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For the Appreciation of Golf games
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Author:  romanista [ Wed Nov 01, 2017 22:29 ]
Post subject:  For the Appreciation of Golf games

Since everybody's golf is discounted, let's discuss our fav. golf games..

Loved PGA on my Mac SE/30..

Amiga..not sure.. Sensi golf was that one dream.. Links showed the mere obsoleteness... Nick faldo? Ryder cup (do love the tournament).. ZANY golf was on of the first games i bought

Some youtubers play Golf with your friends. so my kids do. With their friends..

Mario golf Advance!

And now of course Golf Story...

And since Everybody's golf on the vita was just about perfect, i'm happy to pay another 15 euros for it...

What get you to the links in your stripes trousers?

Author:  devilman [ Wed Nov 01, 2017 22:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

For me -

PGA Tour Golf II (Mega Drive) - The career mode on this was great, with it tracking career earnings for multiple players
Everybody's Golf 2 (PS1) - I can't actually remember too much about why I liked it, but I sunk of fair bit of time into this too
Ace Golf (Gamecube) - similar to Everybody's Golf, but using the C-Stick for the golf swing was much better than simple button pressing

Author:  DavPaz [ Wed Nov 01, 2017 22:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

Microprose Golf on the Amiga for me. Played it for hours.

Author:  Satsuma [ Wed Nov 01, 2017 23:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

Nick Faldo because golf on Mars is golf on Mars.

Author:  MrD [ Thu Nov 02, 2017 0:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

Zany Golf was something I had on the amiga for sure. Difficult as balls, but it's the kind of game that grows with you. When you're a kid you hardly get anywhere, but the more you mellow out, the further you get until you can finally win it. The frame rate is unforgivably stodgy and the sound is pretty feeble. Granted the game was made in 1988 and never bettered within its genre on its system. In fact, unlike many, many more ambitious Amiga games, ZG has simultaneous sound effects and music!

My dad would play a lot of the PGA Tour games on the mig too, so whenever I'm in a quiet place with occasional birdsong, I'll almost always think I'm inside a golf game for real. And the phrases "GUNTHER IS UP." / "ONE MOMENT PLEASE" are never far from my mind.

When I went to my uncle's house as a kid and saw a PC for the first time, one of the first games I saw was Fuzzy's World of Miniature Space Golf, which is pretty much a successor to Zany in every respect, except it has absolutely nothing to do with it, and the camera angle has switched from isometric to oblique (from Rollercoaster Tycoon style to Theme Park style in other words). Playing through a full round of Fuzzy's is much harder than Zany due to hundreds and hundreds of often-deadly gimmicks lying around the field, but it has a practice mode so you can try any hole you like. And the frame rate is super flashy and the graphics are super graphical and the music is super musical. Showing somebody Fuzzy's is absolute proof the Amiga was dead dead dead and never coming back.

We had tons of Links and PGA games on the PC and Win 3.1 but I don't think I knew anyone who was into them.

I liked Mario Golf on the N64, but damn was that difficult too. Reading the greens was near impossible, and the special modes like Ring Shot rely on you being perfectly familiar with the arc generated by each of your clubs. It had a mini golf mode too, but whenever I tried it I was overcome by horrific nausea, the colours were really vibrant, and I could swear that one of the courses emblems was Mario's face except he was STARING AT YOU the whole game (like how James Pond stares at you in Robocod) and it was really unpleasant.

Mario Golf on the GBC was super duper though. Golf with RPG stats that you could play anywhere. A kind of a story, too! Challenges! Greens you could read! I couldn't have been the only person who turned off the third-person stroke view and played it entirely top down so the game went faster and distances were easier to judge. I really liked how it saved replays of your last four birdies, eagles, albatrosses and holes in one. And many generations can now tell a cleek from a creek thanks to the Golf Dictionary. MG GBC was perhaps the first time I ever got 100% in, birdies on every hole, level 99 and max stats. And then I did it again only ever increasing my drive so I had phenomenal, par-5 beating, ridiculously curvy shots. After that I sold the game, but it was such a hit with our family that my bro who I thought hated it bought his own copy and maxed it out too.

I never got on with Advance Tour, I thought the graphics looked ugly.

It was only Tiger Woods on the 360 that really got our attention back - custom characters YAY, custom stats YAY, custom celebrations YAY! Later versions somehow lacked the shine, despite being the same game with the same engine. Maybe the interface had an ugly colour or something?

It sucks that these custom golfers are locked to the game in which you make them, I'd like to be able to share my custom golfers, custom skaters, custom violent madmen between different games. There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to play Resident Evil 4 as your offensively milquetoast golfer self.

I have never played Everybody's Golf.

It seems, for now, Everybody isn't in fact Golf after all.

Author:  myp [ Thu Nov 02, 2017 9:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

Mean 18 came free on a CU Amiga coverdisk I think. Me and my mum played that a lot. Then PGA Tour Golf on a 386 my dad brought home from work.

I think it was Tiger Woods 2004 on the OG Xbox I played more than anything else. I've not really played any since.

Author:  Findus Fop [ Thu Nov 02, 2017 9:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

MrD wrote:
Zany Golf was something I had on the amiga for sure. Difficult as balls, but it's the kind of game that grows with you. When you're a kid you hardly get anywhere, but the more you mellow out, the further you get until you can finally win it. The frame rate is unforgivably stodgy and the sound is pretty feeble. Granted the game was made in 1988 and never bettered within its genre on its system. In fact, unlike many, many more ambitious Amiga games, ZG has simultaneous sound effects and music!

I loved this game. Though in hindsight it feels like the vast amount of time spent playing it was on the hamburger level. I used to hit the ball against the bottle of tommy k for kicks.

Never completed it. That space level can golf off. And you're right, the frame rate was comically porridge.

Author:  zaphod79 [ Thu Nov 02, 2017 10:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

Leaderboard golf on the C64 ... FID%3D1500


Author:  Pundabaya [ Thu Nov 02, 2017 10:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

Everybody's Golf is pretty awesome. You should play it.

Author:  markg [ Thu Nov 02, 2017 11:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

devilman wrote:
For me -

PGA Tour Golf II (Mega Drive) - The career mode on this was great, with it tracking career earnings for multiple players

This was my first one. Many memories of playing this baked sat in my mate's high rise flat to resolve the difficult question of who was going to make a brew. Not really played many golf games since but currently play a round or two on The Golf Club on PS4 when a particular friend pops over once every couple of weeks. It's a good, if slightly serious one but definitely the best I have played when it's you against another person sat next to you. Mostly because there is no way to increase your stats or buy better clubs. You only get better by choosing and playing better shots rather than merely having to persist until your stats let you drive the ball up to the edge of the green every time.

Author:  devilman [ Thu Nov 02, 2017 11:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

One thing that PGA II really got right is the sound, with the varying levels of applause depending on how good your score was on a hole and the gasps at near-misses.

Author:  Mr Burrrrt [ Thu Nov 02, 2017 11:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

markg wrote:
devilman wrote:
For me -

currently play a round or two on The Golf Club on PS4

Golf Club 2 is even better. The great thing about these games is no gimmicks, no super shots, no aiming line. Just a golf sim. Also it has a course designer, so you can play a different course every time. From recreations of real courses to wacky fantasy courses. So this means no DLC ever for these games.

Author:  Trousers [ Thu Nov 02, 2017 13:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

Everybody's Golf for me too. I've tried the others but they just seem like a slog. EG is set up for my tiny attention span with constant club upgrades, ability to skip stuff and yet the underlying golf mechanics feel really solid.

It's on sale now for PS Plus members so definitely worth the investment.

Author:  Hearthly [ Thu Nov 02, 2017 14:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

I've got a real soft spot for a few of the arcade golf games emulated in MAME.

Major Title and Major Title 2, and Neo Turf Masters in particular.

Oh yes and that Konami one, Golfing Greats, I used to play that in the arcade here a lot, back when we still had an arcade. The emulation in MAME is a bit wonky but it's still playable.

On home formats Microprose Golf on the Amiga (already referenced above I see), and there was some crazy golf game on the 360 that me and a mate had a lot of fun with - 3D Ultra Mini Golf, that's the fella. Going back far enough I played the original Leaderboard quite a lot on Speccy and C64.

I have more modern proper golf games like Tiger Woods on the 360 (can't remember which one, but there was no crashing cars or shagging around in it so not very realistic), but they seemed too full of things that confused me and I didn't like very much so I just played Neo Turf Masters instead.

If I had a PS4 I'd deffo have that Everybody's Golf but I don't so I haven't.

Author:  devilman [ Thu Nov 02, 2017 14:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

I'd forgotten about Neo Turf Masters; that was great on the Neo Geo Pocket, particularly.

Trousers wrote:
Everybody's Golf for me too. I've tried the others but they just seem like a slog. EG is set up for my tiny attention span with constant club upgrades, ability to skip stuff and yet the underlying golf mechanics feel really solid.

That's something else that Ace Golf did pretty well too. You never had to watch the outcome of your shot if you didn't want to. Skipping each long shot meant you could finish a whole round of golf very quickly.

Author:  romanista [ Thu Nov 02, 2017 15:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

my friend matt s. is currently playing a jap version of pebble beach he loves

Yes! I loved Golf Story now I just want to play more golf. This is "Waialae no Kiseki" but you should play "Pebble Beach Golf Links" first to learn the interface as it's only one English one in the series. I prefer the look of the Japanese versions. Also SNES versions aren't as good. I also play these on SNES mini through RetroArch Genesis Plus GX core.

Author:  Grim... [ Thu Nov 02, 2017 15:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

No I'm not.

Author:  romanista [ Thu Nov 02, 2017 15:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

Findus Fop wrote:
I loved this game. Though in hindsight it feels like the vast amount of time spent playing it was on the hamburger level. I used to hit the ball against the bottle of tommy k for kicks.

Never completed it. That space level can golf off. And you're right, the frame rate was comically porridge.

Ah the hamburger level.. probably the reason i wanted an amiga, remember it being reviewed in an issue of 'Commodore Info' the dutch all commodore magazine..

(fun to read those old reviews on abime

Author:  Hearthly [ Mon Jul 02, 2018 18:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

Hearthly wrote:
If I had a PS4 I'd deffo have that Everybody's Golf but I don't so I haven't.

I now have a PS4, so I have this.

What a charming and wonderful golf game! It's actually managing to divert some of my God of War attentions.

I baulked a bit at the £30 asking price, but it's clearly worth the cash as it's such a lovingly crafted game.

Love the Japanese feel of it all. And of course your first VS opponent is a 17 year old Japanese girl in a short skirt who winks at you. OBVIOUSLY.

Author:  myp [ Mon Jul 02, 2018 19:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

Golf Story is pretty wonderful.

Author:  Sir Taxalot [ Tue Jul 03, 2018 2:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

What was that golf game in the arcade cabinet, with the trackball? This was in loads of pubs around the late 90s and early 00s. I had a couple of friends that were ridiculously competitive over that one.

I think it was Mean 18 that I played a lot of, against my sister, as kids, on the A500.

I'm also a bit of a sucker for mini/crazy golf games, they seems to be quite well suited for a quick blast on a mobile phone. There was one built in to my Sony Ericsson Z600 that I played loads of when I was staying with Lady T in Pamplona (she had to go out to work, and I had all sorts of excuses why I'd just stay in the apartment all day until she was finished).

Author:  myp [ Tue Jul 03, 2018 7:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

Desert Golfing is weirdly compelling.

Author:  markg [ Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

Yeah I got way too far on that.

Author:  devilman [ Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

Sir Taxalot wrote:
What was that golf game in the arcade cabinet, with the trackball? This was in loads of pubs around the late 90s and early 00s. I had a couple of friends that were ridiculously competitive over that one.

Golden Tee? They actually made a home version of it too as a TV game thing.

Author:  Hearthly [ Tue Jul 03, 2018 9:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

Yes that's the one. They did loads of versions and they all had really shitty graphics.

Screenshot 2018-07-03 at 09.10.40.png

Author:  myp [ Tue Jul 03, 2018 11:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

markg wrote:
Yeah I got way too far on that.

I think I forced myself to delete it after 1,000 holes.

Author:  Hearthly [ Thu Aug 02, 2018 7:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

EVERYBODY'S GOLF is sensational. I finished the single player campaign last night and am now onto the Special Vs Characters. God knows what my playtime is but it must be about the same as God Of War. (50 hours plus.)

I haven't done any of the online stuff at all so can't comment. Trousers is over this weekend so we'll be doing multiplayer and are both vowing to kick each other's arses. ONLY ONE OF US CAN BE RIGHT.

It's basically the perfect golf game, arcadey and accessible but with enough of a 'real golf' feel to be consistently interesting and challenging.

I heard it's on sale at the moment but I paid the top whack of £30 and feel I've had fantastic value for money.

Oh yes the loading times are fucking abominable, but apart from that, perfect.

Author:  romanista [ Thu Aug 09, 2018 7:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

Who won?

Author:  Hearthly [ Thu Aug 09, 2018 7:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

Trousers was pissing and moaning that the controls are laggy on PS4 Pro and it's not like that on his PS4 and that's why he kept completely fucking his shots up, apparently.

Then he Googled it and says he found EVIDENCE of this, so we played other games instead.

Now I've never played the game on PS4 so I have nothing to compare it to, but he swore blind that on the Pro he was having to press the button well ahead of where he wanted the power gauge to actually stop, but on PS4 he doesn't have to do it.

Author:  JohnCoffey [ Thu Aug 09, 2018 11:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

For me it will always been PGA tour on the MD and Mario Golf 64. There was nothing quite like sitting down with three chums and hitting the taunt buttons as they were trying to take a shot. OMG, so funny.

Author:  Hearthly [ Sun Aug 12, 2018 20:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

Here is my review of Everybody's Golf.

Author:  devilman [ Thu Mar 28, 2019 12:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

markg wrote:
devilman wrote:
For me -

PGA Tour Golf II (Mega Drive) - The career mode on this was great, with it tracking career earnings for multiple players

This was my first one. Many memories of playing this baked sat in my mate's high rise flat to resolve the difficult question of who was going to make a brew. Not really played many golf games since but currently play a round or two on The Golf Club on PS4 when a particular friend pops over once every couple of weeks. It's a good, if slightly serious one but definitely the best I have played when it's you against another person sat next to you. Mostly because there is no way to increase your stats or buy better clubs. You only get better by choosing and playing better shots rather than merely having to persist until your stats let you drive the ball up to the edge of the green every time.

I thought I'd come back to this thread to see if anyone had mentioned The Golf Club and saw your reply to me. :) I had a couple of rounds on it yesterday and I really like it so far. No gimmicks - just a relaxing game of golf. The graphics engine seems to stutter a little in places, but on the whole, it might be one game I buy if I don't keep the Game Pass subscription going.

Author:  Hero of Excellence [ Thu Mar 28, 2019 15:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

Neo Turf Masters on the Neo Geo AES, that’s my favourite old-style golf game. So arcadey, so fun.

Honourable mention to Mario Golf on the Nintendo 64, and Mario Golf: Advance Tour on the GBA (it’s a JRPG lite disguised as a golf game).

Author:  romanista [ Thu Mar 28, 2019 19:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

Yeah, alwaysreally loved mario golf advance tour... those jpg-lite meets sports (see golf story as well) are often lovely..

Author:  romanista [ Wed Apr 07, 2021 7:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

Everybody's golf now came out for Apple Arcade: ... bodys-golf
(as clap hanz golf, named after the developers)

and in June we're getting some more Mario golf.., of which the speed mode is lauded, my everybody's golf on the ps4 has actually got something similar (they do share some Dna, Camelot made EG on the ps1) ... _this_june

and Camelot had a Capcom golf game on the Wii, didn't know that

Author:  MrD [ Wed Apr 07, 2021 20:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

I bought Everybody's Golf: World Tour on the PS3 a while back. I saw some screenshots of the character customiser from the PS4 EG and read that EG is basically Mario Golf from the N64 but ported to other consoles, so I decided to give it a shot.

Everybody's Golf: WT does not have any character customisation. I do not understand why a game where you see your character from third person for the majority of the game would not let you make a character. It's called Everybody's damned Golf. It's not These Guys' Golf.

You have no idea how swindled I felt.

Author:  romanista [ Tue Apr 13, 2021 7:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

Good timing by nintendo.. they announce a new golf game, and a the first japanese man wins a gof major.. will sell like hell.. and golf is a recent addition to the olypic games too..

Author:  romanista [ Mon Jun 28, 2021 14:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

got it friday.. playing the story mode.. like the general atmosphere.. not sure if the 1 click method with effects will provide so much control in the end.. will report back

Author:  Hearthly [ Mon Jun 28, 2021 14:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

If we're talking about Mario Golf Super Rush I put about 15 hours into it over the weekend and am loving it to pieces. Thoroughly charming in every regard and the Speed Golf mode, which I wasn't sure about going into it, has turned out to be really good fun.

The reviews aren't particularly glowing in the main, but I have no complaints.

Author:  Hearthly [ Mon Jun 28, 2021 20:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

Hmmm that didn't last as long as I was expecting, turns out I was very near the end of Adventure Mode and once you're done with that there's, erm, not really much to do. No super challenges or super opponents or anything like that.

Not entirely sure where the motivation to carry on playing is going to come from as I'll basically just be trying to beat my own high scores now.

Author:  Satsuma [ Mon Jun 28, 2021 20:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

Worth £50 in retrospect?

Author:  Hearthly [ Mon Jun 28, 2021 21:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

Every last penny!

Author:  Mimi [ Thu Jul 01, 2021 21:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

We’ve been playing the new Mario Golf game for the Switch tonight and so far have enjoyed it very much. Normal play hasn’t seemed like a great departure form Mario Golf games I’ve played before, but that’s good, because we were looking for something simple and gentle.

We’ve not played any other modes yet.

Wish they’d remake Ribbit King.

Author:  Grim... [ Fri Jul 02, 2021 9:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

I tried the "adventure mode". It took 9.6 millennia before I was allowed to hit a golf ball.

Author:  Mimi [ Fri Jul 02, 2021 10:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

OMG. I am just trying Adventure Mode now and there are screens and screens of explanation, which only followed after my fellow rookies went on chatting for about half an hour. :|

It’s still great, though.

Author:  Hearthly [ Fri Jul 02, 2021 11:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

Adventure Mode was what I enjoyed the most, however after around 15 hours it was all done, my Mii character was objectively better than all the actual ingame characters, and it didn't unlock any hard opponents or alternate rulesets or anything else.

Everybody's Golf on the PS4 is the better game, and offers far more in the way of challenge and content, even though both games offer the same number of courses (six).

I still enjoyed Mario Golf Super Rush but as a single player experience it ran out of steam for me earlier than I'd have liked.

Author:  Mimi [ Fri Jul 02, 2021 12:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

I have just finished the first 18 hole tournament at 10 under par with my nearest opponent at +3, so I hope they get a bit better than that, at least. I didn’t buy it to play single player, though. I just bought it to play against Russell and maybe online against BEEX’ers at some point. I’m going to play the story mode just to get me some nifty golf clobber at the merch hut.

Author:  Mimi [ Fri Jul 02, 2021 18:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

The world in the adventure mode looks really pretty and is vast for what it needs to be. The main clubhouse, for example. As far as I can tell the only functional but is the shop, but the cafe, etc are marked on the map on the notice board. Do they serve any function later in the game?

Author:  Hearthly [ Sat Jul 03, 2021 9:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

I didn't find any function for them Mimi, you can chat to everyone and they'll have something to say to you, but only the shop seemed to 'do' anything.

You will find some little chaps with blue exclamation marks over their heads, they will have some training for you to do that awards EXP and teaches you some new techniques.

I found Adventure Mode thoroughly charming from start to finish, but it felt to me it really needed to lead into something else, rather than just hard stop when the last boss was defeated.

Author:  Mimi [ Sat Jul 03, 2021 9:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: For the Appreciation of Golf games

I retesting. I wonder if they are the remnants of an unfinished idea, or were always intended to be decorative only? I’m used to cafeterias being there for advancing stamina, etc :D

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