click on the album of the current challenge (which has a handy little icon saying 'current challenge' and on the left is a link that says 'upload photos', which brings up some web uploaders (see picture attached)

As for anonymous uploading onto a part of the site, it is completely up to other folks, I am happy either way. Do other people think that it is working OK as we have it now or not so? I did ask in the voting thread if there was anything I could do to make the process smoother, anything from the anouncement of the theme to the compiling of the poll?

The only thing I'd mention about uploading direct to here is that it is nice to have the photos all in one place to browse past ones at leisure, but also be able to view them full-size for detail, which I don't know if it would be possible to do here without being a big drain on resources, and also I find it easier to organise the polls, uploading etc if we have an album structure that everyone can see clearly what the current challenge is with relative icons, etc - this also will make it nice in the future to be able to browse back over past challenges. At the moment I have an icon for the current challenge, the challenge that the vote is being taken on, and the winning photo for past chllenges is the album cover for that challenge. For one thing that makes it easy for me to keep track of what I am doing when I organise the poll, etc :munkeh: Also, if it is going to be anonymous then would it still be anonymous to mods, etc?

Author:  Grim... [ Mon May 19, 2008 11:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

I would be easy, but obviously I'd be just as happy not to do it :)

Author:  NervousPete [ Mon May 19, 2008 11:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

I like how it's going at the moment. I'm perfectly happy with the current system. :)

Author:  Malabelm [ Mon May 19, 2008 12:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

I'm happy with the current system, but not too fussed either way.

I like this fortnight's subject again, too. I have a few ideas so far, but they all involve me spending money. Ho hum.

Author:  Curiosity [ Mon May 19, 2008 12:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

nynfortoo wrote:
I'm happy with the current system, but not too fussed either way.

I like this fortnight's subject again, too. I have a few ideas so far, but they all involve me spending money. Ho hum.

On crayons?

Author:  Malabelm [ Mon May 19, 2008 13:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

Curiosity wrote:
nynfortoo wrote:
I'm happy with the current system, but not too fussed either way.

I like this fortnight's subject again, too. I have a few ideas so far, but they all involve me spending money. Ho hum.

On crayons?

Something like that, aye! Keep your filthy mind-hands off my ideas, though :hat:

Author:  Malabelm [ Mon May 19, 2008 16:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

Mmmmmm, Skittles.

Author:  Hugh [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

Do you think it would be possible for some kindly old sweep-tramp to nudge all of these photo competition things into a neat pile in the corner, so they're all in one in place and I can enjoy them at my gin-addled convenience?

Author:  Mimi [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

I don't know if you are asking me or someone else to do something because your post is too cryptic for me to decipher - is there anything I can help with?

Author:  CUS [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

A Photography Sub-Forum you say Hugh? :bulb:

Author:  Mr Dave [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

A search for photo challenge using the forums search would help, I believe.

Author:  Mimi [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

CUS, I didn't know you could speak Hughish.

If there was a place to either put the challenges, or to sticky current ones, etc that would be helpful and might encourage participation if it didn't keep getting lost. I did feel myself having to 'bump' the last one a couple of times, but glad I did as it did increase participation and there was a little rush of entries at the end.

Author:  CUS [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

Mimi wrote:
CUS, I didn't know you could speak Hughish.

I speak all Cryptic dialects apparently :p :hat:

Author:  Hugh [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

CUS wrote:
A Photography Sub-Forum you say Hugh? :bulb:


Author:  Goddess Jasmine [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

Mimi wrote:
CUS, I didn't know you could speak Hughish.

If there was a place to either put the challenges, or to sticky current ones, etc that would be helpful and might encourage participation if it didn't keep getting lost. I did feel myself having to 'bump' the last one a couple of times, but glad I did as it did increase participation and there was a little rush of entries at the end.

Would you like this thread pinned until the end of the challenge then?

Author:  Mimi [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

I don't know - what do other people think?

I am not very good at making decisions at the moment.

Author:  Hugh [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

Photo challenges past, present and future should have their own little habitat. A sub-forum, or something.

Someone who knows all about how this forum works should step in at this point and blind us with their light.

Author:  Goddess Jasmine [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

What do you think guys? We could try it and see if you think it works?

Author:  Mimi [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

OK a su-forum would be great if that's possible :munkeh:

Can always change it back if people change their minds.

Author:  Cras [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

Hugh wrote:
A sub-forum, or something.

Sub-fora have been frowned upon by virtually all and sundry in various discussions - as long as the thread title is kept consistent, the search should be enough to find them all.

We could sticky it, but then as there's always a photography competition running, we'd always have a stickied photography competition thread.

I dunno.

Author:  Goddess Jasmine [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

Hugh wrote:
Photo challenges past, present and future should have their own little habitat. A sub-forum, or something.

Someone who knows all about how this forum works should step in at this point and blind us with their light.

The general consensus is that a sub-forum would be ignored though Hugh. Maybe one for past challeges just for reference?

Author:  CUS [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

Perhaps it could encompass more than photography. Art, perhaps. And perhaps Photoshop contests.

Author:  Goddess Jasmine [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

Craster wrote:
Hugh wrote:
A sub-forum, or something.

We could sticky it, but then as there's always a photography competition running, we'd always have a stickied photography competition thread.

Would this be a bad thing though? Maybe I just like looking at the pretty pictures. ;)

Author:  Sheepeh [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

Not that I'm taking part, but I'd suggest Stickying the current one, and having an Archive subforum for completed ones.

Author:  Mimi [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

Hmmmm... Would there be a problem of there always being a stickied Photography thread?

I have kept the titles of the photography thread as consistent as I have been able to.

Hugh, if you want to go somewhere to look at all the photos you can always visit The Album, but there's not much that I can do to keep the current photography topic visible myself, besides the odd bump now and again.

Author:  Goddess Jasmine [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

CUS wrote:
Perhaps it could encompass more than photography. Art, perhaps. And perhaps Photoshop contests.

I think the theory is sound, but in practise.... I dunno, if enough people would like it we could have a poll maybe? Or just try it? But I think it would need more than four people wanting it.

Actually, would anybody mind if I split this thread so as not to interfere with the poll going on here? These posts are or course a valid discussion, worthy (IMO) of their own thread.

Author:  Mimi [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

The poll isn't going on here, this challenge has only started today and I can't see much reason to split it. This thread is to announce the new topic and address any question people might have regarding rules, how to upload, etc, so it is somewhat relevant to have the discussion here, in my own mind.

Author:  Goddess Jasmine [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

Sheepeh wrote:
Not that I'm taking part, but I'd suggest Stickying the current one, and having an Archive subforum for completed ones.

I think either this or what CUS suggested. I'm happy with either.

As said before, I see no reason why we can't trial a way of doing things, and if it doesn't work then try something else. There are no hard and fast rules here, just what suits the majority and helps people find what they are looking for easily.

@ Mimi - Oops, sorry! I thought I was in the other thread! :munkeh:

Author:  Mimi [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

That's right, people.

Are you lost within the fora, GJ?

I'll send out the Monkey scouts! :munkeh: (they take with them a St. Bernard with a barrel of Babycham around its neck).

Author:  Hugh [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

The photo challenge appears to be one of the most pleasingly consistent and popular items on BETEO. Popping a third forum underneath 'Reviews' and 'Sports' would both encourage participation, aid ease of reference, and celebrate what has become a standard feature of the forum as a whole.

It makes sense and it feels right.

And, after all, this is just a load of electricity pulsing across wires, so things are easily corrected if, for some unlikely reason, it should prove strangely unpopular.

Author:  Mimi [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

Will not sticking it up with Sports and such perhaps mean that it is less visited, though? I only say because I haven't been near the sub-forums up there for aaaages. I always wondered why sport was sectioned away, anyway.

Author:  Goddess Jasmine [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

Mimi wrote:
Are you lost within the fora, GJ?

I'll send out the Monkey scouts! :munkeh: (they take with them a St. Bernard with a barrel of Babycham around its neck).

I think I must be! As I've not been around as much as I might have liked to have been lately, I seem to have forgotton my way around. ;) Maybe Dimmers could draw me a map! :D

Author:  Goddess Jasmine [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

Mimi wrote:
Will not sticking it up with Sports and such perhaps mean that it is less visited, though? I only say because I haven't been near the sub-forums up there for aaaages.

This is my concern to be honest. But I really like these threads so know I personally will visit them. Whatever other people would prefer is fine by me.

Author:  CUS [ Mon May 19, 2008 20:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

Uh, whatever folks feel is best, I've just blueskyed an idea onto the table from out of my vertically integrated box.

Author:  SteONorDar [ Mon May 19, 2008 21:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

Sub-fora don't seem to work here for some reason, a lot of people seem to dislike them, so I'm voting for stickying the current challenge. Maybe links to all the previous challenge threads could be put in the stickied thread, if that's not too much work.

Author:  Mimi [ Mon May 19, 2008 21:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

No, it wouldn't be too much work - it's only adding one more on each time and I'd be happy to do that when compiling.

I think stickying the current challenge is my preferred option, too.

Author:  MrChris [ Mon May 19, 2008 21:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

I never notice sub-fora, and forget to check them - even those with which I am personally connected.

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Mon May 19, 2008 22:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

I would actually vote for a subforum, overall, but I appreciate that's the minority view in here. The proposed alternative, of a stickied "current competition" thread with links to past competitions is the best option I think... but I propose the modification that, once I pull my finger out and finish it, the link to the past competitions go to the site and not the forum. We can have a nice page for each competion on the site, showing the entries and the winner, and that can then link through to the forum for the critique threads. The site will have an entire "photography contests" section so this will become self-organising then i.e. as each new competition is added it will automatically get listed under the right section.

Author:  sinister agent [ Mon May 19, 2008 22:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

Whack it up on the site as a subsection. Once it's running.

Author:  Curiosity [ Mon May 19, 2008 22:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

Agree with site stuff.

Not a fan of sub-fora. I post in the sports one but few people read it. I'd personally nuke the sports forum and have it integrated into the rest of the forum. It only ever has one, maybe two threads running. Seems silly for it to be segregated. It surely decreases participation. I'm sure the non-sport people can avoid it the way I avoid non-mykindofthing threads.

I like the idea of having a sticky for the current contest/judging, if the rest of the forum doesn't mind. Have the entry thread (like this one) contain links to all of the past photo threads too. That'd be kinda ace.

Author:  MrChris [ Mon May 19, 2008 22:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

As ever, what Curiosity said.

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Mon May 19, 2008 22:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

Kicking it up a notch, BAM. People need to tell me who took most of the contest II photos.

Author:  Malabelm [ Mon May 19, 2008 22:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

richardgaywood wrote:
Kicking it up a notch, BAM. People need to tell me who took most of the contest II photos.

You got my user-name wrong :(

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Mon May 19, 2008 22:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

nynfortoo wrote:
richardgaywood wrote:
Kicking it up a notch, BAM. People need to tell me who took most of the contest II photos.

You got my user-name wrong :(
Fixed. Also: oops. Sorry!

Author:  Malabelm [ Mon May 19, 2008 22:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

richardgaywood wrote:
nynfortoo wrote:
richardgaywood wrote:
Kicking it up a notch, BAM. People need to tell me who took most of the contest II photos.

You got my user-name wrong :(
Fixed. Also: oops. Sorry!

No worries!

Excellent job all the same, excellent member guy.

Author:  Goddess Jasmine [ Mon May 19, 2008 23:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Photography Challenge FOUR

Right, I've stickied them both for now with a view to removing them on the appropriate dates. This is just a trial run, so we'll see where it takes us and what people think, I'm wary of having too many stickies at the top of the forum is all. If anybody has any real objection then let me know or tell us in this thread. :)

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