Be Excellent To Each Other

Bad clothes days
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Author:  Tmuk [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 14:11 ]
Post subject:  Bad clothes days

I've been sat here at work all morning quite (relatively) happily, but have just been struck with the realisation that I'm wearing a horrible, bright purple jumper. I bought it last weekend, along with a load of other clothes that I've now decided I hate, and I'm stuck in it until I get home tonight. Does anyone else ever get this, or is it just me? One minute absolutely fine, the next - wooosh - horrendously self-concious and feeling like an utter twat :'(

Author:  Zardoz [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 14:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days


Author:  ElephantBanjoGnome [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 14:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

According to a recent pscyhological study I think I'm always awesome. I also wear clothes.

Author:  Malc [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 14:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

Tmuk wrote:
I've been sat here at work all morning quite (relatively) happily, but have just been struck with the realisation that I'm wearing a horrible, bright purple jumper. I bought it last weekend, along with a load of other clothes that I've now decided I hate, and I'm stuck in it until I get home tonight. Does anyone else ever get this, or is it just me? One minute absolutely fine, the next - wooosh - horrendously self-concious and feeling like an utter twat :'(

No I do the opposite, get given stuff, that I don't think I'll like, never wear it for ages, until one day I'm "forced" to wear it, put it on, and then wear it a few more times, and then really love it.


Author:  Curiosity [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 14:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

I have a fair few pieces of clothing that I really like, but Maria does not like.

I rarely get to wear these.


Author:  DBSnappa [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 14:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

Tmuk wrote:
I've been sat here at work all morning quite (relatively) happily, but have just been struck with the realisation that I'm wearing a horrible, bright purple jumper. I bought it last weekend, along with a load of other clothes that I've now decided I hate, and I'm stuck in it until I get home tonight. Does anyone else ever get this, or is it just me? One minute absolutely fine, the next - wooosh - horrendously self-concious and feeling like an utter twat :'(

If you try too hard to be unique, you will always struggle with the dichotomy of secretly thinking you're a dick. If you don't then you probably are a dick, so I wouldn't worry about it as making a fashion mistake is infinitely better than being a dick.

Author:  MrChris [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 14:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

Curiosity wrote:
I have a fair few pieces of clothing that I really like, but Maria does not like.

I rarely get to wear these.


Yeah, and just you try telling her that any of her clothes are horriblly unflattering or look stupid.

Author:  devilman [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 14:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

Mr Chris wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
I have a fair few pieces of clothing that I really like, but Maria does not like.

I rarely get to wear these.


Yeah, and just you try telling her that any of her clothes are horriblly unflattering or look stupid.

On her or him?

Nearly all my stuff is black these days and black goes well with more black so I'm fine with the stuff I've got.

Author:  Shin [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 14:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

Everyone feels like that sometimes. I have gotten rid of lots of old clothes and now only have the decent ones left. Methinks you need to do a belated spring clean of the owd wardrobe

You can always give it to me as it's purple :)

EDIT: Plus if you are happy wearing it, wear it! Sod what other people think

Author:  myp [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 14:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

Nah, I always look like I'm wearing three-year-old hand-me-downs, so I've learnt not to care.

Author:  Malabelm [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 14:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

I get that every so often, so I go through phases of buying loads of new clothes and giving the old ones to charity.

I'm fairly sure I should have a vagina.

Author:  devilman [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 14:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

I doubt the charity shops would accept those.

Author:  Tmuk [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 14:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

Headphones on, make no eye contact with anyone all day, rush home, incinerate jumper I think ;)

Author:  MrChris [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 15:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

devilman wrote:
I doubt the charity shops would accept those.

Unless it's "as new".

Author:  CUS [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 15:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

I have immense trouble finding shirts that properly go over my shoulders (and then in the case of the few that do, trying to get them over my voluptuous curves). But the shoulders is more of a problem, and one which twatty-spacker 'Sorry, we only go up to XL' clothes-makers don't understand.

So I tend to get a lot of clothes from The Land of the Fat. Although, it wasn't nearly as easy to find 'fat bloke clothes' as I'd have thought. But, consequently, I have a huge amount of clothes in the Big Dogs line, which have some of the most awesome / awful designs ever. I've been wearing this fleecey top thing for the past few days:


It's the most comfortable, best-fitting, warmest fleecy thing EVER though.

Author:  Malabelm [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 15:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

devilman wrote:
I doubt the charity shops would accept those.

Who said anything about accepting? They should be giving me one for all the clothes I've donated!

Author:  Tmuk [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 15:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

I also bought a pair of trainers and they're rubbing like crazy. I've never known a pair of shoes like them - they're the right size, I'm sure of that, but they're taking a hell of a lot of breaking in. It's like a battle of wills between them and me. They can be a stubborn as they like, but my skin will only grow back tougher and stronger, while they gradually soften and yield! All told, it was a pretty disastrous shopping trip.

Author:  Shin [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 15:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

I'm debating on whether I should throw my emo-type shoes away, I don't have many shoes (I know women are meant to have loads, but I can find things more interesting than shoes to spend my money on thanks) the are black pump-like things, very soft and will probably die if it rains, they have a cute little girlie skull thing on them aswell...damn my sister for having the same size feet! I swapped her my ace Kangol one's for four pairs of hers as I felt bad as she gave them to me when I went down a couple of weeks ago...skanky cow gave me crap :(

Author:  DBSnappa [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 15:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

Mr Chris wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
I have a fair few pieces of clothing that I really like, but Maria does not like.

I rarely get to wear these.


Yeah, and just you try telling her that any of her clothes are horriblly unflattering or look stupid.

I've always maintained scrupulous honesty with HC over her clothes purchases and always explained why. I mean, FFS, if you don't want to know DON'T ASK and if you do ask would you rather I lie and let you go out looking unattractive or weird? Clothes can be both very flattering and unflattering - some of the fashions out there are truly cretinous at the moment/or were up until recently.

Author:  MrChris [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 15:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

DBSnappa wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
I have a fair few pieces of clothing that I really like, but Maria does not like.

I rarely get to wear these.


Yeah, and just you try telling her that any of her clothes are horriblly unflattering or look stupid.

I've always maintained scrupulous honesty with HC over her clothes purchases and always explained why. I mean, FFS, if you don't want to know DON'T ASK and if you do ask would you rather I lie and let you go out looking unattractive or weird? Clothes can be both very flattering and unflattering - some of the fashions out there are truly cretinous at the moment/or were up until recently.

Mrs C is brilliant about this - when we got together we had a mutual clothes cull. She will also get me to go and buy her clothes, as I have awesome (and surprisingly restrained) taste in lady clothes for ladies.

Author:  Cras [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 15:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

Mr Chris wrote:
Mrs C is brilliant about this - when we got together we had a mutual clothes cull. She will also get me to go and buy her clothes, as I have awesome (and surprisingly restrained) taste in lady clothes for ladies.

Well it certainly explains where your taste in lady clothes for men comes from.

Author:  CUS [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 15:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

I'm actually shocked that nobody has taken the piss out my jumper. ;) Oh well. Is that kind of thing acceptable these days then?

Author:  Malabelm [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 15:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

CUS wrote:
I'm actually shocked that nobody has taken the piss out my jumper. ;) Oh well. Is that kind of thing acceptable these days then?

It's the kind of appalling that's awesome. Full circle. 88mph.

Author:  Shin [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 15:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

CUS wrote:
I'm actually shocked that nobody has taken the piss out my jumper. ;) Oh well. Is that kind of thing acceptable these days then?

It reminds me of the Boris Klein pictures I've sold so I can't really take the piss out of something that made quite a lot of money for me at once stage

Author:  MrChris [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 15:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

Craster wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
Mrs C is brilliant about this - when we got together we had a mutual clothes cull. She will also get me to go and buy her clothes, as I have awesome (and surprisingly restrained) taste in lady clothes for ladies.

Well it certainly explains where your taste in lady clothes for men comes from.

Only the best for you, darling.

Author:  Runcle [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 15:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

nynfortoo wrote:
I'm fairly sure I should have a vagina.

You'd only break it anyway.

Author:  Cras [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 15:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

Mr Chris wrote:
Only the best for you, darling.

I fucking knew that would happen. Damnit.

Author:  ultrabrilliant [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 15:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

Recently I've been wearing a pair of Marty McFly-style Nikes in a shade that can only be described as 'vomit'. Every now and again I'll catch a glimpse of my feet as I'm walking down the street and suddenly feel really self-concscious, stricken by the ridiculousness of what I've got strapped to my plates of meat.

Author:  GazChap [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 15:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

Do they have power laces?

Author:  Scarysheep3000 [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 16:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

CUS wrote:
I'm actually shocked that nobody has taken the piss out my jumper. ;) Oh well. Is that kind of thing acceptable these days then?

That's because it is fucking amazing.

Author:  Malabelm [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 16:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

Runcle wrote:
nynfortoo wrote:
I'm fairly sure I should have a vagina.

You'd only break it anyway.

I know :(

Wouldn't have a clue what to do with one :'(

Author:  Goddess Jasmine [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 16:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

Shin wrote:
Everyone feels like that sometimes. I have gotten rid of lots of old clothes and now only have the decent ones left. Methinks you need to do a belated spring clean of the owd wardrobe

You can always give it to me as it's purple :)

EDIT: Plus if you are happy wearing it, wear it! Sod what other people think

This from the girl who told me she was dressed like Grim... ;)

Author:  Tmuk [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 16:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

In a moment of total, total insanity, I bought a white Harrington jacket with Burberry lining about 6 months back. I wore it to work once, and it's stayed in my drawer ever since because I hate it so much I can even bare to wear it home. No wonder I never have any money.

Author:  Shin [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 16:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days


Haha! Damn you and your memory :p it was something like 'I look like the Grim...reaper'
Black is a good colour, always works for me ;)

WALNUTS! *Laughs*

Author:  Goddess Jasmine [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 16:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

Will you be doing your walnut trick at the meet? Or is that solely for the people in your hotel room afterwards? ;)

Author:  Shin [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 16:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

Um...depends if they like walnuts I suppose?

*Is genuinely LOL'ing*

Oooh...tummy hurts. Do you think Ian would like it?

Author:  Goddess Jasmine [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 16:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days


Author:  GazChap [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 16:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

Am I ever going to find out what this walnut trick is?

Author:  Malc [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 16:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

I thinking similar to ping pong balls...


Author:  CUS [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 17:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

Joans mate, if you're reading this - fancy splitting a taxi with me?

Author:  Shin [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 17:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

Oh, it's nothing like that-Brownies promise ^.^

Author:  Goddess Jasmine [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 17:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

You weren't in the Brownies were you Shin..? ?:|

Author:  Squirt [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 17:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

She was - they kicked her out after she did the walnut trick.

Author:  metalangel [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 18:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

I was kicked out of the Boy Scouts for eating a Brownie.

Author:  sinister agent [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 18:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

DBSnappa wrote:
some of the fashions out there are truly cretinous at the moment/or were up until recently.

Aye. This is precisely why I hate clothes shopping so much. The vast majority of clothes in the shops are just hideous, and men's clothes are so much more boring than women's.

The last time I went clothes shopping:

I should explain that I hate clothes shopping because it's so futile and annoying, and I do it so infrequently that while doing it, I walk around feeling like some sort of trampy terrorist who Does Not Belong, not least because I spend 90% of the time glancing hopelessly around scanning the area for something that I would bother to stamp on if I found it burning at my feet one day. I'm not fashion conscious and don't have any particular style or whatever you're supposed to have involving clothes, but I'm pretty sure I know when something looks like shit. It simply staggers me to see how much space these shops can fill up with clothes that manage to bridge the gap between bland and vile, and get away with demanding that people not only pay for it, but do so via their nostrils.

And of course, you can't trust the staff for any sort of advice because they're all 16 and would wear a plastic cock on their head if someone on telly did it first. So you're on your own, and as a lone male you just look suspicious somehow in clothes shops, even if you're not already as reclusive and shop-hatey as I am. They're places for women, and men are only allowed in if they're in a loudly chuckling and possibly slightly drunk twosome, or are being dragged around by a woman.

In about an hour I managed to find almost seven things in town that weren't violently hideous, laughably extortionate or distressingly dull (or all three, indeed). Still cost me a lot, but it won't ruin me, and I needed new clothes badly. I even bought jeans, although seeing as there wasn't a single pair of trousers anywhere that weren't either jeans or IMPORTANT BUSINESSMAN style, I didn't really have much choice in the matter. I'd have gone for the wanky smart ones over the trendy casual ones, but I have loads of dull trousers at home for work, so.

The other pair I bought were creamy-white things that probably have some stupid trendy name, but I was happy thining of them as "not jeans", so bought them. Either way, they don't fit, because I was naive enough to think that taking measurements of my body and comparing these to the ostensible measurements of the clothes would be enough, when of course, nobody in the clothes industry can count. Also my body apparently doesn't meet EU proportion requirements, so when I take them back I'll have to choose between a pair with legs that fit but slip effortlessly off my waist every twenty seconds, or one that fits my waist perfectly, but leaves half of my shins bare. Tossers.

Still, the shirts fit. I did intend to buy some colourful ones as a departure from my usual "Fuck it, black'll do" look, but I was quickly reminded of how this attitude originally came to be when it proved impossible to find a shirt that utilised a real colour and not YET MORE FUCKING PASTELS.

"I want a blue shirt, you hear me? Blue."

"These are blue."

"No. NO! That is not blue. That, boy, is what the B&Q paint catalogue calls 'April sky', or 'Dewdrop', or 'lachrymose'. It's not a real goddamn colour, okay? I want a shirt that makes people stop in the street and say 'Fuck me, that's a blue shirt'; the colour you would reach for if an alien landed in your garden one day and asked 'what is blue?'; a colour you could make flags with, not this inoffensive pale pansy-arse non-blue pastel shite."

"I don't think we have any other colours."

"Man, I would fire you so fucking fast... Boris!"

"Aye, sir?"

"Get the torch."

"Aye, sir!"

But anyway. I found a red shirt, so I bought that and a couple of black ones, because it was either these or horrible farmhouse kitchen-cloth grid patterns, black WITH SHINY PATTERNS OMG that at a particular angle make your back look like the wall of an Indian restaurant, or financial rape in return for an identikit shirt with a crass corporate logo emblazoned across every available space. Then I tried to buy underwear.

Socks weren't a problem. Black socks? Hundreds of them. Six pairs for £7. Ten pairs for £15. Two for a fiver. Six for eight. Eight for two. Nine for eleven. Basically it seems you can get any number of pairs of black socks for any number of pounds, as long as both numbers are under 15. No problem. I chose a pair quite explicitly claiming to be "the most comfortable socks in the world!" with the sole intention of disproving this claim by trying on every single pair of socks in the world until I find a more comfortable one, and can then get my money back under threat of a complaint to Trading Standards. Always thinking, me. The trouble is, there's only so much comfort to get from socks, isn't there? In fact as long as socks aren't highly uncomfortable, they're as comfortable as they'll ever get, surely? And unless the socks are made not from cotton but from rusty sheets of iron or sellotape and shattered glass, they're never going to really be uncomfortable, are they? Seriously. Have you ever put on a sock and thought "ahhhh, man, that's the stuff"? Socks are either comfortable, or you're not actually wearing them. There is simply no scale. I've been had.

So, that's socks thoroughly sorted out (has the word 'socks' become completely meaningless to you yet? Socks socks socks. Socks. Sock. No? Try reading it aloud). Now, kecks. Where are the keck... oh dear christ. It's a wall... a storm... nay, an apocalypse of kecks. I've never seen so many tightly-bundled packets of nadge-wrapping. Holy christ. Surely, surely here I can find some straightforward black boxers or something...


Any minute now...


What in the hell is a "slip"?



Is that woman following me?

... Any minute now. Perhaps the next shelf.

Surely, I mean, jesus, there are hundred... thongs?

THONGS? What the hell is this, the Mister Universe section?


ORANGE thongs? What? Why?


She is following me. What's that all about?


This is stupid. There can't be that many pants in Uxbridge.


Black.... ish. But they look uncomfortable. Ugh. I really don't want my package to bulge across the room at all times, thanks.

white... white... grey.... pink.... grey... black but in a packet with two vile stripey things that look like something a child would wear... grey.... more vile stripes...


What the hell is "tanga"?



Gah. I'll take the greyish ones, with the stupid fucking buttons and the horrible stripey pair that I'll end up using to mop up tea spills. No, I don't have a fucking nectar card, and if you make yourself the fifth person to ask me if I want one in an hour I'll crush your elbows in the till and choke you with a jockstrap.

So, all things considered, today was a limited success. I still need trousers, but I ought to be able to get away on Saturday for ten minutes and buy some in Canterbury. Hurrah!

conclusion: Shopping is still for wankers. And I'm not homophobic or anything, but I'd quite like it if there was at least one packet of underwear in the world that didn't feature some bronzed, half-naked ponce on the cover with his bollocks sellotaped to the inside of his pants as though I wouldn't know how to wear them without a serving suggestion. Nobody looks at these things and thinks "WOW I WILL ALSO LOOK LIKE ADONIS NOW I HAVE THESE DEBENHAMS COTTON BRIEFS", and nobody ever will. Stop it, all of you.

Oh, and do people really pay an extra thirty quid for clothes just because they've got the name of some gay Italian sewn into them?

Why? I mean... just... why? Is it possible to do this and still be considered an intelligent life form?

Canterbury tomorrow, then, and if things go to plan I'll feel quite pleased in my new clothes, but will soon be having them torn off and flung carelessly over someone else's furniture. Hurrah!

Author:  Joans [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 18:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

CUS wrote:
Joans mate, if you're reading this - fancy splitting a taxi with me?

All the way to London?
Yes. :(

Author:  Malabelm [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 22:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

People still wear underwear?

Author:  Hugh [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 22:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

I only buy underpants if they look exactly like the ones sported by Rutger Hauer at the end of Blade Runner.

I have quite specific tastes.

Author:  MaliA [ Wed Oct 15, 2008 7:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

I spent 4 years as a catwalk model, so I'm used to odd clothes.

Author:  Tmuk [ Wed Oct 15, 2008 9:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad clothes days

Jeans are another thing. I bought a pair of Wranglers last month - £65 - they fitted perfectly in the shop, but once I'd washed them (according to the washing instructions on the ticket) they shrunk. So now my nice, newly fitting jeans were jack ups, and with all the labels, receipts etc. probably in landfill I had no chance of returning them. So this month I went out, gritted my teeth and spent another packet on a pair of Lee jeans. Only this time I made sure they were slightly too big when I tried them on to allow for shrinkage. But these ones steadfastly refuse to shrink! >:(

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