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I'm renting Wii games, so RMD some!
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Author:  MrD [ Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:30 ]
Post subject:  I'm renting Wii games, so RMD some!


I used that ol' Lovefilm trial thing and rented Trauma Center: Second Opinion and Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

SSBB's Subspace Emissary mode is absolutely bollocks. You can't see anything, you can't do anything. The same (ugly, boring) enemies turn up over and over again. They didn't put in any dialogue either, so I'm not really sure what is happening. My bros and I only played it to unlock Snake (that's 42% of SE, which took 4 hours).

The rest of SSBB is Smash Bros. again. Again. Except, once again, the increased character detail makes telling them apart from the more detailed backgrounds quite difficult. The game is stuck between showing you enough of the character so you know what you're currently doing, and showing you enough of the level so you know what you should do next. The Final Smashes are also pants.

Trauma Center: SO is just like Trauma Center on the DS, except you have to use the remote and nunchuk, which I find difficult to hold for any length of time. (Which is probably why I thought Super Mario Galaxy wasn't much fun. (Apart from the bad music and the bad graphics and the bad levels. BAD.)) I still won it though, but I'm not going to play it again.

TC is still as tense as hell, but it seems like you can tell whether you're going to win or lose based on how the first thirty seconds of an operation goes. (Especially the X missions. You're either in the zone enough, or you're not.)

I'm still glad I don't have one of these things.

Author:  romanista [ Thu Aug 14, 2008 7:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm renting Wii games, so RMD some!

but you want RMD? loved endless ocean, boguht it becuas eit was cheap, but would make a nice rent, as would monkey ball & tabel tennis
(especially in these olympics week)

Author:  LaceSensor [ Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm renting Wii games, so RMD some!

Monkey Ball on the wii is an abomination under god.

My recommendation for a rental - Kororinpa!

Author:  devilman [ Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm renting Wii games, so RMD some!

LaceSensor wrote:
Monkey Ball on the wii is an abomination under god.

The single player game is pretty good - it's the party games that are dire.

Author:  GovernmentYard [ Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm renting Wii games, so RMD some!

Excite Truck
Endless Ocean
Smooth Moves
Boom Blox (Justifies the wiimote by itself)
Eledees (Fisher Price Half Life 2)

Author:  AceAceBaby [ Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm renting Wii games, so RMD some!

Sell it and buy an eggbox. :attitude:

Author:  Anonymous X [ Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm renting Wii games, so RMD some!

MrD wrote:
The rest of SSBB is Smash Bros. again. Again. Except, once again, the increased character detail makes telling them apart from the more detailed backgrounds quite difficult. The game is stuck between showing you enough of the character so you know what you're currently doing, and showing you enough of the level so you know what you should do next.

Ah, thanks. That's all I need to know about the gameplay in order to avoid playing the game forever. :metul:

Author:  Grim... [ Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm renting Wii games, so RMD some!

Anonymous X wrote:
MrD wrote:
The rest of SSBB is Smash Bros. again. Again. Except, once again, the increased character detail makes telling them apart from the more detailed backgrounds quite difficult. The game is stuck between showing you enough of the character so you know what you're currently doing, and showing you enough of the level so you know what you should do next.

Ah, thanks. That's all I need to know about the gameplay in order to avoid playing the game forever. :metul:

Remember that he didn't like Mario Galaxies, though.

Author:  myp [ Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm renting Wii games, so RMD some!

Do you mean 'Super Mario Galaxy'? I've never heard of the game 'Mario Galaxies'.

Author:  Grim... [ Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm renting Wii games, so RMD some!

Well that's not surprising.

Author:  Runcle [ Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm renting Wii games, so RMD some!

no more heroes

Author:  AceAceBaby [ Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm renting Wii games, so RMD some!

I don't like that much. It's quite funny, but playing it is a bit of a repetetive chore.

Author:  Curiosity [ Thu Aug 14, 2008 13:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm renting Wii games, so RMD some!

myoptika wrote:
Do you mean 'Super Mario Galaxy'? I've never heard of the game 'Mario Galaxies'.

Both were rubbish anyway.

Author:  The Rev Owen [ Thu Aug 14, 2008 14:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm renting Wii games, so RMD some!

MrD wrote:
SSBB's Subspace Emissary mode is absolutely bollocks. You can't see anything, you can't do anything. The same (ugly, boring) enemies turn up over and over again. They didn't put in any dialogue either, so I'm not really sure what is happening. My bros and I only played it to unlock Snake (that's 42% of SE, which took 4 hours).

I like Subspace Emissary. I have no idea what you mean by "can't see anything, can't do anything". You run round stages, jump on platforms and kill things, all the while picking up new trophies and stickers. It's ace. Especially the maze at the end.

I really like the rest of the game, too.

Author:  RuySan [ Fri Aug 15, 2008 0:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm renting Wii games, so RMD some!

definitely Excite truck, which is my fav game on the wii after guitar hero 3 and res evil 4.

Author:  MrD [ Fri Aug 15, 2008 15:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm renting Wii games, so RMD some!

Is eledees any good?

Author:  RuySan [ Fri Aug 15, 2008 19:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm renting Wii games, so RMD some!

no, it smells like jizz

Author:  tossrStu [ Wed Aug 20, 2008 0:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm renting Wii games, so RMD some!

AceAceBaby wrote:
Sell it and buy an eggbox. :attitude:

But at least keep it until this comes out next year!

Author:  AceAceBaby [ Wed Aug 20, 2008 1:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm renting Wii games, so RMD some!

Oh my.

Author:  Squirt [ Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm renting Wii games, so RMD some!

Has anyone played the Wii Harvest Moon game? Mrs Squirt played the Gameboy one to death, but somehow they managed to break it on the Gamecube. If it's any good I'll probably get it.

Author:  Anonymous X [ Wed Aug 20, 2008 12:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm renting Wii games, so RMD some!

Squirt wrote:
Has anyone played the Wii Harvest Moon game? Mrs Squirt played the Gameboy one to death, but somehow they managed to break it on the Gamecube. If it's any good I'll probably get it.

I'm sure (according to the NGamer review) that the Wii Harvest Moon is just a port of one of the GC Harvest Moons, and not tarted up in any way. Their review wasn't favourable...

Author:  The Rev Owen [ Wed Aug 20, 2008 15:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm renting Wii games, so RMD some!

It's a port of the second GC Harvest Moon game, that never reached these shores on the GC.

It's a really shoddy port by all accounts, with GC buttons left in some of the text and stuff.

But, then, all Harvest Moon games are horrible buggy.

Author:  Grim... [ Wed Aug 20, 2008 16:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm renting Wii games, so RMD some!

tossrStu wrote:
AceAceBaby wrote:
Sell it and buy an eggbox. :attitude:

But at least keep it until this comes out next year!

And this! ... oplayerpop?

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